Welcome! :D

If you are just joining the group please post a little something about yourself (why you're losing weight, favourite exercise, or anything else)!
Personally, my reason for losing weight is so that I am able to run faster and to take some of the stress off of my joints. I've lost 10 pounds since I started my weight loss journey, and I am now at 155 pounds! :D

Oh, and welcome to the group!!


  • Apple1234
    Apple1234 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi! Id like to join the group :) I need little bit more motivation to shed these pounds! Since joining mfp I lost 60 pounds and gained back 11 :(
    My fav exercise is doing insanity and running! Thanks for starting this group I look forward to losing some weight by spring even if its not 20 pounds :)
  • 27karateerin
    27karateerin Posts: 42 Member
    Yay thanks for joining! :) That's so awesome that you lost 49 pounds! :O Way to go!
  • Kaylee_F93

    First, the Google docs won't let me access the sheet you made!!!

    Hi! I am 19 will be 20 Dec. 17th, married to my wonderful Husband will be 2 years Dec. 30th. I am wanting to lose weight because I want to feel healthy and fit, I want to get toned and sexy. I am 149 right now I have lost 5 pounds before I got on MFP. I want to eat better and all that stuff. I am trying to ease into eating better stuff instead of jumping right into it so I won't have a lot of craving. I LOVE Pilates!! It make me feel energized... and sore. haha. I usually go a blogilates video and then I wait I am not sore or at least not sore enough to function. haha. and I do another video or so. usually about 1 hour each workout. every other day or sometimes one more day depending how sore I was. I love fruit. Grapes, strawberries, apples.... veggies. Broccoli, carrots, potatoes... but I think my fav food is Chicken Noodle Soup.

    Hope I didn't talk to much. haha
  • ktied
    ktied Posts: 137 Member
    Hello! I've lost about 40 pounds so far since my highest weight, but I am in a rut. I'm looking for some extra motivation and accountability!

    First weigh in - 250.2 this morning

    For exercise I like to jog. and do some home workout videos. I am currently doing Turbo Fire!

    I am 24 and really I am too young to be feeling this way. I wanna be healthy, strong, and hot!

    I am in for this challenge and supporting others!
  • Nadiabrown0825
    Hello, I would like to join the group because my goal was to lose as much as possible by March anyway. I’ll be going home to see my sister for the first time in 8yrs and a little extra motivation can’t hurt. Since Sep 2012 I’ve put on about 20lbs on my already overweight 5’3 frame. Last week I started bicycling at my gym and I have changed my eating habits. Sad to say I gained 3lbs. hopefully it’s just water weight. I’m 215 trying to see 160 then I’ll go from there. Thank you!
  • 27karateerin
    27karateerin Posts: 42 Member
    It sounds like you guys all have great motivation and are ready to lose weight! :D I'm excited to join you on this journey! Also, if anyone has any ideas that could help us (like exercise or diet challenges) please feel free to post them. And don't worry about talking too much :P - lots of discussion will only help us in this journey!
  • hanameskovic
    hanameskovic Posts: 7 Member
    Hello, I would like to join the group!! I have been on MFP for a while now and although my weight hasn't changed dramatically, I can tell my body has shifted and I am getting more fit. However, I would like a little more "drama" come this spring so this group seems perfect! My name is Hana, I am 26, 5'6 and weigh 184 (I haven't weighed myself in two months however). I liek to follow clean eating and whole,real foods recipes and my favorite workouts are yoga, dancing, kickboxing, and biking. I can't wait for this extra boost of motivation!!!
  • mandysmith01
    Hello! I am excited to join this group! I have lost some weight over the last 12 months however I have hit a "platue" and have seen some gain, which sucks! I am looking forward to getting back on track and hopefully motivaiting those who need it from time to time. I am currently at 220lbs and wanting to get down to the 100's by March!! :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • JesT23
    JesT23 Posts: 51 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    I've lost around 40 lbs since my highest weight and I have just 25 more lbs to go. When I reach my goal, I plan to be down a total of 65 lbs and be toned/confident enough to buy a bathing suit for the first time in almost 10 years. I have a big beach trip the 1st week of April 2014 and I don't think it is asking too much to lose 20 pounds by then. I enjoy jumping a speed rope, practicing yoga and resistance training. Good luck to you all. Feel free to add me. I keep an open diary and I log everyday. My choices aren't always perfect but they're honest.

    eta: yoga! can't believe I forgot it.
  • kawood2002
    kawood2002 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I'm really excited about joining this group! Thanks for creating it! I have about 40 lbs to lose and just can't seem to motivate myself long enough to stick a healthier lifestyle. I hope that with the help of this group and the support from others who have similar goals, I will be able to stay on track!

