
I need to vent. I returned to the gym last Friday after my 6 week recoup. period. I saw the regular trainer when I
checked in. He asked how I was I told him fine, and that I was down 25 pounds since surgery...but the best thing was coming
off 2 of my blood pressure meds...he say's well "well aren't we special". I wanted to grab him by his T-shirt and say
"Hey buddy this may not be important to you but it sure the hell is to me!"
They should offer support to everyone and not treat us like we did it the easy way. He does not know my past or how I
have struggled my whole life with my weight....ARGHHHH! Sorry had to get that off my chest.


  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    So tell the gym about your displeasure, and if they don't clean it up, head to another gym. You don't belittle the people who keep you in business!
  • I agree tell the management There is no call for snide remarks! I'd be upset also. Our personal decisions are just that personal! And for someone to be snide on your life change is unacceptable! Hummm I'm all fired up over here!! :)
  • reneemosley
    reneemosley Posts: 95 Member
    It really pisses me off that people assume this is easy. Cutting out 85% of your stomach is not some spontaneous decision to diet. It ties us to being commited and working really hard to achieve weight loss goals. Really the only thing we get is a jump start and a constant reminder.

    If you ever talk to him again make sure to mention you have worked your *kitten* off for evey ounce and to zip it if he does not feel he can be supportive. Hes a trainer for god sake. People who are fit dont need him.

  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    I would have said "Yes I am" and walked away. You did what is right for you, why care about what someone else says? Be strong in your decision to better yourself, hold your head up and keep getting stonger. Why waste your time complaining to the manager? Stay positive.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Well that shows his ignorance doesn't it? People who think this was "the easy way out" have never really explored what this is and how it works. I'm 2+ years out and I can tell you that the weight coming off now is diet and exercise, just like someone who hasn't had the surgery. And we all know maintenance will be that way too. I agree, report him because frankly his customer service skills need lots of work!
  • Thanks for the support. My husband and I had a talk yesterday. I think after our membership runs out in Feb. we will look
    for another gym. There are only three around here since we are a smaller town. I will voice my concerns in advance with the