Postpartum Body pics

jaylas_mom21 Posts: 311 Member
Anybody want to share postpartum pictures? I've lost about 17 pounds so far in the first 2 weeks so I'm pleased with my progress so far. I've now stopped breastfeeding so will probably have to start watching what I'm eating again. I'll go first. Here's my pic:


  • KariAnn_09
    I don't have pics to post, but you look great! Fabulous job, momma!
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    You look awesome! And only 2 weeks pp!

    I haven't figured out how to post pics...

    that's me after baby #1.

    I'm happy overall, but I'd like to get more abdominal definition before I get pregnant with #2.
  • jaylas_mom21
    jaylas_mom21 Posts: 311 Member
    Thank you! I was really nervous of what I would look like PP for the 2nd time around but so far am happy even though I have a long way to get to where I really want to be.
  • daytolive
    daytolive Posts: 106 Member
    Wow! You do look fantastic! I don't know how to post pictures! Congrats!
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Amazing change is such a short space of time! I know it's a personal decision, but why stop breastfeeding after only two weeks, if you don't mind sharing?
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    You look fantastic!
  • jaylas_mom21
    jaylas_mom21 Posts: 311 Member
    Amazing change is such a short space of time! I know it's a personal decision, but why stop breastfeeding after only two weeks, if you don't mind sharing?

    Girl, we had a terrible time with breastfeeding! At first my milk took forever to come in. She lost almost a pound in 3 days. So I was told to start supplementing. I had to use a nipple shield from the beginning bc they said I had sort of flat nipples. Once I started supplementing, she basically gave up on trying to suck at the breast and would just sit there and scream and act like she wasn't getting anything. The whole thing of her losing the weight at first really freaked me out too so after all that I was just having to pump and give her that along with formula bc I didn't have enough milk. I was told to put her to the breast, then give her a bottle with formula and also pump every 3 hours. All that was extremely overwhelming for me and I planned to stop breastfeeding at 3 months anyway once I went back to work bc I don't have time to pump at work. So I decided I wasn't able to enjoy any of my time off work or spending time with her bc all I had time for was trying to feed her and pumping so I decided to give it up. Long story but that about sums it up. I wish breastfeeding had been easy for me like it is for some people but unfortunately it just was too much.
  • jaylas_mom21
    jaylas_mom21 Posts: 311 Member
    Thanks everybody! :)
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I am 9 months PP almost 10 and I still look like your 1 week pic I have lost weight but it doesn't want to leave my belly area. So frustrating. I know what you mean about breastfeeding I tried it ( this one is my #2) and it was a bust I didn't develop enough milk. I would produce about 2 oz every 12 hours if I was lucky and it became not worth the stress so I gave it up too so I could just enjoy my maternity leave.
  • motherjuly31
    You look amazing! Seriously, you look fab! How big was your baby? I swear my five month belly shot is as big as your were at full term!!! LOL!

    I need to take some pics and post them but I hate my body right now!
  • jaylas_mom21
    jaylas_mom21 Posts: 311 Member
    I am 9 months PP almost 10 and I still look like your 1 week pic I have lost weight but it doesn't want to leave my belly area. So frustrating. I know what you mean about breastfeeding I tried it ( this one is my #2) and it was a bust I didn't develop enough milk. I would produce about 2 oz every 12 hours if I was lucky and it became not worth the stress so I gave it up too so I could just enjoy my maternity leave.

    It's good to know others can relate. It makes you feel like you've failed but I try to tell myself it's fine. At least I tried. :)
  • jaylas_mom21
    jaylas_mom21 Posts: 311 Member
    You look amazing! Seriously, you look fab! How big was your baby? I swear my five month belly shot is as big as your were at full term!!! LOL!

    I need to take some pics and post them but I hate my body right now!

    Thank you! :)

    She weighed 7 lbs 13 oz and was 20.5 inches long. She was born at 38 wks 2 days.
  • jcmrax5
    jcmrax5 Posts: 133
    Amazing change is such a short space of time! I know it's a personal decision, but why stop breastfeeding after only two weeks, if you don't mind sharing?

    Girl, we had a terrible time with breastfeeding! At first my milk took forever to come in. She lost almost a pound in 3 days. So I was told to start supplementing. I had to use a nipple shield from the beginning bc they said I had sort of flat nipples. Once I started supplementing, she basically gave up on trying to suck at the breast and would just sit there and scream and act like she wasn't getting anything. The whole thing of her losing the weight at first really freaked me out too so after all that I was just having to pump and give her that along with formula bc I didn't have enough milk. I was told to put her to the breast, then give her a bottle with formula and also pump every 3 hours. All that was extremely overwhelming for me and I planned to stop breastfeeding at 3 months anyway once I went back to work bc I don't have time to pump at work. So I decided I wasn't able to enjoy any of my time off work or spending time with her bc all I had time for was trying to feed her and pumping so I decided to give it up. Long story but that about sums it up. I wish breastfeeding had been easy for me like it is for some people but unfortunately it just was too much.
    "weight loss" for a NB is normal. Did you have an IV during labor? If so a lot of her birth weight was from the IV fluids and not truly HER weight. And once you give a bottle its all down hill from there. Always. Suckling at the breast is harder so babies get lazy when a bottle is introduced. You DO...well did before the formula... have enough milk. You body will not fail you. And legally you are allowed time to BF while at work. If you want it bad enough you can make it work! I always hate to see moms misinformed on BFing! It is hard! But its worth it! It took about 6 weeks for us before it was "easy".
  • jcmrax5
    jcmrax5 Posts: 133
    you do look good though! So congrats on that part! :)
  • jaireed
    jaireed Posts: 333 Member
    Oh my gosh you look AMAZING! No wonder why no one else wants to post! :laugh: I still look like your full term picture! :wink:
  • jaylas_mom21
    jaylas_mom21 Posts: 311 Member
    Haha! Thanks Jai! You're too sweet. :)
  • lvburns2013
    Wow you look AmaZinG!!!
  • walleyclan1
    walleyclan1 Posts: 2,784 Member
    The day I had my second baby and 1 year later


    6 weeks PP up until 2 months ago. It took me a year and half but I am happy with the changes.

  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Ladies with pics - you look amazing! I don't have pics to post like that, although I lost a lot after baby no. 2.

    I'm currently 18 weeks pregnant with baby no. 3 and hoping to minimise weight gain so I look as amazing as you two who have posted pics. My profile pic was taken just before I got pregnant. Well, I probably was pregnant at that point but didn't know it!

    I had trouble breastfeeding. My son was born 10 days late weighing 7lbs13 and 6 days after had dropped to 6lbs7 so my midwife told me to give formula. I spent 10 weeks bfing him, then giving him formula, then pumping. It was very stressful. A similar thing happened with my daughter. She just wouldn't stop feeding, I literally couldn't leave her for 5 mins as she would scream for more milk. I know breastfeeding can be hard, but you shouldn't have to feed 24/7 for weeks on end! So I'm sorry, but low supply does exist! I'm hoping with my third i'll produce more.
  • Blairni1981
    Wow. All you ladies look amazing. I am 7 months pp and can't wait for my spare tire to go away.