New to the group :)

Hi everyone!! My name is Alexis and I'm 25 yrs old. I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2009 after my period disappeared for 5 months , I gained 20 lbs and had 5 negative pregnancy tests. The 20 lbs I gained 4 yrs ago have been lost and gained back numerous times. I don't know if I'm insulin resistant or not because I've never been tested. I've asked to be tested or just having hormones tested overall but the local clinic I go to won't do the testing for some reason.

I am a single mom and have a son who is 8 yrs old. I got pregnant with him when I was 15 and had him when I was 16. Even though I was a teen mom, looking back on it I'm glad I had my son. I've struggled with trying to get pregnant now for the past 5 yrs (when I was with my ex). Even though I'm only 25 I feel like time is running out

The side effects I have from the PCOS are chin hairs, belly hair and overweight. I carry all my weight in my stomach and my breasts. I have literally no butt or hips lol

I am 5'2 and 177.6 lbs. My goal weight is 125-130 lbs and I'm hoping to achieve this by next September (my bday) Feel free to add me.


  • Hey hunny. Im new to this group too a few weeks ago. Welcome! You definitely can lose that weight. I have had PCOS for a long time. And we can all agree it sucks! But I joined this group to find love and support from other members with the same condition, and struggling with weight loss. When I was diagnosed with PCOS, I was prescribed Metformin to help with my insulin resistance. Has the clinic ever recommended this? Maybe try a different clinic if that one is giving you a hard time. Also, with the new healthcare laws, maybe in your state you can qualify for some more comprehensive insurance that can help you see better doctors. I am fizzing out on my moms insurance until December so I will be looking to find some that will help me to stay on top of my PCOS too. I am a SEPTEMBER baby too. September 9! Im going to add you. Lets encourage each other! Be blessed! Remember you can do it!
  • Truegoddess22
    Truegoddess22 Posts: 94 Member
    Virgos all day!! :D Your birthday is the day before mine (and my brother's) I know I can lose it, it's just going to happen slowly because of the PCOS. How long ago were you diagnosed? I've heard of Metformin being very good for weight loss if you have PCOS and I've asked about it to no avail. There is a new doctor there that I would like to go to so when she comes back from maternity leave I will make an appt.

    Hey hunny. Im new to this group too a few weeks ago. Welcome! You definitely can lose that weight. I have had PCOS for a long time. And we can all agree it sucks! But I joined this group to find love and support from other members with the same condition, and struggling with weight loss. When I was diagnosed with PCOS, I was prescribed Metformin to help with my insulin resistance. Has the clinic ever recommended this? Maybe try a different clinic if that one is giving you a hard time. Also, with the new healthcare laws, maybe in your state you can qualify for some more comprehensive insurance that can help you see better doctors. I am fizzing out on my moms insurance until December so I will be looking to find some that will help me to stay on top of my PCOS too. I am a SEPTEMBER baby too. September 9! Im going to add you. Lets encourage each other! Be blessed! Remember you can do it!
  • Hi again! And woot woot for Virgos! I was diagnosed in 2008 or 2009. But it wasnt until this year that I started taking it seriously and actually taking the Metformin I had been prescribed all these years. Try to get the Extended Release if you can its easier on the stomach. Good luck. We will journey together! Have a good one!
  • Truegoddess22
    Truegoddess22 Posts: 94 Member
    Yea I've got to find a doctor who us willing to check my hormones and work with me. The local clinic I go to doesn't really doesn't do the testing I need. I've heard great things about Metformin so I'm hoping it works for me. Do you have any kids?
    Hi again! And woot woot for Virgos! I was diagnosed in 2008 or 2009. But it wasnt until this year that I started taking it seriously and actually taking the Metformin I had been prescribed all these years. Try to get the Extended Release if you can its easier on the stomach. Good luck. We will journey together! Have a good one!
  • MeepleMuppet
    MeepleMuppet Posts: 226 Member
    Hi and welcome! I also wanted to say time is absolutely NOT running out for you. Two things about fertility treatments: my doctor told me that PCOS is the easiest form of infertility to treat because they actually understand what's going on (apparently the vast majority of infertility issues are a mystery and very hard to treat). Secondly, the cost is falling. We were a little weirded out by the "package deals" (two treatments for the price of one!!) but got over it once we committed to a plan. And then the $800 drug literally went generic in our faces and cost us $80. (My husband and I both started sobbing and the Costco pharmacist was like, "please take your drugs and leave!"). And despite repeated assurances from our insurance that they did not cover fertility treatments, turns out they kinda did. I'm still not entirely sure what that was about.

    At that time I hadn't had a period in three years. I was 36 and pregnant by 37. Now I'm a very tired 38 year-old momma and seem to be losing my periods again. Ah well.