Insulin resistance

hi everyone,

i just had a OGTT done 2 days ago and my results came in. I have a basal insulin of 21.1 and a insulin resistance of 4.9. My weight now is 75 (BMI is 28). My gyn has asked me to take metformin 500 thrice a day. I just started the drug intake. I want to know when we ll see a decrease in the insulin resistance and basal insulin level.

Also, i have no GI tract upset so far..My gyn said i ll be having diarrhea and cramps. so far,i am feeling ok.

Please let me know how long it will take for me to get better.


  • amadden2012
    amadden2012 Posts: 4 Member
    I have to take metformin as well, though not just for my PCOS but because I am also a Type 2 diabetic; I myself just found this out last week. But to answer your question, she told me it could take anywhere up to 6 months to see results of the metformin.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    It all depends on whether the 1500mg total per day is enough for your body to respond to. If it's enough, you should see a change in a couple of months, in a follow-up blood draw. If it's not enough, then it likely won't change.

    It will also depend on your diet and exercise routine. Exercise is crucial in lowering insulin resistance, so make sure you're working out regularly. Diet can also make a difference. For example, a diet high in foods that increase insulin levels (such as high carb or high protein) can work against the Metformin.
  • xcga33i
    xcga33i Posts: 26 Member
    My dr put me on 1000mg to start with and wants me to re test in 3 months. I have lost 32 lbs since then so I am hoping with both weight loss and met I will see a difference. I will find out on Oct 24. My insulin was 30. Ugg...she said she might need to increase the met... I will try to remember to find this post to update after I get my new blood results.

    I was one of the unlucky ones that had a lot of tummy trouble the first month. But I figured out what was triggering it and now I don't put half and half in my morning coffee... I use 1% milk and a spoon ful of light cool whip.
  • xcga33i
    xcga33i Posts: 26 Member
    I got my insulin test back. It went down from 30.0 to 20.1 in 3 months but that was with a lot of cartio and 33 lbs lost. I take 500 mg 2 x a day and dr said that was good for now. She wants insulin under 15 and wants me back in 6 mo this time. Woo hoo. Now I need to get myself back into running. I have backed off since I finished c25k. Good luck
  • missa3428
    missa3428 Posts: 114
    That's great news! :) keep up the great work!