Greetings and presenting ouselves

maritsa88 Posts: 62 Member
My name is Maritsa and i'm from Greece. Living in Athens. I'm teaching greek language and at this time i'm giving private lessons to kids. I'm also a postgraduate student in Greek literature and linguistics. I love my job and i wish i could work more. I couldn't stay any more inside home in front of a computer screen so i decided to get outside. I started walking everyday but i need some companions or competitive people who really want to take this challenge with me. I know that it's impossible to run or walk outside every day but we can use our steps or our stationary bikes in order to count our measurements. This month we have a 60 mile challenge. It doesn't matter if we are finish the line of 60 it will matter really if we at least try. I'm a person who gets bored very easily but really i get the interest when i'm competing. I want to lose over a 100 pounds but i know i can't do it all by myself! Beside the challenge i really want us to have fun and share our moments. We can discuss things, problems and our ups and downs! This will be our meeting point! Thanks all in advance those who will share this idea!:heart::flowerforyou:


  • oc1timoco
    oc1timoco Posts: 272 Member
    I really enjoy walking and I do quite a bit of it. In the evenings I try to walk 4 miles at least 5 times a week. It gives me time to reflect on human behavior or rocket science or wherever my mind drifts off to. Athens is a beautiful city, though it has been many years since I was there. I look forward to the walk .
  • Inner_Goddess
    Inner_Goddess Posts: 1,146 Member
    I'm in! I love this challenge. I try for the treadmill daily and I try for a walk on my lunch hour about 3 days a week. It will be good to track it.
  • paulbriffitt
    paulbriffitt Posts: 10 Member
    I used go for a walk every lunch break and do all my business telephone calls this way. I lost touch with doing this over the past two years. I work on the edge of the south downs national Park, so I'm looking forward to picking up this challenge. :smile:
  • Maqui04
    Maqui04 Posts: 45 Member
    Im in! i walk 4 or 5 miles monday to friday so it would be pretty awesome to walk 60 miles in a month is a huge thing also i walk a lot everyday cuz i dont have a car and i decide to walk cuz is good for my health
  • RedsknU2
    RedsknU2 Posts: 63 Member
    Hey all - My name is Shelli and I am from the Columbus, Ohio area. I also have about 80 pounds I wold like to lose, and enjoy a little competition as well. I look forward to getting to know everyone on our "walk"!
  • Wow this sounds like an interesting challenge! I am very sedintary during my work hours so this is going to be a great opportunity for me to actually take my breaks and walk during them! I'm going to see how many miles walking every day at work will accumluate from today thru Nov 16th. Good luck everyone!
  • Hello Group,
    I am up and down with my weight and look forward to this challenge. I just moved to Washington state from Georgia, so I am adjusting to things here. My goal is to loose weight and to make exercise a part of life. I look forward to the challenge
    Today is my first day of
  • maritsa88
    maritsa88 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi everyone thanks for joining!!!I'm so so excited to have you here!!! I know that this is kind of difficult but we can try it all together!Today is a big day and the challenge really begins!!! I'm very happy!!!!!
  • My name is Ali! I'm 21 trying to lose about 75lbs. I love to hike and trying to get into more healthy exercises so this works well for me
  • Maqui04
    Maqui04 Posts: 45 Member
    I forgot to say that im from Dominican Republic and i'm 25 yrs trying to lose 37 pounds but now i think like 20 cuz i lost more than the 10 this thing show
  • lisakay58
    lisakay58 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Lisa, I am in NE Oregon. I need this challenge! I walked about 5 miles everyday in the summer, but, since the weather turned cold it is real hard for me to walk outside. I bought myself an used treadmill, hopefully this challenge will motivate me to get on it and walk. Let's do this!
    Take care,
  • Maqui04
    Maqui04 Posts: 45 Member
    You can do the Leslie Sasone Walk Away the pounds!!!! You can walk 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 miles very fast! I usually walk 4 miles but since yesterday i walk 5 miles! And is awesome just in front of my computer and is avaliable in youtube.
  • maritsa88
    maritsa88 Posts: 62 Member
    you really can do this!!!everyone you can really do it!!!
  • cgphelps24
    cgphelps24 Posts: 122 Member
    Hello everyone,

    My name is Christine from Austin Texas. I have been walking lately at home with a workout video. I am up to 4 miles so I will do my best to meet our goal.

    I am very excited to continue my weight loss journey with this new group. I am hoping to lose an additional 40-50 pounds by next March, planning a trip to the beach in Florida to visit a friend. I do need the challenges to help motivate myself because it is so hard for me to do this alone.

    Good luck to everyone and here's to making it 60 miles!!
  • athomebody
    athomebody Posts: 19 Member
    I am looking for groups to help me stay motivated to keep trying to eat healthier and exercise routinely.
    I use to run often, but recently have not been. So this I hope will help me get back out there and jogging again.
    I enjoy doing a short 5km run, which I can do within 30 mins so its not time consuming. I would like to get out for longer runs.
    I will be starting tomorrow with weigh-in and measurements. Since the start of this year I have shed about 25lbs. I am still looking to shed about 10-15 more lbs (of fat). I am fine with my weight right now but I would like to build muscles and get stronger.
    Good luck to everyone and have fun.

  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    I kept forgetting to introduce myself. My name is Jennie. I'm always trying to find things to make me move more. I'm currently doing a 50 mile one, but wanted to continue on to more. I've always been really bad with exercise and I'm really trying to change that. I'm struggling with losing weight, so I'm probably going to have to change my eating habits too. Thank you so much for this challenge, I really need it!
