Yellow Team Week 4

Hi everyone! How are we doing!? I haven't seen this weeks episode yet but I thought I'd get our thread up and going for the week. More info to come!


  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    I'm doing well! Immersed in P90X now and I've started Intermittent Fasting again, which I love. I've done it in the past, but had to stop because I couldn't do Insanity without eating something. P90X is a different story, so I'm back on the IF bandwagon. Yayyy 1000 calorie lunches!
  • AshleyMeggg
    AshleyMeggg Posts: 148 Member
    I'm watching the episode right now! Looking forward to see what the challenge is.
  • mylifemynow
    mylifemynow Posts: 55 Member
    I'm really excited for the challenge this week - I think it will help me concentrate on getting in exercise each day. I eat pretty clean except for my chocolate from Germany, but I'm excited! :D I'm gonna kill it this week, yes I am! :) Good luck everyone, you can do it!
  • gtdattitude
    gtdattitude Posts: 216 Member
    I LOVE the challenge this week! I bought myself a can of mountain dew and it was wonderful... I will work off the 170 calories tonight after work.
  • Pfil
    Pfil Posts: 73 Member
    This week's challenge will be my motivation to not eat the Halloween candy that some "friend" left at my house last weekend. It is all over the table and every day I've wanted at least one and I have definitely succumbed. Now if I eat one I'll have to work off the 70-80 calories in that tiny fun-sized package.

    I log everything in my diary. I know I don't always eat the healthiest food (hello fried chicken!) but I write it down anyway. And for the record to anyone who looks in there - I don't drink one massive glass of 10 or 15 ounces of wine, I just edit the entry to add another 5 ounces when I get another drink. :)

    I'm going away this weekend and I think I'll have internet but I'm not 100% sure. I'll try to log everything using my phone if not though. Otherwise it'll be a mass amount of logging on Sunday afternoon when I get back.
  • progressnotperfection84
    Here is the challenge for this week!

    "Last night on the show the challenge was a temptation challenge; there were 100 pumpkins and each had either cash, candy, or one had an immunity card. The catch was that if they got a piece of candy they had to eat it. Im not sure if everyone ate, but I do know that everyone on the white (Jillians) team did and when they got back to the gym after that they basically started talking about how many extra calories they would need to burn to make up for what they ate. That is the basis of our challenge this week.

    You should already be recording every bite you take, but its essential for this weeks challenge. Im a firm believer that if we want to be successful in the long term that we dont need to eliminate every single indulgence out of our lives. I think that in many cases can lead to binging and giving up. The key is moderation and making sure you have the right ratio of calories in vs calories out. Of course eating healthy is important and something we should all strive for and I'm sure you have already begun to make some healthier choices, but it doesnt hurt to have a reward every now and then.

    This weeks challenge incorporates three things that are key to getting healthy and losing weight: accountability, moderation, and physical activity. I want you to pick a food vice that you have. It can be anything that you like, but know isnt the best for your health and losing weight - ice cream, candy, alcohol, fast food, soda, etc. I DON'T want you to necessarily eliminate this from your diet this week, but if you choose to go about it that way its fine too. What I do want you to do is burn off as many calories as you consumed eating whatever vice you chose. This is where accountability comes in - no one is responsible for your success but you, so you NEED to record every item you eat even if it doesnt look good in the diary or makes you go over for the day. Keep track of these indulgences throughout the day and see how many calories it adds up to and then get up and do something to burn that amount of calories off. You can help keep your teammates accountable by posting in your team threads and encouraging each other. In fact its going to be REQUIRED this week. There is no checking in with your coach monday night saying "yes I did the challenge", you should be posting as you go along throughout the week in your thread.You can do it all at once on monday night, sure but its easier to keep track of and stay motivated each day you do it.

    You obviously can just avoid the vice for the whole week and thats fine too - you are resisting a temptation and thats an important thing to be able to do. Or you can chose to keep it in and work on finding a balance. The aim is to have the mentality that if you have something that may not be the best for your weight loss that its not the end of the world and you can do something to fix it right away. Either of these options results in the same thing - no net calories consumed, which is the goal

    Im excited about this because I think it will help us all take a closer look at our diaries and what we are putting in our mouths. It might make you realize just how many calories you ingest of a particular item and cause you to start to reduce your consumption in the future. It will definitely get you up and moving though, and I know for me personally it will make me workout more.

