New distributor

Hi everyone I have been on herbalife for 10 weeks now and i've lost just under 2 stone and dropped 2 dress sizes:) which I am thrilled with. So much so I have just signed up to be a distributor to see if I can help others.

Anyway I was just wondering if anyone has and recipe ideas they would like to share with me my personal favourite at the moment is the vanilla shake made up with almond soya milk.....its lovely. I get bored with having the same things each day so recipe ideas would be great.

Thank you in advance Gina


  • b0nnyd0g
    b0nnyd0g Posts: 84 Member
    There are loads of Herbalife users on here to 'friend' with and we open diaries and share meal ideas all the time. Also just search on Herbalife, shake recipes, etc and, ignoring all the nay-sayers!!, you will get lots of ideas. My 2 personal favourites are both with Vanilla F1 and skimmed milk and I add Whittards Drinking Chocolate or frozen berries and both are scrummy :)
  • YummymummyGina
    YummymummyGina Posts: 8 Member
    oh both of them sound lovely thank you may try the berries one tomorrow :)
  • b0nnyd0g
    b0nnyd0g Posts: 84 Member
    Happy to help :) You can get an idea of weights and calories if you check my diary if you want more details, you need to add surprisingly little to really change the flavours and add extra goodness xx
  • tracyowens22
    tracyowens22 Posts: 49 Member
    For those days when you want "food", here's my current favorite recipe:

    Shake Pancakes: (serves 2)

    5 scoops of your favorite F1
    1 egg
    1 Tbsp Stevia
    2 Tbsp Olive oil
    1 Tbsp baking powder
    3/4 skim milk (or use soy or almond milk)

    Mix all ingredients together until well blended. Pour batter onto hot flat top or griddle, making 4 pancakes. Turn *carefully* once the edges start to set up. Cook the other side. I eat mine with sugar free maple syrup or honey.

    *Carefully* = pancakes made with F1 don't have a real binding ingredient like flour so they are very delicate so turn gently.


    Another easy recipe for those days when you want food:

    Cook a small portion of oatmeal (either by stovetop or microwave) as direction on the packaging.
    Once it's cooked, add your 2 scoops of your favorite F1 and a splash of milk (skim, soy, or almond). Add a few raisins. Maybe a dash of cinnamon. Oh my, it's so good.
  • bcc112986
    bcc112986 Posts: 362 Member

    And I always mix my herbal tea concentrate and mango aloe in my shakes. I love the lemon tea, aloe and piña colada. It's a super shake. Also proteins bars are a great addition to chocolate if you have a blender.