GOMI Holiday Challenge

What's your holiday goal? Let's keep each other motivated and post updates here!

There are 64 days until Christmas. My goal is to lose at least 7 pounds by then, and to be able to run 2 miles straight. I also am planning to stretch and do some sort of body weight exercise every day. When I feel stressed or anxious, I'll turn to my journal instead of bingeing.

What's your goal? We have 9 weeks to make some personal, positive changes! Who's with me?


  • mkbarnes1775
    mkbarnes1775 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm just hoping to make it through the holidays without gaining. That being said, in a perfect world I'd like to take off 10 more lbs between now and the new year, it's going to be tough though but with support we just might do it!
  • You can definitely get there, mkbarnes!

    I don't know which holidays you celebrate, but I celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Year..
    Those are only three days for me to forget logging, enjoy my family, friends, and good food.
    I'm going to try to stay on track the rest of the time though this is definitely easier said than done. I'll be home from university without school or work for almost a month. I'll also be without a gym, and will have to find something to occupy my time other than eating holiday treats or drinking with old friends from home.

    Anybody have good holiday activities that can break the focus from food? I like to walk through Christmas light displays (like at the zoo), and of course Christmas shopping for gifts. Maybe I'll even shovel the driveway if we have a white Christmas this year...maybe.
  • Yesterday, I stayed right around my calorie goal and I went running! I felt so good at the end of the day because I typically don't exercise much, and I usually go over my calories.
    I just have to remember this good feeling so I keep it up!

    Heading to do some body weight exercises now :)

    63 days 'til Christmas!
  • My goal is 5-7lbs.
    I was going to go bigger but I need to be realistic, 5lbs is a smidge over a half pound a week. I'm just still holding steady. If I lost 7 I would be at my pre-preg weight. Then it's another ten to my wedding day weight.
    I can only focus on 5 at a time for now. It just seems so much more doable.
  • mkbarnes1775
    mkbarnes1775 Posts: 55 Member
    I agree, 5 at a time does seem much more manageable and it's a very realistic goal for the holidays. I know Halloween will be hard because there will be so much candy and Thanksgiving and Christmas will be just as bad. But I'm sort of planning to take a break on each of those days, just those 3 days, ok 4 because Christmas Eve, and not beat myself up. The rest of the time I want to stay on track.
  • I think I'm going to make a non-weight goal. I'm going to attempt to exercise for at least 30 minutes, four times a week. I'm also going to try to eat really healthfully on days that I'm not "celebrating." No cookies or candy sitting around the house!

    I'm slowly recovering from a foot injury, so exercise has been really hard. I feel like at this point, I could get back in the gym, but I'm feeling really discouraged and scared of reigniting the foot pain. But truthfully, I could do stuff like swimming or riding a stationary bike.
  • bhnguyen82
    bhnguyen82 Posts: 49 Member
    These holidays will be tough for me-- I'll be in the process of moving back home to Canada from New Zealand (snif snif). We'll be doing a fair bit of travelling right before heading back so my goal will be not to gain while travelling, goodbye dinners, welcome back dinners etc. I agree losing would be great, but I think not gaining will be more realistic and quite frankly, in these circumstances good enough for me.

    We're headed to Fiji for a week at the end of November so I'd like to have a flatter tummy by then. I'll be wearing a bikini regardless (go me!) but I'd love to rock flatter abs if I can!

    I don't celebrate American Thanksgiving (Canadian Thanksgiving was a few weeks ago) but I've seen so many healthy fall thanksgiving-y recipes that I'd love to try-- roasted squash stuffed with wild rice casserole, things like that. I know some Thanksgiving meals can be super set in tradition, but I'd personally love the challenge of coming up with some healthy side dishes!
  • Hmm...ideally I'd like to be 10 pounds lighter by the end of the year, but realistically I'd be happy to lose the other 6 that I've gained in the past 6 months or so. If that can't happen, I's at least like to not gain anything! :D
  • Good luck with the move bhnguyen! And Fiji sounds awesome.

    These past three days I've been really good (I think so, at least!) about eating healthy foods and getting exercise.. but this morning the scale was the highest I've ever seen. That was a good way to wake up this morning - lol.
    This weekend will also be a challenge because there's a big, rivalry football game for my university on Saturday night... so there's lots of time for drinking and pizza and fun leading up to the actual game . I'll try to be mindful but honestly probably won't think about that too much. College weekends and dieting don't go so well together.
    My mini goal is to get back on track by Sunday!
  • I don't really do anything food related (cook) for any of the holidays so I can't blame any weight gain or not losing any weight on the holidays. So, my goal will be to get out of the 140's by the end of the year. That's 8 lbs I need to lose and keep off.
  • Ouch, today was rough. And I thought Saturday was going to be my rough day this weekend! When I don't exercise in the morning I eat ALL THE THINGS all day.

    Boo. I love food. And recently have picked up a love for beer that I never had before. D'oh.
  • mkbarnes1775
    mkbarnes1775 Posts: 55 Member
    I had grand plans to take my C25K training outside this morning with my dog, but it's 29 freaking degrees out. So, now my plan is to take the training outside this afternoon because I don't have much in the way of cold weather workout gear and it's supposed to end up in the mid-50's. I just have to stay motivated through all our errands and stuff today. First world problems for sure, but irritating none the less.
  • mkbarnes, I feel your pain! I went running outside one morning when it was cold (around 29 degrees) and I regretted it terribly! I was coughing and had a sore throat for the next few days.
    If I don't run in the morning, I just never get around to it. Terrible excuse, but it just never happens.

