looking for friends who can relate to the seelve....


I'm looking for people who I can talk with as I'm going threw this process. I have not had any issue thank God with my sleeve. I had surgery on 10/7/13, weighing in @ 245 pounds to date I have lost 26 pounds, weighed in @ 216. I have not been able to hold down protein shakes they make my stomach up set, so I have stopped drinking them, but I'm ready to try again. my legs feel a little weak and I think it maybe coming from lack of protein. I was wondering if the slim fast and other shakes like that would be enough because I am able to eat fish, chicken and pretty much what ever I want to get in the protein, maybe the protein bars. any advice would be helpful. thank you in advance.:)


  • I am four months out and I have to say I think the most important thing is to get your protein requirements in every day. What I used to do is make a protein shake in the morning and then just drink 2 oz every hour. It really helped doing it like this and I was able to meet my protein goals.
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    I sip on syntrex nectar lemon tea all day long. It mixes with water so I end up with 48oz of water and 46g of protein by tbe time I get 2 down, 1in the am and 1 in the pm.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I am 2+ years out now and my bigest piece of advice is to follow your doctor's advice. He/She is the expert. I couldn't drink the Unjury they made me in the hospital right after surgery, so when I got home I switched to the protein infused checken and beef broth the surgeon's office store carries. That worked much better for me. Slim Fast and those other prepackaged drinks have higher calories, more preservatives and less protein that a good quality protein powder. Again, what does your doctor say?

    Protein bars are fine if you are buying the good quality ones and they have at least 15 grams or more of protein per bar. Personally I like the quest bars because the variety is great, most are below 200 calories per bar and they each have 20 grams of protein per bar.

    Frankly I am surprised that at less than 1 month out you are tollerating meats. That was the hardest part for me and I had to make sure there was some form of broth or gravy. Dry meat still gives me a "stuck" feeling.

    Good luck on your journey! It's not easy, but it is the best thing I have ever done for myself.
  • janisbirch
    janisbirch Posts: 51 Member
    Hello there....

    I'm 3 months Post-Op; I had the Gastric Sleeve on 7/30/2013. Congratulations on all the weight you've managed to take off already! Doesn't it feel great to drop the pounds and see that your clothes fit better or that you've dropped a size?

    I'm completely floored that your doctor is allowing you to eat solid protein in the form of chicken and anything else you'd like. I was only able to eat 1 month Post-Op soft foods like fish and cottage cheese. You're probably going to get many comments about that, providing they thoroughly read your post and not just comment on the protein drinks, LOL.

    I, too, had some sensitivity when drinking the Premier Nutrition Shakes I purchase at Costco. The Vanilla flavor really upset my stomach, but if I took little sips every 15 minutes or so, I could tolerate it. Their Chocolate flavor never has been a problem for me. But I should also mention that I'm Lactose-intolerant too. Prior to surgery I had to only drink Lactaid and Skim/Fat Free milk. But back to your protein supplement drinks..... my surgeon strongly advised us not to drink Ensure, Boost, and other drinks. There is too much fat, sugar, calories, and too few protein in them. They also advised us to purchase, if available, small quanities of EVERYTHING we digest because what we many have tolerated in the past, we might not now. I've heard many people talk about not being able to eat what they could tolerate before such as poultry and beef. As you''re aware, we're all different so it's going to be an individual problem. I truly wish you a lot of luck with this, and I would definitely urge you to check with your doctor or the nutritionist they recommend.

    I know what you mean about feeling weak. I was that way for the 1st two months after surgery. I'm better now, but I have days I'm still exhausted. You may want to bring that subject up with your doctor too. Perhaps you may need more iron; who knows, but best to check with the medical staff. After all, that's why they make the big bucks, right :)

    Good luck on your weight loss journey. I'll send you a friend request, and you can decide to add me or not. Regardless, all the best to you! Janis
  • Hi there,

    I was sleeved in Jan of this year. I also had problems with protein shakes at the very beginning. I found that I could tolerate a chocolate flavor powder one as long as I made it watery and took it slow. I also added the carnation instant breakfast, which for some reason helped with it feeling better...the key was really taking it slow. Eventually it became much easier. I use Inspire brand that I get online from Bariatric Eating. It is the only one I really like.

    I could not eat any meat until I was about 6 weeks out and felt very weak for the first 2 months as well. I started with chicken thighs and didn't try beef or breasts for at least an additional month or so. I found my slow cooker to be a huge help in making sure every thing was very moist and soft. That helped a lot.

    It is a big shift in how to approach eating, but this is the most successful I have ever been trying to lose weight.

    Good luck on your journey!!

  • thank you Susan.... I must say I have ben BLESSED to be able to tolerate different types of foods. Don't get me wrong some things my body does let me know it to soon, like ground beef just goes down hard so I'm holding off on that.:) I tend to stick t the lighter food soups, grilled fish, I have had tuna salad this is of course in small quantities maybe a 1/4 of a cup or 2 oz. I'm trying very hard to get the protein in I just don't think the shakes are an option for me, that's why I'm trying different options ( had a protein bar today took awhile but I got it down 20g of protein so I met my goal today for the 1st time. I will be talking to my Dr. @ the next follow up visit to see what he thinks, hoping all test comeback ok and I'm meeting the protein needs.

    Also congratulations on your weight loss!!!!!!!!!!!! so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope to get there.
  • Hi Janis,

    I know I have been Blessed so far....I have been on liquids since 9/26/13(Pre op Deit), soft foods since 10/20/13. I keep hearing that all Dr's are different in what they allow. I still lean towards the lighter foods like yogurt, cottage cheese, oatmeal and soup just because they go down easy. But its nice to know the options are there again. Believe me my body tells me if it's not ready for a certain food.

    Congrats on your accomplishments and I look forward to your suggestions.
  • janisbirch
    janisbirch Posts: 51 Member
    Thank you for your kind words Golden4ever..... You seem to be on the right track. Keep all of us posted on your progress. I'm rooting for you!!
  • Looking for fellow sleevers. I was sleeved on 10/28/13 and still fill having lots of issues! Don't know if rushing it with food choices. What should I be eating if anything?
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    @Gabbymom; if you think you are rushing through the food choices you most likely are. Take a good look at the diet plan your NUT gave you and maybe roll it back. One month out I was on puree and soft foods. Take your time and introduce foods slowly so you can heal. Make sure you stay hydrated and get enough (60-80g) protein. Slow and steady.
  • Not lots of information from Nut doctor notes says soft to regular textured food. How much could you eat at a time?
  • Gabs- When I was at your stage I was on soft foods only. Yogurt, cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, blended soups, fish, tuna, applesauce, scrambled eggs, etc.
    Basically anything you can mash with a fork is how they explained it to me. If you try something and you don't tolerate it well, wait about 2 weeks and try it again.
    There is lots of great information online, keep researching and good luck on your new journey!
    PS, feel free to add me so you can look at my food diary.