    So for example my vice is going to be candy and alcohol (im picking two but you only have to do one). My post in my thread for today would be something like this:

    "peanut butter m&ms fun size - 95 cals
    sweet cinnamon pretzel - 200 cals
    1 glass red wine, 5 oz - 106 cals
    total owed: 401

    30 day shred: 170 calories
    Leslie Sansone 3 mile walk : 300 calories
    Calories burned: 470

    All calories burned off yay!"

    I hope you guys enjoy this one and it provides something for you. I really think it could be a helpful challenge. Remember this has to be legitimate exercise. If you wear a pedometer all day at work and walked 2500 steps, dont count that as 100 calories burned. If you went walking at lunch and walked a mile intentionally then of course that would count but "accidental exercise" though a great thing, doesnt count

    What did you guys think of the show last night. I had three things that really stuck out to me
    1) how hard would that sand pit be? They had ruben running in that while they had rope around him pulling him back. That has to suck! I hate running in sand and then to have that resistance added. No thanks. Im sure its a killer workout though
    2) Biingo looks so great! I am really glad that they are following up with the kid ambassadors from last season and its so great to see that not only has he stuck with the changes hes made, but that his family is following along too.
    3) Real women lift weights - I like that Bob's group went to meet with some professional weight lifters. I dont know about you but I thought those girls looked amazing and I think a girl with muscle is alot sexier than one that doesnt really have definition. I think its important for women to incorporate strength training into their workouts, especially pulling exercises that strengthen the back. Many women say that they dont want to lift because they are worried about getting bulky, but our bodies just arent designed for that to happen. These girls were professionals and are trying to build alot of muscle and I only really noticed one that had larger shoulders/arms. Muscle burns more fat, so dont just focus on cardio and dont be afraid of lifting some weights every now and then - you wont look like a body builder unless you actually try to

    So thats it! Lets keep up the good work guys and please as always let me know if you have any questions. Ill be out of town this weekend for a race so I wont be on here all that much but I'm going to do my best to try to stay active on here - the weeks we have alot of participation are the weeks we seem to lose more :)

    *******challenge summary**********
    1) Make sure you are recording everything you eat if you arent already
    2) Chose a food item or group of food items that you may like but may not be healthy
    3) keep track of each time you consume this and how many calories from it you ingested.
    4) complete a physical activity equivalent to that amount of calories consumed (ie one can of beer has 105 calories so you run a little over a mile until youve burned 100 calories)
    5) post in your team thread your items and activities broken down by day. While it would be most beneficial to do this each day to keep you on track, one final post with each day separated would be acceptable as well. You WILL NOT get credit for simply stating you completed the challenge this week - you need to show your teammates and coaches what you did."
  • progressnotperfection84
    In addition to this weeks required challenge I am issuing us as a team a couple of challenges. I want to see our team be the biggest loser at least once in the upcoming weeks. I know that bad days happen (I've had 2 right in a row this week) and things happen but I don't want those things to hold us back as a team or as individuals. So going forward I am challenging us as a team to step it up and step outside our comfort zones. Because let's face it...Life is to short to live in a body you don't like.

    I found this quote on Pinterest this morning and I thought that I would share it with you all (I enjoyed it so much I made it my avatar too :bigsmile: )....

    "The only person truly holding you back is you. No more excuses. It's time to change. It's time to live life at a new level." Tony Robbins

    So this week's mini challenges are this:

    1. Do something exercise/fitness wise that is outside your comfort zone.
    2. I challenge each of us to up our workout time by AT LEAST 15 minutes.

    I hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes here but I just want to see us all succeed and sometimes that requires a little "tough love."

    P.S. The mini challenges are just for us you don't have to record them in the spreadsheet.
  • AshleyMeggg
    AshleyMeggg Posts: 148 Member
    I really like this weeks challenge! I've been slacking on recording some stuff in my diary, I need to get better about it.
    Unfortunately, I am taking a mini vacation this weekend. I am planning on logging my calories as best I can however, I made the decision months ago not to log anything from Saturday. I am running in a half marathon that day, and it is a part of Epcot's food and wine festival. I had hoped to enjoy a bunch of the treats there, and it will be combined too difficult/annoying to try to keep track of that. I'll start turning things down just to stay under my calories, which is completely opposite of the purpose of choosing this half to go to. (Even though I plan to have a gigantic burn from the half.) So by all means I will be doing the other days, but I think I'm going to have to take an "attempted" for this week.

    As for our team's personal challenges, I'm running 13 miles this Saturday, when the farthest I have ever run is ~10, so I am extremely nervous about it, but also excited, and I hope that is the definition of working out outside of my comfort zone. Also, if my mom goes along with it, I want to go running with her in Disney on Monday, which tackles another fear of me. I have never run with anyone because I am afraid of slowing them down.

