Weekly check in - 11/13/13 - 6 weeks 'til Christmas

Tomorrow (Wednesday) is check in day, so I figured I'd get this up a day early.

1. Current weight (optional)
2. Weight lost since last week
3. NSV for the week
4. Goals for next week
5. Weight to go 'til Christmas
6. What is your plan of attack as we head into holiday crunch time? How will you get in your exercise time? What are you doing to ensure healthy food choices are available? And how will you carve out time to handle the inevitable stress of the season? Let's share our ideas to survive these next months and finish strong!!!


  • TanyaAJ
    TanyaAJ Posts: 30 Member
    Hello Wednesday!

    1. Current weight 166.2 lbs (I am in 160s!!!!! )
    2. Weight lost since last week 4 lbs! After not loosing any weigh last week this was a bit of a shock! nice one!)
    3. Other accomplishment or NSV: had to get new work trousers in smaller size! Yay!
    4. Goals for next week: Drink more water
    5. weight to go by Christmas it would be 1lbs, but I think I might move the target again.... will think about it next week.
    6. I think I will try to stick to my routine as much as possible and not to give in to starting Christmas in November! It is Only few days and I WILL NOT be eating myself stupid for the months before it. Christmas dinner will be write off. My MIL is cooking and she is fantastic cook but used tons of butter in everything. But as I said it's only ONE dinner. If I can do it, I will give myself a medal in January! :-))
  • w2bab
    w2bab Posts: 353 Member
    1. Current weight (optional) 182
    2. Weight lost since last week 0
    3. NSV for the week: My husand's holiday party is this weekend, and I look really good in my dress. :)
    4. Goals for next week 2 lbs.
    5. Weight to go 'til Christmas 22 (which won't happen, and I'm okay with that)
    6. What is your plan of attack as we head into holiday crunch time? How will you get in your exercise time? What are you doing to ensure healthy food choices are available? And how will you carve out time to handle the inevitable stress of the season? Let's share our ideas to survive these next months and finish strong!!! Since we won't have much family around for the holidays, and pretty much in our family is working on healthy lifestyles/weight loss anyway, there won't be the usual holiday baking. When we're home we work out every day, and when we travel we pick hotels with fitness centers, so we get our workouts in even when we are out of town. It should be a piece of cake. . . er. . . celery. Lol.
  • cfeineigle
    cfeineigle Posts: 39 Member
    Good Morning Gang!! :happy:

    1. Current weight: 137.6
    2. Weight lost since last week : -.80
    3. NSV for the week: I declined a dark chocolate bar with almonds (My FAV!!) from a co-worker and opted for my apple instead. :)
    4. Goals for next week: Lose one full stubborn pound!!
    5. Weight to go 'til Christmas 12.60
    6. Just because it's the holidays doesn't mean our routine can go out the window! I will still be dragging myself out of bed at 6:00am and getting my daily workout in. Although the week of Xmas I will be staying with family so I will plan on getting up and walking/jogging around the neighborhood. I am still "required" to bake per my brother, bf, and father but I plan on making "healthier" versions of my baked goods.

    Hope everyone has a great day!!
  • maguariento
    maguariento Posts: 72 Member
    Hi all!

    1. CW 136.6
    2. Lost 0.6 lbs (supposedly... I'm afraid today's weight was due to dehydration; it's been much higher the last few days.)
    3. NSV - jogged my first full 5k, no walking!!
    4. Goal for next week - starting a 30 day ab challenge... we'll see how that goes! Also need to make sure to get in weight lifting for legs. I've skipped it too many weeks, and really need to build some lower body muscle.
    5. Weight to go - 1.6 lbs
    6. Plan - Don't go nuts decorating for Christmas; I'm going to be out of town anyway! Make a shopping list for gifts to avoid wasted time and endless wandering. Make only ONE pie for Thanksgiving. Portion out and freeze leftovers, making it less likely to reheat (and eat!) too much at once. Do not double and quadruple Christmas cookie batches!!! And lastly, remember to look back at this list and stick to it :tongue:
  • tristaj90
    tristaj90 Posts: 330 Member
    1. Current weight: 145.
    2. Weight lost since last week : +3.2 pounds
    3. NSV for the week: I didn't have one this week. I was unable to exercise and over ate ice cream due to my wisdom teeth being removed. Hoping those pounds gained were water weight..
    4. Goals for next week: Get back to 141 or lower!
    5. Weight to go 'til Christmas 15 pounds
    6. PLAN- WORK OUT EVERY DAY NO EXCUSES!!!! Even just 15 minutes... my exercise bike has been set up over the weekend so I will always have SOMETHING to do. I also need to keep my cravings in control.
  • Me2FitMe
    Me2FitMe Posts: 1,284 Member
    1. Current: 159.8
    2. Loss: 0.0 lb
    3. NSV: fit into a pair of dress pants, I have not worn in ~6 yrs
    4. Goal: Focus on food... the rest will follow
    5. 19.8 lbs to go by Christmas-- ugh!