77chantelle Posts: 112 Member
Ok, Im a little excited about this weeks challenge but Ill hold off on that for a bit

This past week we had several people not weigh in and as a whole we didnt lose too much. In the three weeks of this competition though we have managed to lose a total of 138.33 lbs, which isnt to shabby if you ask me!

Our biggest loser of the week was Green teams jessecpwrs with a loss of 2.43% and the green team lost 12 lbs for 0.54% so they had the team biggest loser of the week (It could have something to do with the fact that they all weighed in so no one has that dreaded 1% increase that automatically gets added in for a missing weigh in)

The rest of the team winners were
Orange - Nida1932
Yellow- SkinnyNSweet822
Green - jessecpwrs
Blue - kyoung1908
Purple - Grandmajackie

All of these guys lost at least 1% this week so great job everyone and keep up the good work!

Now its time to kick our butts into gear and really try to jumpstart that weightloss. I think this challenge might be helpful for that.
Last night on the show the challenge was a temptation challenge; there were 100 pumpkins and each had either cash, candy, or one had an immunity card. The catch was that if they got a piece of candy they had to eat it. Im not sure if everyone ate, but I do know that everyone on the white (Jillians) team did and when they got back to the gym after that they basically started talking about how many extra calories they would need to burn to make up for what they ate. That is the basis of our challenge this week.

You should already be recording every bite you take, but its essential for this weeks challenge. Im a firm believer that if we want to be successful in the long term that we dont need to eliminate every single indulgence out of our lives. I think that in many cases can lead to binging and giving up. The key is moderation and making sure you have the right ratio of calories in vs calories out. Of course eating healthy is important and something we should all strive for and I'm sure you have already begun to make some healthier choices, but it doesnt hurt to have a reward every now and then.

This weeks challenge incorporates three things that are key to getting healthy and losing weight: accountability, moderation, and physical activity. I want you to pick a food vice that you have. It can be anything that you like, but know isnt the best for your health and losing weight - ice cream, candy, alcohol, fast food, soda, etc. I DON'T want you to necessarily eliminate this from your diet this week, but if you choose to go about it that way its fine too. What I do want you to do is burn off as many calories as you consumed eating whatever vice you chose. This is where accountability comes in - no one is responsible for your success but you, so you NEED to record every item you eat even if it doesnt look good in the diary or makes you go over for the day. Keep track of these indulgences throughout the day and see how many calories it adds up to and then get up and do something to burn that amount of calories off. You can help keep your teammates accountable by posting in your team threads and encouraging each other. In fact its going to be REQUIRED this week. There is no checking in with your coach monday night saying "yes I did the challenge", you should be posting as you go along throughout the week in your thread.You can do it all at once on monday night, sure but its easier to keep track of and stay motivated each day you do it.

You obviously can just avoid the vice for the whole week and thats fine too - you are resisting a temptation and thats an important thing to be able to do. Or you can chose to keep it in and work on finding a balance. The aim is to have the mentality that if you have something that may not be the best for your weight loss that its not the end of the world and you can do something to fix it right away. Either of these options results in the same thing - no net calories consumed, which is the goal

Im excited about this because I think it will help us all take a closer look at our diaries and what we are putting in our mouths. It might make you realize just how many calories you ingest of a particular item and cause you to start to reduce your consumption in the future. It will definitely get you up and moving though, and I know for me personally it will make me workout more.

So for example my vice is going to be candy and alcohol (im picking two but you only have to do one). My post in my thread for today would be something like this:

"peanut butter m&ms fun size - 95 cals
sweet cinnamon pretzel - 200 cals
1 glass red wine, 5 oz - 106 cals
total owed: 401

30 day shred: 170 calories
Leslie Sansone 3 mile walk : 300 calories
Calories burned: 470

All calories burned off yay!"

