8 days post op - why can't we drink with our food?!?!?!

Hi guys - I had the Gastric Sleeve surgery on 11/18. I am down 6 lbs in the first week. I am having a hard time not drinking while I eat. I don't fully understand why we can't. Someone please enlighten me so that I can have a visual and some understanding of what's going on down there!!! I understand the reasoning behind the lap band, because they want the food to stay in your pouch longer to feel full, is this the same reason for us "sleevers"? We don't have a "pouch" so the food is not going through a funnel, per say, to be disgested. Need some intelligent reasoning here.....thanks!!!


  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Per what I was told when I had my surgery there are 2 reasons. #1 is that there is only so much room now and if your sleeve was done the way mine was, all the stretchy part of the stomach was removed, so no way for the stomach to expand as you eat or drink. So in order to get all the protein and nutrition you need, you should only put food in at meal times. If you drink during meals, some of the little room there is is filled with liquid, so less room for food. Make sense? #2 reason is just like the lap band. You want to feel fuller longer, so if you drink during or too soon after, you flush the food through the stomach and digestive tract and feel empty quicker.

    I know it makes it challenging to get all your liquids in at first, but you get used to it and it does get easier in time. It's just developing a new habit.
  • thanks for the quick response! I guess I just needed an answer and was having a hard time finding one on the net. What you said makes total sense.
  • BoysMommaX4
    BoysMommaX4 Posts: 41 Member
    When I attended the class before my surgery we were told that there is a correlation between people who do not follow the 30/30 rule and people who gain weight back. I am 2 weeks out from my surgery today and it can be hard to follow. My lunch felt a bit stuck and I had to drink. Ugh! I'm sure it will get easier. I do not want to blow this opportunity.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    When I attended the class before my surgery we were told that there is a correlation between people who do not follow the 30/30 rule and people who gain weight back. I am 2 weeks out from my surgery today and it can be hard to follow. My lunch felt a bit stuck and I had to drink. Ugh! I'm sure it will get easier. I do not want to blow this opportunity.

    Taking a few sips because of that "stuck" feeling isn't breaking the rules. It's drinking while eating a meal or within a certain time frame before or after and just because the liquid takes up that precious little bit of space we need for food or is flushing the food through the system so quickly we feel hungry again too soon.

    To avoid that "stuck" sensation try to make sure what you eat is moist. I'm 2+ years out and still get that "stuck" feeling if my food is too dry. I still use broths and sauces on most of what I eat. And if it is something that needs to be dry, take very small bites and chew them very well, almost to pulverize them.
  • Very good information - I wasn't required to take any classes prior to my surgery, so I'm not real sure on alot of details. Glad to have found this group for questions and concerns.
  • BoysMommaX4
    BoysMommaX4 Posts: 41 Member
    That is exactly what was wrong. I had a turkey sausage patty and I am so used to absorbing all of the grease with a paper towel and eating it like that. I don't think I will be having that by itself again.
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    Imagine your stomach as an empty 6oz glass - it will only fit 6oz of "something", anything more will come up. In order to eat the correct amout of protein needed for us to lose weight and stay healty we need to "empty the glass" then fill it with protein at a meal. Liquid just takes up space and increases the chances of food coming up. After about 30 minutes (different for everyone) enough of the food has moved down, out of the stomach, allowing room fro liquid.
  • very good visual Ronnie! Thanks!!!
  • and congrats on 65# weight loss - that's incredible!!!!! My goal is 50#. The sleeve is a great tool to finally help me get to my goal :smile: I want to use it in the best way possible.