Never knew about newlywed weight gain

mjn18 Posts: 74 Member
So I never knew about newlywed weight game until I gained weight. Hubby and I tied the knot at the end of May and by July I had put on ten pounds. Mentioned it to the girls in book club and the married girls started laughing. So I am kicking up my activity and counting calories because I don't need to gain more. Feel free to add me.


  • Brunette122
    Brunette122 Posts: 107 Member
    I've gained about 15 lbs since marriage (Sept 2012). It sucks. And I've been dieting and exercising for about 2 months straight and only lost a total of 4 lbs...and I gained back 3 of them overnight this morning. Marriage is great!............:-p
  • sielaras
    I gained about 3kg on my honeymoon (April this year), and then gained another 2 or so in the months following. I expected to gain weight on the honeymoon, and didn't really mind, since I was letting myself eat whatever I wanted for the first time in a year. But I thought I could just get back into my pre-wedding weight-loss routine and it would come back off. Without the threat of the white dress to motivate me, I am finding it so hard to get the weight back off.

    I was an overweight teenager, and lost over 20kg when I was about 19 and 20 years old. I gained about 3 kg back pretty quickly, but over the years (particularly after starting full time work and moving in with my boyfriend (now husband)) I gained another 6 or so. Before my wedding, I managed to lose about 12kg, to get to my slimmest ever. Now, with the honeymoon and lack of motivation, I have gained 5kg back again.

    A photo of myself taken last week has shocked me into action, and I am serious about getting rid of this newly acquired 5kg and getting back to my wedding weight! (Plus none of my clothes fit, and I can't afford a new wardrobe!)
  • kenziberry
    kenziberry Posts: 164 Member
    I am newly married as very new Sept 21 of this year :)
    we took a 2 week honeymoon and binged on delicious food, alcohol, and neglected the gym The only activity we got was walking around town, hiking through the mountains, and well in the bedroom ;)

    Now we are back and have settled back into our lives. I gained 3 lbs from the wedding until now (and i blame the honeymoon, we really splurged) but now we are back to the gym and eating right. We completed a cycle of whole 30 before the wedding and i loved the way it made me look and feel. I am ready to start it up again with lots of gym activity!!!

    I want my husband to roll over every morning and think hes the luckiest guy in the world for marrying me!!!!
  • littlehedgy
    littlehedgy Posts: 192 Member
    I'm also a super newlywed. Sept 28th of this year :) luckily I didn't gain anything on our mini-moon, but seeing some of the guest pictures from the wedding made me cry. I hated the way I looked. So therefore I am going at it hard! I want to be the total package for my husband. I've gained about 30 pounds since him and I have been together and want to be the fit girl I was when we met :)
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    I didn't know about this either. We went to Jamaica in August, a few weeks before our wedding September 6th of this year. From the beginning of August through October I gained 10 pounds. Gross. I'm working hard to get those off plus more. I also wasn't pleased with how I looked on my wedding day (only from the back since I had worked on toning my back lol).

    Just like a few other girls posted - I want my husband to roll over in the morning and think he's lucky for being with me like I feel about him.
  • mkarrington77
    I'm not a super newly wed..I got married in May! I allowed myself a few months to get used to married life...and in that time...boom. 12 pounds in 4 months. yup.

    I knew it was going to happen...but as of 2 weeks ago I'm determined to not let it get out of hand!
    It's just so easy to let it slip your mind! I'm also still in college, so it's that mindset of school, work, and making sure I'm spending enough time with my husband. We don't eat bad fact, we try to eat as much whole and organic foods as possible! But we just like food too much I guess ;)

    Feel free to friend me everybody ;)