Team Green Meet and Greet

tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
Hello fellow Team Green members. Please let me introduce myself. I am Tammie(tambam72), 41, team captain. I am a mother of one beautiful 6 year old girl ( yes I had her late in life). I work for county government and am very active in a variety of things. I belong to our local YMCA and love taking circuit training and spin classes there. I also am an avid walker. I love the outdoors and especially fall for all the colors and smells. I suffer from poly-cystic ovaries, insulin intolerance, and have had two knee surgeries, so yes I understand when you are having a bad day or have an injury that prevents you from doing a challenge. With that said, I also know that the only way to change your body and your way of thinking is to challenge yourself a little out of your comfort zone, so I ask that everyone will at least try the challenges. I hope that you find that some of the challenges I come up with are not only motivating, but fun to do and that you learn a little something from them. My highest weight was 255 and my lowest weight was 145, so yes I know the up and downs of birth, sickness, and injury, but I also know you can't use these as excuses to maintain your current situation. Only YOU can change YOU, I can help motivate you, but in the end the choice is YOURS as to whether you want to do it or not!! I look forward to chatting with each one of you and never hesitate to ask me anything..if I do not know the answer, I promise to find out and get back to you. I love to read lots of posts and do not worry about the length because sometimes we just need to vent, I am ok with that!! I would also like MONDAYS as our official weigh in, so that I can ensure that all weights are in by Tuesday. Let's have a great challenge!! GO TEAM GREEN!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:


  • Oh_Allie
    Oh_Allie Posts: 258 Member
    Hi Tammie, it's nice to meet you!! Thanks for being our coach! :)

    Hi everyone, I'm Allie! I'm 28 and a work-at-home mom to a 3-year old boy. This isn't the first time I've been on this journey, but it will be my last.

    A little over 5 years ago I took charge of my life. I lost 91 pounds in 6 months, bringing me to 196 pounds (size 12), most of that alongside season 5 where Ali Vincent won. Then life happened. I got married, ate, got divorced, ate more, met my boyfriend and moved in with him, ate more, got pregnant and gained 80 more pounds. I was diagnosed with post-partum depression, my Gram (the woman who raised me) died and I just ate, ate, ate. I developed an alcohol problem which caused me to fall farther into the depression and life just spiraled out of control. I hit 357 pounds in 2012 and stayed around there until March 2013, where my highest recorded weight was 360 pounds.

    In the past 7 months, I've cleaned up my act quite a bit (I still indulge in alcohol a 2-3 times a month, but I sought help for the real problems behind the drinking and over-eating). And now I'm here. As of 10/8/2013 I weighed in at 338.8 pounds and I'm so proud of myself. My ultimate goal is to be somewhere in the neighborhood of 160 pounds, but my goal for this challenge is to hit 299 and rid myself of the 300s forever.

    Because this is such a struggle, I've learned to just be really open about things, so I hope I didn't just ramble on too much. I promise I'm not always such a downer! :)

    It's great to be here and I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone here! Good luck! =D
  • xoemmytee
    xoemmytee Posts: 162 Member
    Greetings Team Green!
    I'm Emily, but you can call me Emmy!
    I'm 21 and a full-time student. My interests are ornithology and wildlife conservation. I work with raptors and songbirds on a daily basis. I'm also quite the geek!
    I have always been slightly overweight. I've recently overcome social anxiety, depression, and body image issues and I'm the strongest mentally as I have ever been. I had always done yo-yo dieting with little to show for it. Coming off medication I was at my highest weight ever but I am doing low carb because it lets me eat my favorite foods and I've already lost around 20 lbs. It's more of a lifestyle than a diet now. I'm finally losing weight out of self-love, not self-hate. I find the biggest loser so inspiring even though I am not the size of most competitors.

    I do need help avoiding temptation as eating can be a social event for college students. I also need a kick in the butt to find time to go running.

