Fresh Start - Friends Needed


I have been on MFP for a couple of years now and I bet you know the story - I lose some weight feel good and then put it back on again.

I have always struggled with my weight, and hate being overweight. Time is running out! I need to get my weight down a lot or it is going to kill me. When I was younger I always felt I carried the extra weight well, but now I really feel it.

I've tried all the fad diets and they work for a while but are not really sustainable. So as of today I am going to do it right! No rapid loses or silly targets just a steady 2lbs per week.

I need some friends to keep reminding me of this and to kick my backside now and again when I get lazy and don't exercise. I enjoy cycling and walking and going to the gym, its just getting out the door is the hard part.

So feel free to add me and lets see if we can do this together.


  • AverageUkDude
    AverageUkDude Posts: 371 Member
    If your aiming for 2lb a week, you might find your running a very restrictive calorie defecit thats harder to keep up as you will have to cut out certain foods and then we all know what happens, we binge. Personally I would aim for 1lb a week and increase your activity level, even if its just getting out for an hours walk 3 times a week.

    Good luck, feel free to add me.
  • youknome
    Feel free to add me. I'm kind of in the same boat, I lost a good amount of weight in 2 years and now I've gained maybe a quarter of it. All my new clothes which I bought feel tighter, I am not going back to +80lbs again.

    Planning on getting fit now and eating a lot better whilst losing .5lbs a week as opposed to before when I aimed for 2lbs a week.