    PS - my biggest challenge is finding time to exercise. Not only do I have two young children, but I also work full-time. Hoping to hear of others who are in a similar situation and can help me to find a way to manage my time better. I'm thinking that waking up really, really early might be the only option but we'll see :wink:
  • ScientificExplorerGirl
    Hi there. I'd like to join along too! I have always been heavy--about 230 pounds at my heaviest. Since adulthood I have tried to keep things under control and have managed this for the most part. I will turn 50 during this challenge and would really like to drop about 20 pounds. About 2 years ago I started eating low carb clean food. In 2013 I started biking, actually did a 100 km ride to raise money for cancer research! More recently I have begun to include functional strength training (Fitness Blender) workouts and jogging into my routine. I definitely want try to keep myself in good shape so I don't "fall apart" as I am getting older :smile:
  • Narc_soda
    Narc_soda Posts: 181 Member
    Hello peeps. I would like to feel fit like a kid that lifts their own body weight with in the jungle gym. My 2 year old niece needs an uncle to keep up with her. Also I am losing weight to be more appealing when I am in the dating scene and over all improve my health for the long term. I like to incorporate exercises and an eating approach that I know I will be able to do even if life throws a curveball at me.

    I have a pull-up bar on my bathroom door and try to beat my max each morning. I come back to it after work. I started this in the summer on and off. I am now at 6 lifts starting from a arms extended hanging position. I can do 11 of the bicep curl. I started doing planks and side lifts for core muscle training this week. For cardio in the day I walk around the track near by on my breaks and climb the stadium steps sometimes. I also use the elliptical machine in the gym of my apartment for 30 minutes on max resistance in the evening.

    Consistency has been a problem.

    I've lost as much as 25lbs at one point but now I am back to 14. I wasn't doing strength training but am now. So even though the scale has actually gone up I am thinking I am swapping fat for muscle this time.

    Good luck everyone!
  • Nadiabrown0825
    Hi Kawood, that’s what I have to do. I have a fulltime job Mon – Fri 6:30am – 2:30pm and a part-time Fri & Sat 5 – 10 as well as three kids. I’m working out Mon – Thru 4:30 – 5:45 and Fri 2:45 – 4:00 (I would normally just go straight to my second job and wait for my shift to begin but decided to use the time to work -out.) I spend the rest of my time with family. You’ll work it out!.
  • antitek
    antitek Posts: 121 Member
    I've been off the bandwagon for awhile but the point is to keep trying.

    2 weeks ago I hired a trainer to see me 4 times. It is a good way to get into a routine and I can hire him for more sessions as I need to challenge myself. With my calorie intake I should loose a pound a week. I've GAINED 8 lbs since I've started hitting the gym regularly. That's alright I have more energy and the aches and pains are gone. The rest will follow.
  • svsilva3
    svsilva3 Posts: 3 Member

    I also joined and I absolutely love the spreadsheet so we can all see each other's progress. We should also do progress with photos as well.

  • PSlosing29
    PSlosing29 Posts: 47 Member
    Since having my 2 kids I have gone from 110 to 160, Im down to 145 now after healthy eating and going to the gym. But since moving I haven't joined a gym and my weight hasn't budged and my healthy eating has been, well, off. I want to lose this weight so I can feel comfortable and not need to worry about how my shirts hugging me.

    I also know a few people who chose to lose weight by not eating and as excited as they get about getting skinny so fast, they always complain when they do start eating again, that they gain it right back. Maybe if I can do this the healthy way, they can see how it works for me and how its easier to keep the weight off doing it the healthy way.
  • katmdempsey
    katmdempsey Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for creating this group! I feel the extra motivation will help facilitate my weight loss goals. I just recently joined MFP. Prior to this I was doing Weight Watchers, which I had great success with. I had lost about 23 lbs and kept it off for over 2 years, but never really reached my weight loss goal. I was 7 lbs away! Then, I have no idea what happened, as my diet didn't change, I was eating really pretty clean and healthy, but since June of this past summer, I've put on 8 lbs! :( And I can't manage to get it off. I recently started another exercise program, Focus T25 by Beachbody. I have done P90X and Chalene Extreme, and loved them both. The best part about T25, is it's only 25 mins a day! So I'm hoping along with the workout, which is 10 weeks (in my 5th week - lost no weight or inches thus far which is the MOST frustrating part), and joining this group will keep me on track to my goal. I'm 5' 6" and am currently 155 lbs, would like to be 130lbs after all is said and done. Looking forward to the challenge! Kat
  • elissha_marie
    elissha_marie Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Everyone.

    I'd like to join this group because I really need the support and the accountability.

    I lost a little over 20lbs about 2yrs ago by following the Weight Watchers system. However, since then I've gained it all back. Now I'd really like to lose it on my own without paying a service. The only reason I can come up with for having not been successful up to this point (other than my own lack of discipline) is that I no longer have the support system. So, this will be my first time joining a group and reaching out to others. I look forward to being of any encouragement and I hope you all do the same.
  • astroamy
    astroamy Posts: 977 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I have a lot to lose and like little goals along the way and it will be nice to have accountability over the holidays. This is the perfect challenge because it will get me into onederland (and where I go from obese to "just" overweight), and is been a major interim goal of mine for a very long time. Also 20 lbs in 14 weeks seems very reasonable.
  • ktied
    ktied Posts: 137 Member
    Hello! my data is added to the spreadsheet! I really think this is the motivation I need right now!