Need some more motivation?

So, we are four weeks in. I personally haven't had much luck with changing my old habits. Today I decided I needed to get some more motivation, and signed up to a half marathon. This will be my second one. I had a great time training for my first one and got to my current weight as part of that, so thought hey, why not use the same tactic this time?

What is everyone else doing for motivation, lets get some inspiration!


  • zoecollins
    zoecollins Posts: 41 Member
    My motivation is also lacking and weight hasnt changed much at all in the last 4 weeks bleurgh?! I have been naughty and am not tracking everything that passes my lips so i know where im going wrong so i need to really focus... not only because i dont want to look frumpy over xmas but also because im adament not to get to spring next year having put weight on and be in the same position!? i need to get a hold of my eating habits and log EVERYTHING?!
    A half marathon sounds brilliant well done for getting out there and signing up, im looking at purchasing a new exercise dvd but not sure if that'll help as i workout 4/5 days a week anyway its my diet i need to focus on so if anyone has any suggestions id love some inspiration.
