Just wanted to introduce myself!

Hello! My name is Rhianna, I am new to joining the group. I am due March 12th 2014 with a boy. Here's a little bit about my background. 20 years old, married, have a soon to be 1yr old son(November 17th) My first pregnancy was a HUGE surprise.. I suffered with a lot of of depression and anxiety, causing me to eat my emotions and gain 63lbs!!! INSANE! To say the least, I lost all that weight, was dieting down for my first npc bikini show.. finally feeling like myself and only needing to tone up I was regaining my happiness! I had an iud placed a few months after my son was born. well.. 7 weeks of clean eating, with only 5 week til my show I found out I was pregnant(iud is stuck half way in cervixs, wont come out until delivery/I start dialating)Since then my emotions have been up and down. I am handling things much better this time around (: Focusing on nutrition, and keeping up with lifting/cardio has helped emensly! I do struggle with bad binge eating days, but I know I can come out of those ruts stronger then before. Once this little man is out I plan on working my buns off to compete again in the fall! :D Any other mommys due around the same time as me? I am currently 22 weeks + 4 days, up 5lbs.


  • FitMamaRhi
    Sorry about any typos! I am not talented in the writing department.. lol