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GOMI Holiday Challenge



  • bhnguyen82
    bhnguyen82 Posts: 49 Member
    Re: Cold weather running. I've run in 5 degree Fahrenheit weather in Canada and run a half marathon in 14 degree weather, so here are my survival tips:

    1. Wind protection is a must
    2. You will warm up so don't overdress
    3. You need sweat wicking clothes because cold clammy clothes are the worst

    1. I have these amazing running tights from Nike with a wind-resistant panel on the front of the thighs and a thin fleece lining on the inside. They were pretty expensive (like $95) but I wore those bad boys on every single winter run so they've definitely paid for themselves. On REALLY cold days (5 and under), I'll throw on a pair of shorts over them to cut some of the wind, and wear some thermals underneath. I toss on a wind-proof jacket (pay attention to the seams) over whatever I'm wearing. Bonus because the jackets usually have pockets, so you can stash your gloves / hat / etc. when you start overheating.

    Between 30-50, I will wear a headband to cover my ears; 15-30 I will wear a tech running hat (with a hole for my ponytail!) and a neck scarf; lower than 15 I usually wear then headband and a fleecy or woolen hat with a neck scarf, or a balaclava. My neck scarf is pretty long and can usually be pulled up over my mouth and nose, so that helps warm up the cold air a bit before I breathe it in and I find it helps with that feeling of sore throat.

    I usually wear thin gloves, if it's really cold I'll put on fleece mittens over them. A lot of my running tops have thumb holes or an extra piece of fabric to loop over your fists, so that also helps with the wind protection.

    2. I think there's an old Runners World article that says to dress as if it was 20 degrees warmer than what it actually is. Obviously everybody's different but this rule's worked for me. Between 30-50 I'll wear a tank top and a tech long sleeve with fleece inside; between 15-30 I'll wear a tank top, the tech top and a windproof jacket; when it's lower than 15 I wear a thermal, the tech top and my windproof jacket.

    3 goes hand in hand with 2. I avoid cotton like the plague because it keeps in the sweat and then it becomes cold. Having clothing with lots of zippers helps as you overheat. I also plan my runs so that I have little to walk after I've done my distance before I duck into the warmth.

    I personally can't run with crampons like ohhayitskk because I find they mess up with my stride and then I get injured, so I'm just extra careful on the snow and ice. Some people also put duct tape on their shoes to cut some of the wind and wetness in case you step in a puddle of icy water. Don't forget the obvious safety rules, as we run in the cold it also tends to get darker so make sure you're visible with high-vis vests, reflective clothing or lights.

    All that said and done, I LOVE cold weather running, give me run on a crisp winter day over a sweltering humid day in the 80s anytime!
  • That running apparel post is so helpful! I'm in Chicago and about to face my first winter as a "runner." Honestly, the threat of black ice scares me the most, but this is definitely helpful in terms of cold weather gear.

    I'm a GOMI-lurker (Snark Crackle Pop) and big loser (61lbs down since November 2012). I'm 5'6" and my first goal weight is 150. I currently weigh 167. Once I hit 150 I'm planning on evaluating if lower than that is sustainable for me.
  • mkbarnes1775
    mkbarnes1775 Posts: 55 Member
    Ok, now I feel wimpy asking for cold weather running ideas considering I live in the south and you guys are running in some seriously brutal weather - lol.

    After feeling sorry for myself yesterday for not losing weight faster and then eating a bunch of crap I got on the scale this morning to a 1lb loss. I guess the universe figured I could use a hug.
  • That's great news, mk!

    And bh, thanks for the cold weather running tips. I would LOVE to be able to give running tips in the future..Guess that means I need to get outside and get running!

    I've been really hard on myself for a variety of things this week.. school work, relationship troubles, my body. I've been totally discouraged and have turned to food as comfort. I really don't have any motivation to eat healthy or exercise this week.. it's been rough. And I always get more stressed when I don't work out and eat junk so it seems to be a never-ending cycle.
    I need some healthy outlets for stress and anxiety. Ugh.
  • I feel kind of wimpy too, we don't get that kind of winter in Texas. I've been wondering how I"m going to fit in some good walking time when it gets colder here. I admire the dedication of the people that I see out in the weather rain or shine!
  • mkbarnes1775
    mkbarnes1775 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm worried about the cold and about the dark. I've been checking out reflective leashes since when I run/walk outside I go with the dog.
  • I like the leash idea, mk!
    I miss having my dogs around.. they were always good motivation to get up and get moving.