    Anyone have experience with cold weather running?

    60 days until Christmas!
  • mkbarnes1775
    mkbarnes1775 Posts: 55 Member
    I ended up going this evening, it was around 50. I think I'm going to have to invest in an ear band and some gloves and I don't know what else for the winter. Someone with some expertise needs to step up and help us out!

    On a side note, when I run outside I run with my golden, Watson. He is so pretty, and so graceful and I am so red and floppy and sweaty. It's kind of embarrassing. Tonight he barely even broke a trot and I thought I was going to die - lol.
  • ohhayitskk
    ohhayitskk Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all,
    I'd love to lose five pounds by Christmas. I guess this means I need to replace the battery in my scale so I know what I'm working with...I suspect I'm at about 130-135, and I'd like to be closer to 115-120. My biggest problem is I need to find my motivation to get running again. Up until about a year ago, I was an avid long-distance runner, and in the past year, I've totally fallen off of it... I want to run another marathon this spring, and I'd love for it to be a sub-4 hour marathon, so I have some work to do as far as fitness AND weight-loss.
  • ohhayitskk
    ohhayitskk Posts: 6 Member
    I ended up going this evening, it was around 50. I think I'm going to have to invest in an ear band and some gloves and I don't know what else for the winter. Someone with some expertise needs to step up and help us out!

    On a side note, when I run outside I run with my golden, Watson. He is so pretty, and so graceful and I am so red and floppy and sweaty. It's kind of embarrassing. Tonight he barely even broke a trot and I thought I was going to die - lol.

    I've been running in New England in the cold-weather for several years, and so I think I have the gear down. I usually wear a headband over my ears, but if it's really cold, I will wear a hat. I know some people have fancy little runner hats, but I pretty much just grab whatever old thing I can find in the closet. I have a face mask thing for really cold weather, but it sort of makes me look like I'm about to rob a bank, so I don't usually wear it. For top layers, if it's really cold, I'll wear an underarmour long-sleeve turtleneck so my neck is warm, usually with a zip-up jacket. For this stage in the fall, I'll wear a short sleeve tech shirt with a pullover. I wear capris in the fall, but in the winter I wear good running tights. Lululemon is expensive as hell but they make good quality running tights, and the ones I have from them I've had for over three years. They're super warm. If it's really cold, I'll wear smartwool socks.

    I also have spike-type things to put on the bottom of my shoes when it's icy or snowy out. They're not Yaktrax, but they're similar, and I love running in the snow, so I use them a lot in the winter!
  • Thanks for the tips kk, and good luck on the running goals!
    How tall are you? We have pretty similar weight goals. I fluctuate between 130-135 but would like to be around 115-120 ideally. I'd be fine with 130 if I had muscle, but that is definitely not the case. I'm a total weakling.

    I actually just bought cold weather gear --a long sleeve champion shirt from Target that is a cheaper version of Under Armour but just as nice!, a fleece headband, wool socks, and warm well-fitting gloves.
    Except I bought them so I wouldn't freeze my *kitten* off at university football games. Guess I should put them to better use and start running in this cold weather!

    Yesterday went a lot better than expected. I ate light before tailgating and used my calories almost 100% on alcohol (oh, and a piece of pizza). Instead of using whole eggs in my ham and cheese omelet, I just used egg whites, and before I left I ate some plain chicken breast (didn't use condiments and didn't make a sandwich) and half a banana (instead of my usual whole banana). A few simple swaps that allowed me some wiggle room for alcohol. I think I logged pretty accurately and was surprised I stayed under 2000 cals for the day. I didn't add exercise calories back, but I was standing/walking the whole day, so it really didn't end up being so bad!

    I was down .6 lbs on the scale this morning, so woo! mini victory.
  • ohhayitskk
    ohhayitskk Posts: 6 Member
    Hey GettingMooreInShape!

    I'm about 5'3". I start to look creepy-skinny if I dip below 115, though I know many women who are my height can weigh even below 110 and still look normal. I just don't have that build AT all. Good job at the tailgate! Alcohol + snacks are my kryptonite.
  • Hey kk! Glad you friended me. I figured we were similar height, I'm just about 5'4.

    I saw 127.6 on the scale this morning which made me SO happy! I've been 127 for only one day in the past few months, and this was on September 17th. Then I had some emotional bingeing issues, and a few too many dinners out which put me back up to 132. I'm looking to keep up the losing.. I'm motivated to not let the scale go back up this time!

    My running goals haven't gone anywhere (read: I've run once in the past week), though I have stretched every day and have been walking a lot. My bingeing has been so much better even through the stress of papers and exams.

    I'm feeling pretty okay about myself lately which I think is the most important thing.

    58 days until my Christmas goal, and I have four pounds to go.

    How is everyone coming along? How was your weekend?
  • mkbarnes1775
    mkbarnes1775 Posts: 55 Member
    I had a bad Sunday as far as food goes but I'm shaking it off today. I'll weigh on Thursday and hopefully see some results, I'm only weighing twice a month because I get too neurotic if I do it weekly.