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  • AmandaAldrich
    AmandaAldrich Posts: 2 Member
    For those that were tested and want their body comp numbers.... One more invasive thing.....I need your age. If you are of delicate constitution and do not want to share this tidbit with the masses, I do not judge . You can drop me a quick note at:
  • kariduane
    kariduane Posts: 27 Member
    Hello HHC Guys and Gals!
    I learned so much last weekend at the metabolic efficiency certification clinic. Here are a few quick take aways...
    The traditional American diet lends itself to something called "metabolic syndrome." My Fitness Pal allows 4 grams of carbohydrate to 1 gram of protein on your daily log. Best practice for weight loss is 1:1 and for weight maintenance 2:1. During the peak training season pushing it to 3:1 works for some athletes. The average American diet is closer to 25:1! 25 grams of carbohydrate for each single gram of protein. Wow!
    What are we trying to accomplish? Eating metabolically efficient will result in weight loss followed by weight maintenance but what we are really looking to do is stabilize blood insulin levels. No more energy dips in the middle of the day or food comas. Sleep is a vital contributor to the success of this lifestyle!
    Look for a few quick tie-bits over the next few days and keep up the great work! Post a quick reply if you read this!
  • CarolAceituno
    I would definitely like to get to the point of no energy slumps and food comas. It would also save me money from those afternoon lattes. My sister was diagnosed with insulin resistance and I believe I have it as well. So this Metabolic efficiency diet is definitely worth a try. Thanks Kari. Tried your tuna salad today and it was yummy.