    I got back on track yesterday (halloween of all days!) after a week in the pits. The scale has gone WAY up, I'm hoping that'll go back down in the next few days. I'm no longer PMSing, exams are over, I got some personal stuff figured out.
    I'm going home for the weekend which usually calms my nerves. Ready to have a better month!

    Speaking of which, happy November 1st!
    55 days to go for me (til my Christmas goal) and I'm back at my starting point... 7 pounds to lose.

    What small changes are you going to make in the month of November? How are you coming along on your goals?
  • Bumping this thread in hopes of hearing some inspiring updates!

    I'm slowly but surely getting back on track thanks to some wise words from BH and a few other wise Hams here.
    BH, your advice on making habit of a healthy lifestyle really put it into perspective for me. Just like brushing your teeth, you make it a routine. It reminded me that I have control over what I am eating and how often I exercise.. and I'm the only one who can make a change. It is MY choice if I make it a healthy life or a miserable one.
    Thanks again for the inspiring words!

    How is everyone doing? Are you keeping up with your goals in time for the holidays?
  • bhnguyen82
    bhnguyen82 Posts: 49 Member
    Ah, no worries girl! We're all in this together!

    I went veggie shopping this weekend and spent a good hour cutting and prepping the veggies for the week. Now i've got carrot sticks ready for munching, and zucchini and mushroom for morning omelets.

    I'm trying to add more protein in my diet and I'm surprised at the workhorse that is Greek yogurt - like that Frank's Red Hot ad -- I put that *kitten* in everything!

    Now that I've had a few weeks of no-frills, no-stress running, I'm ready to start a training program again and I'm toying with the idea with signing up for my first marathon at the end of may. Realistically I'd start training mid to end- January which is doable if I don't get injured and don't really aim for a time, just for finishing and having a good time.
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,787 Member
    I'd like to be 195 or under by Thanksgiving and 190 or under by Christmas. I'm not going to super stress over it or anything -- what I've been doing has consistently worked for me, so it shouldn't be a big deal to keep doing it -- but I would like to put in a little extra effort before each holiday so I can throw caution to the winds on the day.
  • Congrats on the 42 pounds gone! sounds like whatever you're doing is working! Just think, you could be 50 pounds lost by the new year :D
  • How is everyone doing?

    I'm finally back on track with my eating, and I've been lifting/body weight exercises a lot more.
    Still not doing any cardio really, but I guess eating at a calorie deficient and lifting is enough for now. I feel like I have to eat A LOT to have energy for cardio... then I'm not at a deficient and won't lose weight.

    So right now I'm sticking to weights and calorie cutting. It's been working a lot better for me.. I'm not feeling ravenous like I was before. Haven't seen the scale move much, but my body feels much better/stronger, so I'll take it as a NSV!
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,787 Member
    I'm definitely on track for my goals -- in fact I've already exceeded my Thanksgiving goal (I'm 192 right now) and will probably hit my Christmas goal before turkey day. I guess my new goals are 189 by Thanksgiving and 183 by Christmas, though I dislike the odd numbers.

    You guys are doing awesome! I just re-read the thread; all the talk of running and healthy grocery shopping is fantastic.

    ETA: I forgot to mention that my best friend bought me a bike as an early Christmas gift. I pick it up today and I am SO EXCITED to start riding all over town.
  • I'm staying on track and doing better than I thought I would. I've been counting calories (a first for me) every day this month- except for one night where there was a lot of tequila involved and late night trip to both McDonalds and Taco Bell - I didn't even want to estimate the calories that night.
    So, the scale is moving, but I did the bodpod testing today and that was somewhat surprising. I know it's not 100% accurate and am hoping that my #s were on the high side. I weighed 140.2 lbs (this was this afternoon after eating breakfast/lunch-next time I'll go early in the morning) and I was thinking maybe 25% body fat. But, my results were 28.9%! That breaks down to 99.7 lbs of lean weight and 40.5 lbs of fat.
    The scale at my house tells me I'm about 24% bf (I know that's not accurate either, but damn I'd rather believe it at this point lol). idk I know I still have 10-15 lbs to lose, but I'm really focused on that bf %. I'm going to do the test again in a few months.

