What would you do?

Tonight was my heavy night cycle 4, week 4. Tuesday I have my second, and final, complimentary "fitness assessment" with a personal trainer at my gym. That should be my medium day. Should I do both (do AP after my workout with him), do my 90% day on Wed., or skip it and just do my light day on Thursday?


  • sun_fish
    sun_fish Posts: 864 Member
    What about seeing what he has you do, and you can always add whatever you need to make it a full body workout on that day. You said he was going to have you do upper body stuff, right? So you can just add squats and deadlifts. Then, just do your light day on Thursday.
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    You could also just do another heavy day on Thursday. I believe that is an option All Pro put in the FAQ for those weeks when you can only make it twice to the gym for the SBR workout.

    The option KarinDiane mentioned is also a nice possibility. It really depends on what your trainer has you doing though. If you're worn out from that workout, another heavy on Thursday might not be such a good idea.
  • jasonheyd
    jasonheyd Posts: 524 Member
    I'd probably just skip the medium day, and then do the medium work on the light day.

    I typically skip the light day on week 5 of a cycle just to give myself a bit more rest going into the weight increase of a new cycle.
  • christianteach
    christianteach Posts: 593 Member
    You all have different, but good, ideas. I don't know what I'm going to do. I guess I will play it by ear. I'm still sore from the workout he gave me Friday. If I hurt again tomorrow I may just cancel. I did AP while sore last night and looking back I should have rested. I might feel better by now if I would have.
  • jasonheyd
    jasonheyd Posts: 524 Member
    Yeah, if it's more than just DOMS, I'd definitely give it a little extra rest... That's why I typically do a two-day week 5... Test week pretty consistently kicks me in the butt. And thighs. And arms. And ... yeah. Ouch.
  • christianteach
    christianteach Posts: 593 Member
    Yeah, if it's more than just DOMS, I'd definitely give it a little extra rest... That's why I typically do a two-day week 5... Test week pretty consistently kicks me in the butt. And thighs. And arms. And ... yeah. Ouch.

    Yeah, he gave me a lower body workout Friday morning and I've been in pain since Saturday. I was hurting when I did AP last night. I knew better but I wanted to stay on schedule. Dumb move!
  • christianteach
    christianteach Posts: 593 Member
    He gave me a great workout! He warmed me up on the treadmill for 15 minutes, incline @3.5 mph and I jogged a couple of times. Then he put my feet in some TRX contraption and had me do push-ups...those were hard. He also had me do some other stuff with it but I don't know what it was called. He had me do assisted pull-ups, dips and lots of other upper body work with free weights. It felt like a great workout! The only thing I had to add was deadlifts and squats. He had me do BOR's, OHP, and curls and I didn't feel like I needed the BP after all the other stuff I did.

    He has offered to give me one more free training session! :bigsmile: I'm shocked but excited!! He's going to give me a full body workout Friday morning. I'm suppose to do my light day Thursday, but I'm thinking I should skip it since he's going to work me Friday. I don't want to interfere with that.
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    Yup, slip the light day, you will be worked hard enough. Have fun!