our new group

:happy: Here's our new group. I'm trying to send out invites to everyone who was on forum, but can you invite your friend too and then we can all keep each other going in one place! :))


  • j0j0ba
    j0j0ba Posts: 66
    looking forward to it ;)
  • pdawnfloyd
    pdawnfloyd Posts: 33 Member
    I'm new here but love the group topic and would love to be apart of it to keep me focused. I was just saying the other day that I want to make as much progress as possible before Christmas because i don't want to look back at the pictures and be disgusted with myself.
  • flfi
    flfi Posts: 13
    I feel exactly the same. We will be in them this year, and proud. (I normally hide or put a big chair or person in front of me so you can only see my head) x
  • Emkatemom
    Emkatemom Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! Hope you don't mind if I join you! I love this idea and am looking forward to being in holiday pics this year. I am turning 40 a month after Christmas and hope to be well on the way to a healthier me by then.
  • Hi! Hope y'all don't mind me joining this group. I love the idea! I'm trying to start 2014 off with a bang, and what better way than to stay focused during the holidays:) It would be nice to feel confident in my holiday photos for once. Plus, I love Christmas!
  • flfi
    flfi Posts: 13
    Welcome, the more the merrier :) x
  • briabner
    briabner Posts: 427 Member
    LOVE THIS!!! When I commented on your post on the forums I actually looked back at photos that were taken last Christmas. They were taken right before I started my journey January 1, 2013. I can already say that its much improved but any more weight loss will be my cherry on top of my sundae lol

    I am super excited about the group. My goal is to loose an additional 14 pounds by the end of the year. That will put me at a total weight loss of 60 pounds for the year!

    We should think of some daily/weekly challenges to keep us all moving and motivated!
  • LaurenPell123
    LaurenPell123 Posts: 42 Member
    This sounds great :) I always find it hard to stay motivated leading up to christmas :) this group should help loads
    I like the idea of challenges too :)
  • flfi
    flfi Posts: 13
    A few of us have suggested challenges and goal, brilliant idea!

    So our goal is to be looking good in our Christmas Photos, and lose as much as we can (in a healthy way) up till Christmas?!

    Daily challenge a couple of times a week - suggestions welcome! We need a Wednesday challenge for tomorrow - what shall we do??? ... :tongue:
  • flfi
    flfi Posts: 13
    My goal for Wednesday is to eat fruit or healthy snacks only between 3 main meals, keeping them small!!! Sounds easy but I really struggle with snacking habits!!

    Have a good day x
  • Good Timing! I'm one week into my "Semi-Paleo: -- Cave Woman Eating... Want to keep on track right thru the Holidays! I work in a Doctors office and already this week has been a hugh challenge! First day someone brought "Chic-Fil-A" biscuits... Then each day someone has brought lunch... It's teaching to stay prepared since I cannot always eat Low-Carb when someone else is bringing lunch. Also I know I have to research anywhere we may go to eat lunch... Lots of Sodium & Calories hiding out in those "Salads"! :noway:
  • My work just booked us in for a traditional afternoon tea instead of a Christmas meal in December.... it'll take a lot of exercise to balance out that sugar intake! I did refuse the doughnuts that they brought into the office today though so feeling very proud of that :)

    What about a calorie burn challenge? We can challenge ourselves to burn a specific amount of calories on a set day or for the week?
  • flfi
    flfi Posts: 13
    Wednesday - halfway through day, only fruit snack so far, but very hard as what I really want is cake lol. I keep thinking of that christmas photo to stop me - I dont want to be the blobby blur in the corner...
  • Emkatemom
    Emkatemom Posts: 2 Member
    Good job Fifi! Stupid cake, ha ha! My problem is evening snacking so that will be my challenge!!
  • Kosepose
    Kosepose Posts: 15 Member
    10 pounds by christmas! Who is with me?! :):)
  • flfi
    flfi Posts: 13
    (Good job Fifi! Stupid cake, ha ha! My problem is evening snacking so that will be my challenge)

    thnx, evening snacking is hard, I reckon you can do it though- and I won't have anything if you don't!
  • Me! I want to get rid of as much as I can by Christmas. As I have a desk job I need to make sure I exercise daily or I don't burn enough calories, I'm determined to push myself hard to get the ball rolling!
  • dimitra_bez
    dimitra_bez Posts: 3 Member
    That's my goal weight for Christmas too!!
    I hope both will achieve it!:-)