Week 1 stats! 10/31

absmith_ Posts: 63 Member
Hey guys! Its been one week. What has been good for you?! Weight loss, a clothes victory or someone complimenting you? Lets go!

Last week 10/24 = 158.4
Today 10/31 = 157.0

So a loss of 1.4 pounds!!

And my pants are too big again and I just bought them, can't wait until I am done so I can buy nice clothes!! Maybe I will check the thrift store.


  • megcc
    megcc Posts: 92 Member
    10/24= 135
    10/31= 134

    Down 1 lb!
  • Muddybear7
    Muddybear7 Posts: 29 Member
    Happy Halloween everyone!

    10/24: 162.5

    10/31: 161.5

    Down one pound and sooooo close to being out of the 160s!
  • nelinelineli
    nelinelineli Posts: 330 Member
    10/24: 55.9kg (123.2lbs)
    10/31: 55kg (121.2lbs)

    So I could say that I lost 2 lbs. Truth is, the "start" weight was simply on a bad day:P I'm less than 1lb down in reality:)
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    10/24: 148.6
    10/31: 145.8

    -2.8 pounds. I was bloated forever though, so it's mostly just catching up weight!
  • eSUNt
    eSUNt Posts: 37 Member
    Great job everyone and great loss! Unfortunately nothing exciting to report from Jersey. No loss this week. :/

    10/24: 144
    11/1: 144

    I'm starting to use weightgrapher.com (Thanks Kate!) just to see how much my weight fluctuates on a daily basis and to make sure I'm trending to lose weight. I'm also going to rein in my "cheat days" and try to keep them under my calorie goals. Hope to see a loss next week. :)
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    So, now that you are done with Insanity Month 2,
    You have started with Month 1 again. How are you finding it. Easier, Harder or the same, as before?

    I next week is my last week.. and I am debating on what I want to do next.
  • absmith_
    absmith_ Posts: 63 Member
    It's both, in some ways the timing of the videos is a relief, to go to shorter workout times. The warm up is a nice change, but he throws in stuff you haven't done in a while so it's challenging! But It feels good motivating my hubby to do it with me!!
  • pimpin_po
    pimpin_po Posts: 120 Member
    Oops! Missed it yesterday... I'm 181 I believe, or around there. I went shopping today and was fitting in 12's. I'm pretty excited! I was in 18's just 2 months ago :) I also got a few compliments this week.
    as far as working out I've just been doing my regular elliptical machine workouts, up to 40 minutes.
    congratulations on all the losses this week everyone!!
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    same. sw; 156 cw 156 hoping i see a loss next week.