Addicted to my scale

jkern9110 Posts: 119 Member
Is anyone else addicted to weighing yourself? I find myself standing on the scale, eager with anticipation, multiple times a day. I've read various articles discussing when to weigh yourself and such, but I would like some real world feedback. Healthy or not healthy?


  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I was told by my surgeon and his team to weigh no more than once a week. My weigh day is Saturday morning, first thing after I get up and pee. That said, do I weigh myself more? Yes,especially when the scale isn't moving or when I've bounced up again. Since at 2+ years out from surgery my weight loss is very, very slow (which is normal for this far out from surgery), I weigh almost daily now.

    But to your question, your lowest weight for the day is first thing in the morning after you pee. After that it will start going up as you add food and liquid, so weighing yourself multiple times a day isn't going to help you stay on track, it's just going to drive you nuts. If you want to weigh every morning, go for it. Unless it's causes you extreme stress, it doesn't hurt anything. If it does cause you extreme stress have whomever you live with hide your scale and only give it back for your weekly weigh in. If you live alone, arrange to weigh in at a friend's or family member's house once a week.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I don't weigh myself often because I can get a little scale obsessive. I had my surgery Oct 9th, and my weigh ins have only been when I went to the surgeons office for follow ups, two weeks out and 4 weeks after that. I will go again in 6 weeks and probably won't weigh myself until then. I am sure eventually when my office visits are less frequent I will start weighing myself at home, but for now, as long as I do what I am supposed to and my clothes keep getting looser, I am good with not weighing myself.
  • suzee279
    I weigh myself daily and try to keep it at the same time every day. First thing in the morning after I get up and pee and before I take the meds I have to take on an empty stomach. My official weigh in day is Thursday, but I will record losses as they occur in between. I tend to lose in "clumps" 2-3 weeks of very little movement and then for a week it seems like almost daily drops. I am 10 months out and lose about 5-6 lbs a month at this point.

    Jumping on the scale all day long is probably not a good thing. It will only serve to drive you a bit batty and cause undue anticipation and disappointment.

    My opinion...
  • jkern9110
    jkern9110 Posts: 119 Member
    Thanks so much for the feedback! I value what each of you said very much. I think it would be hard for me to only weigh once a week, so I think I'll cut back to once a day in the morning. I put my scale in my kitchen so I would know that there is a consequence to bad eating and I think I just went to the extreme. Now I just need to figure out where to put it...I always stubbed my toe on it im my bathroom :(
  • bockenstedt6
    bockenstedt6 Posts: 6 Member
    I never weigh myself at home. I only weigh in at a doctor's office. I do not trust my scale at home and do not want to have my weight to begin controlling my life or begin worrying about what I might be doing wrong. I focus on what I am supposed to be doing and weigh in ever few weeks when I am at some type of appointment or another. I would have to say that this is what works for me.