Day 7

scottyg70 Posts: 388 Member
Post your Day 7 results here!


  • fitnh
    fitnh Posts: 238 Member
    Day 7 done!!!! How many more days? LOL just kidding!
  • Beckboo0912
    Beckboo0912 Posts: 447 Member
    I'm unsure how this happened but my son convinced me to go to the playground and to do our walk's a mile each way and for some reason we also jogged about half of it, he's not even 3...what the heck! And he's supposed to be sick! But I did it
  • EmilyDeVriese
    EmilyDeVriese Posts: 12 Member
    Ran 3.2 miles on the elliptical in 20 min!
  • piggyb73
    piggyb73 Posts: 67 Member
    way to go everyone!
    I walked 1.75 miles at the zoo today but I think I will get a "real" workout in later tonight.
  • scottyg70
    scottyg70 Posts: 388 Member
    Rest day for me: walked the dogs 1.5 miles.
  • piggyb73
    piggyb73 Posts: 67 Member
    did the leslie sansone 1 mile walk today, however my phone said I only walked .69 after leslie was done so I finished it out on my own. what a hack (jk I love her!)
  • Raasy
    Raasy Posts: 972 Member
    walked 1.03 miles on the treadmill, and I know it doesn't count here but I also cycled 2.59 miles
  • jbc43221
    jbc43221 Posts: 39 Member
    Terry and I attended the 30 minute cardio challenge class at the gym on base and after we walked about 2.5 miles. One of the miles was HIIT - run a lap and then walk two, A mile is 11 laps.