    Happy to be on Team Green!
  • Tolstoy26
    Tolstoy26 Posts: 134 Member
    Hi Team Green! I'm Christy, I'm 26 (turning 27 at the end of this month) and have started putting on weight slowly since going to grad school and then getting my office job. I started my mission to get healthy and lose weight at the beginning of the summer and so far am down about 20 lbs. Currently I am doing the Insanity program and trying to eat a paleo diet 80% of the time, as I feel best when I consume less grains and dairy.

    I've always loved the biggest loser and am looking forward to this challenge! This will be the motivation I need to continue my efforts until I reach my goal weight!!
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Hi Allie:
    Great to meet you and I can understand your story completely. I think that you are doing awesome and you will get exactly where you want to be. Stay strong, stay focused, and do things that push you a little ( you will see major changes)!! Go Team Green!!:happy:
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Hi Christy:
    Nice to meet you and I hope to help keep everyone motivated and focused!! If you would like something extra let me my friends tell me I am the crazy friend with the crazy ideas so let me know what you are looking for. Welcome aboard and go Team Green!!:happy:
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Ok ladies, I know you don't know me, but let me give you a taste of what I do. Today in the rain, I climbed one of the high peaks in the Adirondacks in New York. Cascade Mountain is 1990' to the top. At the top, it was sleeting, the wind was blowing hard, and there was so much fog you could hardly see. It took my friend and I five hours from bottom to top and then back down. We encountered mudslides, trees fallen over the path, had to cross over water, pull ourselves up ledges because there were no foot holds. I fell, slipped, made trees and rocks my friends, and even swore a little. What did I learn today? That the only limitations that we have are the ones we place on ourselves. I have had 2 knee surgeries in 2 years (one on August 13,2013) and I just climbed a high peak. I learned today that if I aim for the sky, then I can touch the sky!! I learned if I look fear in the eye, accept it, appreciate it, and then let go of it, I can accomplish anything ( I was afraid to climb because I did not want to blow out my knee). I learned that the scars and the bruises that we get along the way in life (which I got a few today) remind us of the most amazing moments in our lives. This week I ask that you find something that gets yourself out of the comfort zone and do it and let me know how it made you feel..Could you accomplish it or not? Why or why not? What were your feelings?
  • FieryVixsin
    FieryVixsin Posts: 102 Member
    Hello team green!

    My name is Heather I'm 29. My goal is to be fit for 30 that is May! I've been on myfitness pal for a while and lost nearly 50 lbs. Then real life happened and I lost my focus luckily I only put like 15 lbs back on when I realized I was undoing all I had tried so hard for. For whatever reason I'm just having a hard time finding the motivation a go out and move. I'm a serious gamer and nerd and where that wasn't an issue before I was walking about 4 miles everyday. I can't seem to get off my butt. that is why I joined I'm always up for a challenge and having the accountability of other relying on me I think will get me out of this funk I seem to find myself in.

    Thanks for everyone sharing there stories I look forward to getting to know everyone better and kicking some serious butt.

  • Hi there! I am 29 years old and want to be fit for 30. I am a mom of three (6,5, and 22 month old) and work full time as an events and communications director. I am at my heaviest right now and can't wait to get back down to my goal weight. I am a total gym rat when I can get there, but that is a task in itself. I currently work out in the early morning. I am at that crazy girl at 4 in the morning running with her dog.

    I am looking forward to the challenge of Biggest Loser.
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Welcome Heather..I look forward to kicking butt too. You will find that I am competitive and like to say ahead of the game,so let's get this challenge on..put the game paddles done, the remote away, the computer off and get out there and push!!:happy:
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Good evening everyone..well tonight is the premiere and every one should be working out during this. I would like every one to try and do the following:
    Jillian screams-10 crunches
    Dolvett encourages someone- 10 jumping jacks
    Bob yells oh no or hell no- 10 push ups
    When someone pukes- 0 knee lifts each side
    During commercial breaks- 1- 1 minute plank
    I have already worked out on the elliptical for 65 minutes at an incline of 10 intensity 5 and did an hour of Zumba.. Let's show them what we are made of ladies. GO TEAM GREEN!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • jfea
    jfea Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Team!!

