

  • GetNFitKitCat
    GetNFitKitCat Posts: 30 Member
    I had a rough week to start off with. I fell and was stuck in bed to rest. Luckily nothing was broke. I got back into my yoga and alreadyhave started feeling better. My intake hasn't been the greatest this week but it wasn't horrible either. :) can't complain
  • Let us embrace our new week doing our best.. I called in sick today which happens only in a zillion years mentally driving for 8 to 10 days straight can be very challenging but I'm not complaining A job is a treasure and I praise God for His provision:smile:
  • GetNFitKitCat
    GetNFitKitCat Posts: 30 Member
  • My week went well. Having a week off from going to icu to visit my husband is rough because of all the critical patient's I have to see on way to my husband room. However we are blessed to only have one more time to do this:heart:
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Nosey question because I work for an oncology cliinic...what is your husband getting chemo for?

    My week went well. Worked at the free medical clinic at my church, spent some time with my friends Tammy and JulieAnn for the first time in a few weeks (those girls always lift me up), made peace with someone I've had some strife with recently, and distributed bags for Scouting for Food. It's always always rewarding to give back. But if I don't get off here, I'm going to be late for Sunday School, which would be bad because I'm the teacher. LOL!
  • Joy16Sarah
    Joy16Sarah Posts: 7 Member
    Cancer is tough, tough on the patients and their families. I am a stay at home mom of 6 kids, but do work on call 2 days a month as an RN on an oncology unit. So much sadder though when people go through these tough times without church support.

    I had a good week, but didn't lose any weight. Didn't log my food either though. My sister is studying to be a nurse practitioner at Michigan State and in one of her classes her teacher said that the only proven method of weight loss is to journal your food intake. I can see that with myself. Im going to try to consistently track this week.
  • my week went well some days rougher than other's:drinker:
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    My week was OK. I am not happy at work any more. They are cutting back our hours and generally dont seem to care. I am actively looking for another job and I pray that God is with me. I choose to leave it in his hands and will follow where he leads, but would like not to be so uphappy. Pray for me please.
  • week went buy so fast.. I could of done better on my diet workouts are only 20% of the equation.. the other 80 is food and being that im a sugar holic does not help matters.. so My prayer request is that I would cut down or abstain or not let sugar take me out.. I know I have a sugar addiction tgat has shadowed me all my life. Thank You for the prayers
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Yesterday, I hydroplaned while driving my van and it ended up hitting a phone pole, but my daughter and I are okay and the van is just stuff.

    Weekly weigh in:
    SW: 192
    CW: 161.5
    GW: 150
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    It was a long, stressful week with overtime out the ear. But God is good and I made it through and my kids are safe and one of them had a birthday Friday and is not a teenager anymore and one of them is 14 today. Happy birthday to my kids (including the one coming up on Christmas Eve.)

    Weekly Weigh-in: 160.5 Not sure how I lost weight with the stress I was under, but there you have it. moving right along toward my goal of 150.