baby number ?



  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    17 weeks with baby #4. I have three boys and am hoping for a girl. Everyone predicts another boy though:smile:

    you can always dress him in pink when hubby isn't looking! :tongue:
  • BunBun85
    BunBun85 Posts: 246 Member
    I'm 19 weeks today with our first and only, a little boy. =)
  • I am currently 20 weeks with babies #2 and #3. Identical twins, I was due in April but I will be induced mid March if double trouble don't decide to arrive early. Have my 20 week scan next Tuesday, hoping to find out we have two healthy little babies and hoping we can finally see what team we're on.
  • her4g63
    her4g63 Posts: 284 Member
    37 weeks, 4 days with baby #2
    I have a 3.5 year old daughter (:
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    Third boy on the way! Love being a boy mom... called it from day one ;)
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I am currently 20 weeks with babies #2 and #3. Identical twins, I was due in April but I will be induced mid March if double trouble don't decide to arrive early. Have my 20 week scan next Tuesday, hoping to find out we have two healthy little babies and hoping we can finally see what team we're on.

    So jealous! I totally want twins.
  • melindenmark
    melindenmark Posts: 279 Member
    Im currently in week 20 with baby #1. We are having a little girl and super excited to be parents for the first time!!
  • SneakyBat
    SneakyBat Posts: 55 Member
    18 weeks with baby baby #1 will be almost 20 years old when this one arrives.
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    I'm 33 weeks today with baby #3 (team pink!). I have a a 22 yo DS and a 3 yo DD.....I started all over again.....what was I thinking??? LOL!
  • hotmomma0612
    hotmomma0612 Posts: 651 Member
    13 weeks with #2.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    And, I thought my 8 year gap was big. I dont think I could be talked into having another if my baby was 20 years old :p
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    So exciting! We are all in different places but having similar experiences. It's fun to hear about everyone's new additions.
  • fava87
    fava87 Posts: 9 Member
    I just found out im 8 weeks pregnant with baby number 3. Were so excited because i had a miscarriage 12 weeks ago. I have a 2.5 year old boy and an 13 month old girl. Were not going to find out the sex of this baby and am sooo excited to find out in the delivery room! I just love being pregnant! I had morning sickness for a week and a half but i can happily say its gone! Now i can get back to the gym. Good luck to everyone and their precious little cargo.
  • Almost 27 weeks with baby #1!
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    For me this is baby number 9. I have 6 boys and 2 girls and am hoping for a girl this time around. What number baby is this for the rest of ya'll?

    Wow!!! (I am sure you get that a lot!) I would love to have a huge family - but I don't foresee that happing.

    Im only 4weeks so still in hushhush mode - but uber excited. #2 for us (this crazy lady will have 2 under two for a few months : )
  • mommyblessed7
    mommyblessed7 Posts: 72 Member
    This is #7 for me , 4 girls and this will be boy #3!! :) I will take anything boy/girl Im not picky , just love babies <3
  • BadAtitude
    BadAtitude Posts: 167 Member
    17 weeks with baby #4. I have three boys and am hoping for a girl. Everyone predicts another boy though:smile:

    you can always dress him in pink when hubby isn't looking! :tongue:

    That might satisfy my need in the short term but create therapy issues in the long :laugh:
  • StrongAndHealthyMommy
    StrongAndHealthyMommy Posts: 1,255 Member
    I am currently 20 weeks with babies #2 and #3. Identical twins, I was due in April but I will be induced mid March if double trouble don't decide to arrive early. Have my 20 week scan next Tuesday, hoping to find out we have two healthy little babies and hoping we can finally see what team we're on.

    So jealous! I totally want twins.

    I want twins too because we aren't planning on having another child.... Im 7 weeks pregnant with our 1st child together (and h has a boy)...
  • This will be baby number 4 my first two(girls) are 7 and 6 years old they are 18 months apart. I have a son that will be 1 on 12/8/13 and I am hoping for another boy. My son and the new baby will be 16 months apart!
  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    21 weeks pregnant with baby #1! It's a boy :)