    So I am parked in front of the tv to watch the first episode! I am excited to be a part of the with all of you!

    A little about me: I am 47, married, mom of two girls 16 and 12, and live in Pennsylvania. I teach psychology at the college level and also work as a career counselor.

    I am a total stress eater and looking forward to be part of a team that holds each other accountable. I hate letting people down so I will be trying my best.

    I was thinking about our team leaders' question about conquering something big that I have gotten on top of, and I thought that my weight is that mountain that always seems to hold me back because I never seem to conquer it. I am hoping through this challenge that can work hard even during a very stressful time of year for me.

    Thanks in advance!!
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Welcome Southern Girl..I too like early morning workouts..get in, get it done.!!
  • zzzzia
    zzzzia Posts: 295 Member
    Hello all :)
    I'm Izzie, I'm 32 years old. Just got a bad gastro/food intox for 4 days now. My weekly goal would have been to take time for myself at the beginning of the week. I work as a nurse and it seems there is always overtime, and it seems that I always say yes, and cancel all my 'me time'. Having been sick for 4 days, my goal is to get through this week and not end up with an IV at the hospital :)

    Seriously, my challenge goal would be to lose 33 lbs, and be in Onederland :) I haven't been below 200 for 7 or 8 years and it's about time!
  • zzzzia
    zzzzia Posts: 295 Member
    @Tammie: Just updated my weight as I had lost 3 lbs last week :)
  • Oh_Allie
    Oh_Allie Posts: 258 Member
    Good evening everyone..well tonight is the premiere and every one should be working out during this. I would like every one to try and do the following:
    Jillian screams-10 crunches
    Dolvett encourages someone- 10 jumping jacks
    Bob yells oh no or hell no- 10 push ups
    When someone pukes- 0 knee lifts each side
    During commercial breaks- 1- 1 minute plank
    I have already worked out on the elliptical for 65 minutes at an incline of 10 intensity 5 and did an hour of Zumba.. Let's show them what we are made of ladies. GO TEAM GREEN!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I wasn't able to work out during the show last night and I'm not sure how many times all of this stuff happened, but I added 3 sets of these things to my workout plan for today. :)
  • jesserunsfree
    jesserunsfree Posts: 194 Member
    Hi, my name is Jessica and I am 27 years old. I am a store manager, and work on the sales floor 5 days a week interacting with guest and running all over the place. It amazes me sometimes how much weight I put on leading such an active lifestyle. The last two years of my life my health and weight got so out of control I got to the point I'd roll out of bed in the morning with my husbands assistance, go to work, come home and crawl into bed. I couldn't even go to the bathroom without help getting out of bed at night. In January of this year I weighed a little over 380 lbs. I began my adventure by giving up coffee, sugar drinks and soda. It took me til March to accomplish this. As I got thru this I began noticing that some of my pain in my legs was becoming less. My mother suggested eating foods that were lower in sodium. As i reduced my sodium intake I began to feel better and started taking evening walks after work. On May 29th, 2013 I found myFitnessPals and began my weight loss journey. I started on May 29th at 352.2 lbs and have lost 83 lbs since then. I have 32 days counting today til my 6th wedding anniversary and I want to loose all 17lbs that gets me to the 100lbs lost mark. I will hit it. We don't have cable so my husband and I watch Biggest Loser on Wednesday nights on hulu. So I will do the workout tonight. I am so excited to read each of your stories and get to know you all.

    My main course of exercise is running. I love to run. To get my legs back after them hurting so bad for so long is an amazing thing. I plan to cherish every moment with them and ultimately I want to complete a marathon once I hit my goal weight of 170.