I hope you guys enjoy this one and it provides something for you. I really think it could be a helpful challenge. Remember this has to be legitimate exercise. If you wear a pedometer all day at work and walked 2500 steps, dont count that as 100 calories burned. If you went walking at lunch and walked a mile intentionally then of course that would count but "accidental exercise" though a great thing, doesnt count

What did you guys think of the show last night. I had three things that really stuck out to me
1) how hard would that sand pit be? They had ruben running in that while they had rope around him pulling him back. That has to suck! I hate running in sand and then to have that resistance added. No thanks. Im sure its a killer workout though
2) Biingo looks so great! I am really glad that they are following up with the kid ambassadors from last season and its so great to see that not only has he stuck with the changes hes made, but that his family is following along too.
3) Real women lift weights - I like that Bob's group went to meet with some professional weight lifters. I dont know about you but I thought those girls looked amazing and I think a girl with muscle is alot sexier than one that doesnt really have definition. I think its important for women to incorporate strength training into their workouts, especially pulling exercises that strengthen the back. Many women say that they dont want to lift because they are worried about getting bulky, but our bodies just arent designed for that to happen. These girls were professionals and are trying to build alot of muscle and I only really noticed one that had larger shoulders/arms. Muscle burns more fat, so dont just focus on cardio and dont be afraid of lifting some weights every now and then - you wont look like a body builder unless you actually try to

So thats it! Lets keep up the good work guys and please as always let me know if you have any questions. Ill be out of town this weekend for a race so I wont be on here all that much but I'm going to do my best to try to stay active on here - the weeks we have alot of participation are the weeks we seem to lose more :)

*******challenge summary**********
1) Make sure you are recording everything you eat if you arent already
2) Chose a food item or group of food items that you may like but may not be healthy
3) keep track of each time you consume this and how many calories from it you ingested.
4) complete a physical activity equivalent to that amount of calories consumed (ie one can of beer has 105 calories so you run a little over a mile until youve burned 100 calories)
5) post in your team thread your items and activities broken down by day. While it would be most beneficial to do this each day to keep you on track, one final post with each day separated would be acceptable as well. You WILL NOT get credit for simply stating you completed the challenge this week - you need to show your teammates and coaches what you did


  • 77chantelle
    77chantelle Posts: 112 Member
    GO RED!

    I am excited for this week, the last couple of weeks have been crazy and I want to and need to get back into the zone of eating healthy and exercising daily. I am going to post daily on this thread what I ate and what I did for exercise. I did have some chocolate today, but starting right now I am going to try and go without sugar treats. Good Luck
  • 77chantelle
    77chantelle Posts: 112 Member
    I struggle with eating sugar treats, pizza, tortilla chips, and white flour. Today i had chocolate 250 calories, burned 500 doing kickboxing
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Oooh... Kick Boxing! I was just questioning Kick Boxing in another group. I'm contemplating trying it out but I'm scared I'm not coordinated enough for it. I tried Step Aerobics once and I was a hot mess. I'm afraid kick will be the same way. I can do zumba and dance okay though but with it being dark and all the flashing lights no one can tell if I miss a move. What do you think? On a scale of 1 to 10 where would you place to difficulty level for a beginner?

    Okay, so for my vice... Fried potatoes (chips, French fries, tater tots, ect). That's gotta be the highest calorie food item I eat. I try to avoid them but I am going to the beach this weekend and have planned a dinner which involved tater tots. We will be going out to eat a couple times two and I have a tendency to finish my kids' fries for them so I will have to keep track of that. I think I am also going to figure out the sugar thing. Most of my sugary foods aren't really that high calorie so I need to calculate how many calories burned equals a gram of sugar. I think its about 50 calories.


    Mashed Potatoes
    total owed: 237

    Club Dance
    Calories burned: 432

    Sugars 66grams
    Allowed 25
    Earned 9
    Over 32

    Wow, what an eye opener... I had 180 calories left over yesterday but was still over 32 grams of sugar. I ate some sherbet (34 grams of sugar) for dessert and that was what put me over. This is going to be an interesting week!
  • 77chantelle
    77chantelle Posts: 112 Member
    Aprilstar, you should try kickboxing, just tell the instructor it is your first time and she can explain the kicks and punches in a slow motion at first. The more you go the easier it gets. I sometimes burn more calories doing kickboxing than running on a treadmill at a 5.5 speed. All kickbox classes are different i would give mine a 7 , it is not too hard, but a great workout.

