Falling back into old ways....HELP

Hi everyone(:

I had my VSG done in December 2012 and have lost almost 80 pounds....the only issue now is that I have hit the comfortable stage and have been making bad food choices. I think it started because I haven't lost anything for about a month and it has been really unmotivating for me.

Has anyone else been experiencing this problem? I am only 53 pounds away from reaching my ultimate weight loss goal!! AHHHH I would love some helpful advice on how to get out of this rut


  • clblew
    clblew Posts: 30
    Hi gal. I am a Dec 2012 VSG'r too. Congrats on the weight loss so far! I too am struggling with some setbacks. I had some things happen this summer/fall and now realize I started using food as my coping tool again. Recently been swinging between binge eating and starving myself.
    For me, the recognition of it is the first step. I am just trying to go back to what I know to be healthy and in a way start over. I have not kept a recorded diary since spring, so that is the first step. I find that when I have to keep track of everything, it helps me to make healthier choices.
    As well, get you an accountability partner. Make sure it is someone who will be "brutally honest" with you as for myself at least I need someone who will call me out and challenge me to get back on track.
    Be positive and don't judge yourself. You have done amazing and this moment is a new moment. You have the power to make the choice of how to use it.
    Good luck friend!
  • emmerin78
    emmerin78 Posts: 311 Member
    You both have hit the nail right on the head: recognizing that you're not making good choices is the first step, and doing something about it is the second. I've only been sleeved for 4.5 months, but I can already tell that it will be all too easy for me to back slide into some old habits (especially as I've noticed that my sleeve can cope with just about any type of food). However, that's where the work part of it comes in, and I'm so fortunate to have this tool and the support of sleevers who have been doing this longer than I have and can share their wisdom and struggles. You both are inspirations - keep up the good work and you'll get to where you want to be!
  • Ladies...thank you so much for your kind words! Look how amazing both of your weight loss journeys have been so far(: Your advice has definitely given me ideas on how to "start over".....I am not going to let myself ruin the progress I have made so far...I am way to close(:

  • My name is Liz, and I am 58 years old. I will upload a photo as soon as I figure out how to do it. I was sleeved on 11/6/13. It has been surprisingly painless. I have never had the nausea that so many people are bothered with. I'm not at all sure I am doing the diet "right," though. I went through the brutal clear liquid pre-op diet, then clear liquids again afterwards. I moved on to full liquids, and then to soft food. I kinda skipped the puree stage though, and now I eat whatever it is I want to eat, within reason of course. I measure my food almost all the time, and try to never eat more than 4 oz. at a time (is that right??) I eat about 5x a day. I know I don't eat a really balanced diet yet. I eat a lot of soup, cottage cheese and peaches, sugar free puddings for my sweet tooth. I eat a scrambled egg pretty often, and apple sauce I even ate a little bit of pizza tonight for dinner. Nothing has made me sick (thank goodness). My thinking is that if I cut it up well, chew it up well, and it doesn't bother me it should be okay. Right? I am keeping a food journal and counting my calories in MFP. They set me a goal of 1200 cals, and I am always under that, usually somewhere near or slightly under 1000. I am getting my protein in almost every day with my food so I don't always have to do protein shakes (which I hate). I lost approximately 47 pounds pre-surgery, and I've lost about 15 or so since. The other day I actually had gained a couple of pounds though. I was wondering if ups and downs are common, or have I just totally jacked the whole thing up? I did lost the extra pounds I gained, but I don't know if I have lost any beyond that or not. I think I got in trouble by weighing too often. I'm trying hard to stick to only weighing once a week.

    I would really love for some of you to chime in here with advice, etc. If I am doing this all wrong, how do I fix it? I still get really hungry (do you guys still feel the hunger too?), even though I was assured that I wouldn't. I know this surgery is a tool and not a solution. It would be very easy to slip back into my old ways and I really don't want to do that! If I blow this opportunity, my family will be so disappointed in me, and I will be so disappointed with myself too! I know this is my last chance to do something drastic to lose weight, and I cannot afford to blow the opportunity.

    Please pass along your words of wisdom. If you would like to friend me, I will gladly accept. I am also concerned with how to handle eating through the holidays. What do you all suggest that I eat, literally, for Thanksgiving dinner? I am cooking ham and turkey, along with all the sides, for my family. There will also be at least two kinds of pie....Oh Lord! I may be doomed. :(
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    @Liz: Thanksgiving for you should be very limited as you are only 3 weeks out from the sleeve. At most you should be on soft or pureed foods, no chewing solids yet. I would reccomend some mashed sweet potatoes with a protein powder. Try not to rush through the food stages, take your time and form good habits.
  • clblew
    clblew Posts: 30
    Let me just add a sidbar that my total is pre and post surgery. I've lost about 80 since surgery last Dec.
    Keep up the great work!