The wicked forehand

GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
So, how do you guys neutralize the crusher forehand?
Do you slice to their forehand side, so your ball stays low, they have to hit up, and they cannot hit so hard?
Do you throw up moon-balls, to force them to hit on the rise or to hit from way-way back?
Or what?
I play a ton of guys with HUGE forehands -- guys who can pass me, often, from the back-court. Most of them have mediocre backhands. But, my problem is: I can just hit to their backhand every time, but then they are not moving anywhere. Or I can just hit to their backhand every time, and rush into the net to finish a point to the other side, but then I become too predictable. Or, I can . . . what?


  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Keep it to their backhand with the occasional forehand slice mixed in. You can hit short on the backhand side and hit deeper backhands. A lot of this depends on your skill level and your ability to control the depth of your shots and hit slice. I'm better with topspin than slice.

    I'm not big into rushing the net, I'm a very baseline oriented player.
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    As you know, I play ladies doubles, but I think my response works just as well with singles.

    I hit a slice forehand lob to their backhand court and follow it in.

    If they try passing me down my forehand line I am there. Cross court I am there, or my partner. If they throw up a counter-lob with their backhand I back myself to chase it down (Achilles hasn't snapped yet!) and repeat the lob to their backhand, then we are even.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I am liking these. But, I need a little more help here, people! I need options.