Weight loss + age= Estrogen dominance

luckynky Posts: 123 Member
Hi there. I have recently determined through research that I am estrogen dominant, which means that I do not have enough progesterone to balance out my estrogen. This has been occurring, probably, since mid 30's, but symptoms became more noticeable after breastfeeding my now 3 year old, whom I gave birth to at age 36. I will be 40 in December.

Since losing roughly 18 pounds, I have noticed my symptoms have gotten significantly worse. And, sadly, one of my motivators for losing the weight was because I thought it would help balance my hormones and bring some relief or delay some of the symptoms.

My symptoms are: significant head hair loss (thinning hair), significant increase in facial hair, depression, anxiety, and moodiness with lots of weeping, acne (which has now become a major issue), low sex drive (which actually has gotten much better for about 1-2 weeks out of the month since losing weight, but then drops abruptly), bloating after meals, water retention, sleep problems, rapid weight gain- especially in the middle area (before starting weight loss program), memory problems/foggy thinking, and unusual periods.

These symptoms are "normal" for perimenopausal women, but that doesn't make it any easier to deal with the fact that I haven't felt normal in a long time. The weight loss has perpetuated the symptoms, and I still have 16 more pounds to lose, which now terrifies me.

So anyway, I'm getting some progesterone cream to try and am wondering if anyone has tried this with success. It looks like a fair amount of women do experience improvement with the cream, but I thought I would ask here.


  • mslisatm
    mslisatm Posts: 154 Member
    Hi! I have been dealing with perimenopause since I turned 40. I have many similar symptoms except for the hair loss. I find it almost impossible to loose weight no matter how much exercise and how perfect my diet is so Ive decided to stop killing myself and eat and work out at a comfortable level...still no weight loss but no gain either. Im not happy being 180 but I honestly cant seem to do anything (been trying for 2 years) to make it change. My biggest symptom however is the period fluctuations. I was 28 days on the dot for years, then at 40 I started going to 21 days sometimes then 32 then skipping one then back to 28. no rhyme of reason. Also crazy hormones. PMS like a banshee for 2 weeks every month. My midwife felt like I did not have enough estrogen, actually, and suggested progesterone cream and I tried that. I guess it helps the body regulate the amount of estrogen so if it is low and all this progesterone comes in the body makes more estrogen. If you feel like you have too much estrogen, look into this. Christine Northrup has some good books on this. Anyway it seemed to help with the period regularity the libido and mood.It took a while and difference was subtle but it DID help. My periods were so bad however that my midwife put me back on the pill which has really helped, but at 44 im not crazy about it (husband is fixed) Right now Im starting to get irregular periods again and night sweats, even on the pill, so I will be discussing this at my next appt. I might try the cream again too. Im not crazy about HRT. I felt like the pill was as far as id go with that. good luck! Its an odd time physically and mentally, I know. Feel free to vent to me if you ever need to! I totally get it!