Going back the the 5k training?

MelissaDoc Posts: 71 Member
So, with school and work keeping me really busy I have only been able to go to the gym one or two times a week, and the lack of consistency is showing in my runs :/ Where I was able to run a full 5k, now I'm struggling (probably more mentally) to get through one mile. I know that running indoors has a lot to do with it too.

My plan is to go through the ZR!5k training again, starting maybe around week 6 to build confidence and stamina again. I can always continue with season 2 once I am feeling better.

How does that sound?


  • cynforgiven
    My suggestion is to start anywhere that seems good to you. If it's too much then back up a week or two on the training, if you find it's too easy, move to the next week. Whatever gets you out there and moving. You may find that you only need a few training sessions to get you back to where you were, but if it takes longer don't get discouraged. Just keep at it til you get there.

    I'm working through the 5k missions, but doing more walking than running. My endurance currently sucks when i try to run, so my plan is to go through the whole 5k training doing as much as I can, then keep going through it periodically until I can actually run (jog) a whole 5k.

    Good luck! I'd love to hear how your progress goes :happy:
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I agree w/the person above. Start where you feel comfortable. There is no shame in a refresher, the only shame is quitting. Build your endurance back up again & your confidence. Both will come back.
  • DesdemonaRose
    I had a few random bout of illness followed by a month of, "I am just going to take care of other stuff," so I took a bit of a break. I'm using the 5k trainer to get back into running mode before jumping back into the App again. I didn't get to far so I still have a lot left to go. I plan on going back and forth between the two, though. I have used the 52k to warm up (the earlier/easier weeks) and then did a zombie run after. It seems to work out well. I walk during the non-zombie chase parts though. I don't have the stamina to run the whole app.
  • lessofless
    lessofless Posts: 40 Member
    I've been considering going back to the 5K training. I just finished season 1, but I have gotten so slow. It's ridiculous. I still have a bit of stamina (nowhere near as good as it used to be), but my running is sometimes slower than my walking.