The OHP--start with olympic bar?

19wilson88 Posts: 30 Member
So, if I read the FAQ correctly, the first workout B should start the OHP at 45 lb (olympic bar). I tried that last night, and I was not able to complete all 5 reps in any set! In fact, the only way I could get it up over my head after the first set was to do a push press (use my legs to boost the weight up half-way).

Should I do dumbbells next time until I get stronger? I understand the movement is a little different with the dumbbells, but my gym doesn't have lighter bars (that I've seen anyway).

How much weight did you ladies start with? Clearly, I'm not ready for 45 lb.


  • upsidedownjelly
    Some gyms have smaller bars that are preloaded with weight. They aren't as long as the oly bar but I imagine they'd work, They usually reside together on a slanted rack thingy. I think my gym has them starting at 25 pounds up to 75 pounds. I'm just not sure on the increments.
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    I began SL in October, and I'm just now able to lift the oly bar. OHP is usually the "weakest" lift for women. I started at 25lbs, using a fixed weight barbell. Remember, the SL program caters mostly to men, so don't feel like you have to start at the recommended weights. You'll probably have to play around with it a bit, to find where you should start. The most important thing is to make sure you're lifting with proper form.
  • joycloete
    The Olympic bar is STILL too heavy for me. I can manage a 19 kilogram barbell, but the 20 kilogram bar is, for now, a tad too heavy. Don't feel bad or inferior. You will work your way up.
  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member
    Try the ollie bar or may see if they have some body bars at your gym? You could use dumbbells and when you feel you are getting better try the bar again. I have issues with the row so I am doing bent over rows with dumbbells.
  • CactusF1ower
    CactusF1ower Posts: 174 Member
    I did workout B today for the first time at the gym and had no problems at all with the Olympic bar. I started with dumbbells at home, so I guess that must have helped as I was up to two 30# dumbbells. So I would say that if your gym does not have smaller bars, then start with dumbbells. They will work you out differently but your will still build the strength to work up to the oly bar. Good luck!
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    I always considered my arms to be relatively strong before StrongLifts. But I could barely do 2 reps of OHP with the Olympic bar when I began! It's not that the bar is too heavy, it's that I don't have the endurance to continue. I just sort of... sputter out like a candle.

    I'm now up to 2x5, and my goal is to add a rep every time until I can do 5x5 with the empty bar! It might take me until New Years, but hey, progress is progress.

    edit: I also used 15lb dumbbells for a while there, to sort of help me along, but I can't be sure if that helped anymore than the "slow-and-steady" method I've adopted.