Check in here!



  • Hamhugs for the depression bit... Are you seeing a therapist?

    And I LOVED the C25K. The feeling of accomplishment is great, even when I had to repeat weeks. Whenever I get injured and have to stop running for awhile, I tend to fall back on C25K to build up my endurance back again. Go you!

    I really like the accomplishment part of C25K too, even though I wouldn't necessarily call myself a runner. Id like to be, but my body tells me a different story, lol.

    I"m not seeing a therapist, my oncologist prescribed the antidepressant for me. One of the side effects of it is that it helps with hot flashes, which I got immediately after my surgery. I don't know if I'm actually depressed, or if I just had a case of the sads from all the hormone craziness or what. I know I feel better on the meds, but definitely dont want to take them if I dont' really need them long term.
  • mkbarnes1775
    mkbarnes1775 Posts: 55 Member
    Antidepressants are hard. I'm just coming off one that I have been on for a few years. Periodically I decide that I am fine and don't need them and I am sort of in that phase right now, I think it's all hand in hand with the depression issues I've battled for years but I'm going for it and will see how it goes. I'll probably be back on within a year.... Anyway, I hate their side effects and weight is for sure one of them that is particularly ****ty.

    C25K makes me feel really proud of myself even though I'm never going to be a runner. For some reason I really want to tick completed a 5k off my bucket list so I'm working for it, who knows, maybe someday I'll actually even enjoy it?
  • Antidepressants are hard. I'm just coming off one that I have been on for a few years. Periodically I decide that I am fine and don't need them and I am sort of in that phase right now, I think it's all hand in hand with the depression issues I've battled for years but I'm going for it and will see how it goes. I'll probably be back on within a year.... Anyway, I hate their side effects and weight is for sure one of them that is particularly ****ty.

    C25K makes me feel really proud of myself even though I'm never going to be a runner. For some reason I really want to tick completed a 5k off my bucket list so I'm working for it, who knows, maybe someday I'll actually even enjoy it?

    Same here...I go back and forth between wanting to take it because I like the way I feel on it, but I hate having to take it to feel better. Not sure if that made any sense, lol.

    Fun Fact: One of the plus sides to it is that it helps with hot flashes, there are several antidepressants that are prescribed for the off label side effects.
  • So tomorrow marks my 70th day in a row logging on MFP...
    and I really haven't lost anything! But I'm okay with that.
    I came here initially to get my binge eating under control and stop gaining weight, and that has worked so far! It's really helped me notice what triggers my binges and be more aware of what I'm eating. I'm making healthier choices now, too.

    So I think it's now finally time to cut calories lower than maintenance.
    I'm aiming for 1500 calories Sunday through Thursday, and 1800 Friday and Saturday... slow and steady weight loss, and gives me a little more leeway on the weekends.
    I'm just hoping the bingeing behavior doesn't pick back up once I cut calories, but if I feel way too hungry I'll up my calories closer to maintenance.

    Looking forward to posting progress reports here!

    How was your weekend?
  • Just checking in...not much as changed in the last couple of weeks. I lost another pound, for a grand total of 3 in about 2 months. I"m a slow loser too GettingMooreinShape. I was eating 1200 a day, but I upped it to 1500 and a goal of 1.5 pounds a week instead of 2. I know some people have had success eating 1200 calories a day, but I think it might not have been enough and my body was holding on to my fat for dear life, lol!

    I've noticed that I don't eat anywhere near the 1500 calories, but I go over 1200, and don't feel guilty like I did before. I would obsess about that number and feel like a failure for eating back exercise points or too many carbs (mmm...carbs) when in reality I was eating way less than I did before I started tracking. I didn't do too well with cutting carbs completely, but I'm trying to eat the right carbs as far as fruits and veggies.

    Still plugging along and walking, haven't done much else since I'm so tired once I get home that I take my kid to school and go to bed. One more month of nightshift, and then back to the land of the living! I have to admit though, I have plenty of time for here and GOMI when I'm on nights, lol. :)
  • So I sort of went M.I.A the last few weeks. First a really bad sinus infection then I got an eyelid infection and pink eye, then halloween came and I totally got the "if I eat it all right now then I won't be tempted later" mindset...which sent me into a bit of a tailspin. I think I gained about 3lbs.
    Yeah, yeah, tiny violin for me!
    I might also be depressed. I've battled it on and off for most of my life and haven't been on medication for over 6 years now but lately I can't seem to shake it. I've got an appt with the doctor today so I'll see what he says. Sigh.
  • mkbarnes1775
    mkbarnes1775 Posts: 55 Member
    I am having a really hard time getting my *kitten* together this week. My boss put in a raise for me and HR denied it and I was really counting on that money to help pay for some therapy for my autistic son. I've been doing a lot of crying and a lot of eating. I'm wearing my new buffy the vampire t-shirt today in the hopes that it will help me kick *kitten* and get it together. Send good thoughts please hams.
  • I'm so close to getting below 140, a number I haven't seen in at least 5-6 years. I've been here many times before though and then just screw it up for some reason and go right back up to 145-150.
    But, I think I've got it this time -finally. I've been counting calories which is something new for me, but I haven't been able to work out because I think I tore/strained my hip flexor a couple of months ago. I took 1 wk off from exercise, but that was not enough time and I knew it, but started working out again anyway -lasted about a week before pain got much worse.
    So, now it's been 2.5 wks of doing nothing - the pain is still there, but much better. I'm going to take 1 month off and then start again and hopefully that will be enough time off.
    It's been somewhat of a nice surprise to see that I really can lose weight just by counting calories. I'm more of a eat healthy most of the time + junk food and think I can I can work it off in the gym. Obviously, that doesn't work for me because I could never get to the point I wanted to be. I just kept losing and gaining back the same 7-8 lbs.
  • Not much to report this week because I've gained and lost the same 3 pounds over and over for the past couple of weeks. One bright spot on the horizon is that they've finally hired my replacement, and I should be back on the dayshift either by the first of next month, or January 1st! I'm excited because my husband and I can go back to our nightly walks and I can eat and sleep like a normal person again. :)
  • Awesome, BranFran! Glad to hear about your schedule change.
    I also have been gaining and losing the same 3 pounds.. so frustrating! I hope you break the 3 pound trap now that you have a normal schedule again.
  • Awesome, BranFran! Glad to hear about your schedule change.
    I also have been gaining and losing the same 3 pounds.. so frustrating! I hope you break the 3 pound trap now that you have a normal schedule again.

    I was joking with my husband that I have lost 40lbs...since I've gained and lost the same 4lbs ten times at least.
  • I know right! Ive had to at least lost 30 pounds by now, just not all at once, lol!