Lift numbers getting lower?!

We had back squats for the skill part of our WOD... I'm so frustrated because my numbers went down from 110lbs for 5 reps to 105 pounds for ONE rep. :( It's the first time I've failed a back squat, and I feel frustrated.

I Crossfit four times a week, M T Th F. Recently, though, my lifting numbers have become lower for a couple of weeks. Do you know why that is? it's just so depressing.


  • booyainyoface
    booyainyoface Posts: 409 Member
    are you eating less? you need to eat enough (a lot) to make gains... if you are eating at a deficit all your strength gains will be marginal

    besides nutrition... how is your sleep, and are you giving your body enough time to recover? everyone is a little different for recovery times.

    also... sometimes its just not an awesome day, and other days you can move the world :)
  • I am eating at a little bit of a deficit because I wanted to lose a bit of belly fat...

    Actually, upon doing some research, I scored 6 out of 8 on this (5 if we decide to be technical about it) :(

    When you say everyone is different for recovery times, does that also mean that some people need more "relaxed" deload weeks than others? I still did cardio metcons during our "deload" week at the box. I'm concerned that may have impaired my recovery, but the other people at my fitness level can seem to go on and on for weeks on end without having to actually stop going to the box.

    I guess I'll have to take a week off, starting from now? I don't want to, though. I'm sure you guys understand. =))
  • dirtybadgermtb
    dirtybadgermtb Posts: 140 Member
    I wouldn't be too concerned. One day of being 5% off isn't enough to establish a pattern of getting weaker. We all have off days. I could be that you need to rest for a few days and those numbers will pop right back or you may start making gains. CrossFit is funny like that. You may PR your 500 M row and in the same week your back squat is lower. The next week the reverse could happen.
  • MoJokes
    MoJokes Posts: 691
    I'd say take a rest, 4 crossfit sessions is intense. I'd take a few days off and let the body heal and the hormones settle.
  • booyainyoface
    booyainyoface Posts: 409 Member
    i usually do CF 5x a week and do yoga on my day off (cf m-weds, yoga thurs, cf fri/sat) and as far as rest days... like serious rest. chill at home, do laundry, clean the house, eat lots of food, just chill. if i am going to be "active" on a rest day such as a big hike, long bike ride bla bla, than i don't believe it is a rest day. every few months i take a whole week off just to recover. during that week im active, but not going on runs (i do like powerwalks :)) or doing pull ups ect. it also depends on your usual activity level as well. i have been crazy busy and active my whole life. i have a physical job and sitting still isn't something i excel at.

    also i would like to say that your gym's programming will make a difference. mine does a lot of lifitng days, but we also do WAY more gymnastic days, as far as strength stuff goes that i have seen most gyms do. if your gym does a lot of heavy strength stuff followed by longer heavier WODs you will need more rest time than a gym that programs heavy lifting/gymnastic days with varying weights and wod lengths.

    go on your body. take a few real rest days and see if you come back recharged.
  • Bella_DiVine
    Bella_DiVine Posts: 46 Member
    Make sure you are eating enough! I started doing a whole 30 half way through a 5 week deadlift strength cycle and dropped 2.5kg on my 1RM when I tested at the end of the cycle. I was so frustrated, couldnt understand how I was getting weaker and everyone else was having 10-20kg gains. I kept a food diary for a few days and when my coach looked at it I wasnt eating half enough.
  • MUALaurenClark
    MUALaurenClark Posts: 296 Member
    Moo...had you warmed up to the 105# that day? In other words...start at 75, then 85, then 95, then 100, then 105, etc.

    Maybe you did. If you didn't, that's your answer. I can't get my higher lifts if I haven't warmed up to that weight in a really slow fashion.

    I personally wouldn't take a week off.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I'd say take a rest, 4 crossfit sessions is intense. I'd take a few days off and let the body heal and the hormones settle.

    This. Rest for two days then go and try a 1RM squat again. I bet you PR by a large margin.
  • Well, today's a Thursday, and I could tell when I woke up this morning that my body was *craving* rest, even though today was supposed to be a CF day.. I think I will take the week off just to be sure I've rested enough (I wouldn't want to half-*kitten* resting, which I do have the tendency to do.. I'll try my best to reaaallly recover this time). I'll also try to eat enough *good* calories.

    @MUALaurenClar Yup, I warmed up to 105#.. My lifts were 45,45 (warmup), then to the working set 75 (5 reps), 85 (5 reps), 95 (5 reps), 105 (1 rep, then got stuck), tried again 105, which resulted in just 1 rep also.

    Thanks for the advice, everyone! :)
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Every 3-4 months I plan on taking a week even if I don't think I need it. I'll do light cardio that week but no lifting.