    Today i had two slices of pizza i am going with 600 calories. I burned 690 calories playing basketball and doing a weight circuit class. That is cutting it close.
  • health1971
    Hi ladies,

    I log everything I eat because that's the only way I can make myself eat my three full meal and not just one or two... The biggest problem I have is not eating enough and automatically sending/making my body think that I'm starving myself... That's how I gained the weight in the past two years plus a very slow metabolism and menopause... Also, not having a big appetite and drinking lots of water makes me full all day long... I have always been this way and I'm so glad that I found MFP because it serves and a reminder for my three meals and maybe some snacks...

    I was able to work in my allowed calories my two favorites things :bigsmile: ...

    1) Chocolate covered almonds 170 calories - Tuesday 5th, 2013
    2) Pop Crunch - Brown sugar cinnamon - 280 calories Sunday 10th, 2013

    I want to thank you all for sharing your stories it really means a lot :heart: ...

    Taking a step at a time to reach my goal always :flowerforyou: ...
  • worsleys13
    worsleys13 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My Weakness is Sweets, So my week looks something like this:

    Monday: All good
    Tuesday: White Toblerone 4 sections - 536 calories, burned off 340 at the gym and 300 at Karate. Total burned 640
    Wednesday: All good
    Thursday: White Toblerone 4 sections - 536 calories, burned off 310 at karate and 170 doing 'Jillian Michaels DVD'. Total burned 480 :(
    Friday: All Good
    Saturday: White toblerone 4 sections -- 536 calories and skittles - 222 calories. No calories burned :(
    Sunday: All good
  • 77chantelle
    77chantelle Posts: 112 Member
    How is everyone else doing? Just a reminder to log in your weight today and if you were able to complete the challenge. I ate a piece of pumpkin pie and didnt exercise yesterday.
  • jamiegephart
    Tuesday: perfect
    Thurs: perfect
    Fri: perfect except 1/3 a small smashburger and 1/6 serving of smashfries
    215 Calories-walked 30 minutes and did weights -225 calories burned
    Sat: perfect
    Sun: perfect except a bite of doughnut and did 30 min of yardwork on Monday
    Monday: perfect
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    I started out really good this week but haven't been logging lately:embarassed: I did avoid potatoes most of the week though and got workouts done on days that I slacked but I don't have exact stats so I guess I get an Attempt for this week:ohwell:
  • 77chantelle
    77chantelle Posts: 112 Member
    THANKS FOR POSTING! we still need to hear from mnharrington, Tamieviece, and Neisha. This month has been really rough for me the added stress makes me snack and I have eaten sugar a couple of times this week, today I have started off great. I hate keeping track of what I eat. I am going to keep a food journal on a notebook at home (unless this weeks challenge is to post it)AND If I don't eat clean I will let you gals know, I will post it. I am currently snacking on carrots and salsa instead of chips :wink: Think about your own individual goals so we can post them for week 5, this is our month!
  • MelissaTay30
    Happy Tuesday to my awesome RED TEAM! I absolutely loved this week challenge! I was away from my computer all week as was unable to track calories on line but I did write EVERY SINGLE thing down. So this is how my week went.

    Wednesday: Under my calorie goal (1200) with out eating anything I wasn’t suppose to.

    Thursday: I broke down and ate out at our local Mexican restaurant. This place is truly my weakness. I had a Dr. Pepper, chips and salsa, chicken enchiladas, and rice. I had this for supper and before this I had 600 calories left over from breakfast and lunch. I had to estimate how much my total meal was so that I could burn off those calories. My estimate was about 800. So when we got home I hit my treadmill for a 600 calories burn.

    Friday: Under my calorie goal (1200) with out eating anything I wasn’t suppose to

    Saturday: I ate 4 REESE'S Peanut Butter Cups that total was 420 and I worked out for 500 calories.

    Sunday: Under my calorie goal (1200) with out eating anything I wasn’t suppose to.

    Monday: Under my calorie goal (1200) with out eating anything I wasn’t suppose to.

    I thought I would have some weight loss on the scale this week however I did not. It’s kinda frustrating but I will get over this plateau that I think that I am in. I just have to take it one meal at a time. Excited to see what this week bring.