    Starting on Monday I am upping my workouts to 6 days a week instead of 5, so I hope that counts for that extra 15 minutes! I'm following a running plan, but also working on increasing my speed, so I actually want my workout times to go down.. That's why I've added the extra though!
  • progressnotperfection84
    I really like this weeks challenge! I've been slacking on recording some stuff in my diary, I need to get better about it.
    Unfortunately, I am taking a mini vacation this weekend. I am planning on logging my calories as best I can however, I made the decision months ago not to log anything from Saturday. I am running in a half marathon that day, and it is a part of Epcot's food and wine festival. I had hoped to enjoy a bunch of the treats there, and it will be combined too difficult/annoying to try to keep track of that. I'll start turning things down just to stay under my calories, which is completely opposite of the purpose of choosing this half to go to. (Even though I plan to have a gigantic burn from the half.) So by all means I will be doing the other days, but I think I'm going to have to take an "attempted" for this week.

    As for our team's personal challenges, I'm running 13 miles this Saturday, when the farthest I have ever run is ~10, so I am extremely nervous about it, but also excited, and I hope that is the definition of working out outside of my comfort zone. Also, if my mom goes along with it, I want to go running with her in Disney on Monday, which tackles another fear of me. I have never run with anyone because I am afraid of slowing them down.

    Starting on Monday I am upping my workouts to 6 days a week instead of 5, so I hope that counts for that extra 15 minutes! I'm following a running plan, but also working on increasing my speed, so I actually want my workout times to go down.. That's why I've added the extra though!

    Good luck this weekend! Yup those totally count toward the mini challenges too :)
  • progressnotperfection84
    For this weeks challenge my weakness is candy. So I have decided I'm going to try really hard to go cold turkey. So far so good. One night down 5/6 more to go!

    How are you all doing with this weeks challenge!?
  • mylifemynow
    mylifemynow Posts: 55 Member
    Yesterday I had a mini frosty for 75kcals - did kettlebell work out for 130kcals.
  • Pfil
    Pfil Posts: 73 Member
    I'm not going to be able to do the yellow team's extra workout challenge this week because I fell off a step stool really badly last night and bruised my thigh, butt, back and skull. I'm a little concussed but otherwise fine except for the stupid soft tissue damage. I'm actually really lucky I didn't break something or split my head open. I also hope this doesn't screw up my weigh-in this week because I know I'm holding on to extra water to do repairs. Sorry guys!
  • SkinnyNSweet822
    SkinnyNSweet822 Posts: 41 Member
    My weakness = sweets!!! I had a cookie for the 1st time in 2 weeks. Took me an hour of slow paced walking to burn off. So far i have been doing well with the mini challenge of extra workout time! Good luck to everyone! :)
  • SkinnyNSweet822
    SkinnyNSweet822 Posts: 41 Member
    *220 cal cookie. 1 hr of 2.0 mph walk = 227 cals burned
  • gtdattitude
    gtdattitude Posts: 216 Member
    I drank a can of mountain dew yesterday and then did 30 day shred to burn it off on top of my usual workout. Today I didn't have a cheat food (yet??). Although I am really hungry and can't wait to go home. I didn't bring a lunch today :(
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    I mean, all of my indulgences are carefully planned and work within my calorie needs? But okay. Yesterday I had ice cream at 190 calories and I burned 208 calories walking. Today I ate a protein cookie at 150 calories, and I burned 291 calories doing an Insanity workout.
  • progressnotperfection84
    Great job everyone! Keep up the good work!
  • Bambi48433
    Wednesday *November 6th*
    Ate 1/2c. death by chocolate ice cream for 160 calories. Burned 238 calories doing 30 min. of brisk walking
    Thursday *November 7th*
    Ate Thick pepperoni for 220 calories. Burned 238 calories doing 30 min. of brisk walking
    Friday *November 8th*
    Ate 2 veggie egg rolls for 240 calories. Burned 279 calories doing aerobics for 27 min.

    ** did extra 30 min. of workout doing 30 min. brisk walking** I just read the extra challenge early this morning for the extra 15 min. workouts so did 30 for today and yesterday.
  • AshleyMeggg
    AshleyMeggg Posts: 148 Member
    I've had no indulgences yet this week.
  • mylifemynow
    mylifemynow Posts: 55 Member
    I have the stupid flu bug so didn't eat anything yesterday and didn't work out. Probably going to be the same again today :/.