    *I feel kind of "exposed" uploading a pic -so it might not stay. lol I like to see other people's faces tho, but do not ever take pics. Just took this one while I was sitting here in my pajamas/no makeup/don't think my hair is even brushed.*

    Another thing that kind of surprised me after my bodpod testing was that bc I wasn't really happy with the results -my first thought was screw it -I'm going to get fast food for dinner (taco bowl salad thing from the Mexican restaurant that prob has more calories than I should eat in a whole day). I know it makes no logical sense to be not happy with results and decide to go eat something that would make it even worse. I know you can still eat food like that sometimes, but it would definitely not fit into my calories today.
    Anyway, guess I still have more work to do on my eating habits than I thought...the emotional part of it.
  • ...
  • I'm definitely on track for my goals -- in fact I've already exceeded my Thanksgiving goal (I'm 192 right now) and will probably hit my Christmas goal before turkey day. I guess my new goals are 189 by Thanksgiving and 183 by Christmas, though I dislike the odd numbers.

    You guys are doing awesome! I just re-read the thread; all the talk of running and healthy grocery shopping is fantastic.

    ETA: I forgot to mention that my best friend bought me a bike as an early Christmas gift. I pick it up today and I am SO EXCITED to start riding all over town.

    Congrats on the bike! My husband has a bike, well 2 of them, and he rides to work most days -about 3 miles away- and rides the other one on trails on the weekends. I've thought about getting a bike, but I'm not sure I even know how to ride one anymore. Do you really not forget? lol I haven't been on one in about 25 years and I feel old as crap saying that out loud!
  • I'm definitely on track for my goals -- in fact I've already exceeded my Thanksgiving goal (I'm 192 right now) and will probably hit my Christmas goal before turkey day. I guess my new goals are 189 by Thanksgiving and 183 by Christmas, though I dislike the odd numbers.

    You guys are doing awesome! I just re-read the thread; all the talk of running and healthy grocery shopping is fantastic.

    ETA: I forgot to mention that my best friend bought me a bike as an early Christmas gift. I pick it up today and I am SO EXCITED to start riding all over town.

    That's awesome! I haven't been on a bike since I was a teenager, but I used to love it. Enjoy your early Christmas gift, you might could be at an even number by Christmas. :)
  • bhnguyen82
    bhnguyen82 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm back from Fiji and had a fantastic time. I snorkeled, kayaked, did yoga nearly every day and ate some of of the best food I've ever had. What really helped though is that it wasn't buffet-style eating (except for breakfast, but I loaded up on fruit first and foremost and then on the other stuff) but set meal courses. I still have no idea how much I weigh, but I'm pretty sure I lost weight on this holiday as all my clothes are a bit looser! Who knew this could happen! :D

    How was everybody's thanksgiving? Remember if you indulged, it's just one day, enjoy it guilt-free and then get back on track!
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,787 Member
    I was up eight pounds two days after Thanksgiving, but I'm already back down five and still falling. I think I way overdid the salt and carbs but I have no regrets -- *kitten* was delicious and I had a great time.

    I'm trying to decide whether to relax my goal for Christmas to allow for pre-holiday baked goods or keep at things strictly to allow for a huge spread on the day. Such a dilemma, my fat little brain cannot handle it.

    In other news, bike riding is not as easy as I'd assumed. I do two miles a day on work days (one mile each way) and I get a hella case of the thigh-trembles and burny muscles. (Not to mention how incredibly slow and wobbly I am.) So embarrassing. Here I was thinking the work commute would be super easy and I could do five-mile trail rides on weekends! Clearly I have some more work to do.
  • bhnguyen82
    bhnguyen82 Posts: 49 Member
    I was up eight pounds two days after Thanksgiving, but I'm already back down five and still falling. I think I way overdid the salt and carbs but I have no regrets -- *kitten* was delicious and I had a great time.

    I'm trying to decide whether to relax my goal for Christmas to allow for pre-holiday baked goods or keep at things strictly to allow for a huge spread on the day. Such a dilemma, my fat little brain cannot handle it.

    In other news, bike riding is not as easy as I'd assumed. I do two miles a day on work days (one mile each way) and I get a hella case of the thigh-trembles and burny muscles. (Not to mention how incredibly slow and wobbly I am.) So embarrassing. Here I was thinking the work commute would be super easy and I could do five-mile trail rides on weekends! Clearly I have some more work to do.

    Dude!! Congrats on 50 lbs though!!! :D