
PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
Tell us a little about yourself!:flowerforyou:


  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    I am a happily married female with a beautiful little girl that will be 2 in March.

    I do governmental payroll and accounting, so I am pretty good with numbers. However, I am not the best at spelling and grammar. So please take this as my advance apologies.

    I was bred, born, and raised in a very small town in Georgia.

    The only pets I have are two red-eared sliders (aquatic turtles) that basically hate everyone in our family. They don't like being messed with so they just stay in the tank. The husband and I are discussing letting our daughter pick out a puppy or a dog to grow with her. Plus it will give me an animal that hopefully will actually love me.

    Most days I have a great sense of humor, others I am a stick in the mud. I really can be like two separate individuals based on my mood.

    I am a list maker and planning person. I use to be really anal about this. But since getting married and having my little one, I have eased up a bit.
  • odylynn
    odylynn Posts: 20 Member
    Hello PBsMommy. This sounds like a great group that you have started here.
    I am happily married with three young boys (8, 6 and 3). YES! 3 boys. I work full-time as a CAD designer (desk job). I have been riding the weight loss roller coaster since I had my first child. I get close to my goal, but never actually reach it before gaining it all back. We had quite a few unusual circumstances throughout the second half of last year, so I am really looking forward to starting over with my weight loss goal. I am a triathlete (a beginner). I completed my first super-short distance in 2010 and have been completing 2 a year every since. While I am fit enough to complete them, I would really like to lose the excess weight so I can better my times.
  • :happy: Hi everyone,

    This group sounds like the perfect group for me. My name is Stephanie and I am happily married (no kiddos as of yet) with four legged babies (we love our critters). I live in Georgia and have pretty much lived most of my life here. I have lost 60 lbs so far and still have another 60 to go. I'm looking forward to January's weigh in and looking forward to this challenge.
  • leekat14
    leekat14 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Everyone. I am also happily married with 2 Kids (GIRLS: 5 and 2). I am rejoining and looking to lose weight. I recently graduated and finally have my BA and losing the stress of school work. So now my focus is to lose weight 2014. Looking forward to a successful yet fun journey!
  • bacarkey
    bacarkey Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone

    Looking forward to starting the New Year...... I would like to get back onto the weight loss train and regain my motivation for exercise and dieting, have had a few health niggles over the last couple of months that have interfered with my goals but fingers crossed im back in control! im working full time but up for battling the winter weather and get out there again!!
  • Hello,

    I'm Tori-Ilana Evans, 20 years old. I've been with my boyfriend for over a year and on the whole I'm usually a very happy and friendly person. Recently I have struggled with my body, more so than before and I've started to really get down about my weight. I feel really really really fat all the time. I'm only a student so buying healthy food can sometimes be hard. It's also tough when I'm with my boyfriend as he doesn't really have any weight and so will get take out a lot while I've got to force myself not to.

    I'm an English Literature student. I adore books and animals. Back home [in Dorset] I have two dogs and four cats. I have four sisters and five nephews and one niece. I'm the second youngest out of my siblings. I'm currently studying in Swansea. I want to be a professor so I'm trying my best to get a 1st. I'm only a second year but already the workload is rather rough. I'm off to Paris for the New Year which I'm so excited about but I'm also really unhappy as I was aiming to lose weight before Paris and I failed. In fact I gained weight. In September I was a size 12 but doing I'm a size 14 [and that is getting tight] and at my small height I look a lot bigger. I'm English so I'm afraid I don't know American sizes and stuff. I've got some scales now though so will be able to resume weigh ins. Too scared to weigh myself yet so forced myself to join a challenge so I don't have a choice.
  • I am 40 years old and have 2 boys 9 and 10. I was 260 lbs at my highest(yikes) and am now 160 lbs. I have been stuck at my current weight for a long time and would like to jumpstart my weight loss again. I would like to lose 30 more lbs. The challenge seems completely awesome. So here I go to lose 30 lbs in 2014.
  • Hello everyone. I live near Birmingham, AL. I've done the yoyo dieting thing my whole life. About two years ago I lost 50 lbs and over the course of two years have managed to gain it all back. I lost it through a very strict protein meal replacement only diet, so the lifestyle change never happened. I plan to start Jillian's 90 Day Body Revolution in January to try to get in shape.

    I am an executive assistant, and i'm back in school getting my degree in Accounting. I have 10 classes left and plan to graduate May 2015. I will be SO thankful to be finished!! My boyfriend Matt and I have been together nearly 3 years. We aren't engaged yet, but know we want to get married as soon as I finish school.

    The more interaction I have with other people trying to lose weight, the better off I am, so I'm excited about this group! I'm not completely new to MFP, but I have never used the community feature before. I didn't know it existed until I finally logged on from my computer instead of just my cell phone app.
  • steph353
    steph353 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everyone

    My name is Stephanie. I'm 39, happily married with 2 boys (17 and 13). I'm a nurse, but I work at a desk all day, and I work from home, so I have access to food all day and I'm sedentary and def need to change my ways. I've yo-yo'd for so long. Ready to get these pounds off once and for all! This group sounds just like what I need (doing it by myself sure isn't working) :) I'm hoping that joining a group and having a support system will be just what I need! I have the know....I just need to keep the want. I want to be thin, but I don't always want to put in the effort. I have roughly 50 lbs to lose. I look forward to interacting with you guys to keep me going strong! Nice to meet everyone!
  • kmouse2
    kmouse2 Posts: 93 Member
    Hello everyone - My name is Rose and I am 57 years young. 3 years ago a tree fell on me and broke my back. Then last year I fell and broke my ankle in 3 places - So I went from being a skinny lady to an unhappy - very overweight lady that just wants to get back to being that skinny lady again. I have been trying to be more active, but if I push too hard, I end up being down for days. So it has been mostly dieting - which isn't doing the trick very well. Needing lots of support and encouragement - which I think would help so much . Hubby has been great but gives in to my food cravings. I have 2 grown kids and 3 fur Kids (2 male Vizsla and a 14 year old female blue healer). I also have another reason to work really hard at this, my son got engaged on Christmas Eve and I want to look good by the time their wedding date comes along - they haven't picked it yet. I know I can do this but just need help getting there. So looking forward for the start of this group and getting to know everyone. Good luck!
  • I'm a divorced (happily for 13 years, married for 21 before the divorce) 52 (about to be 53 in Feb) year old mother of 3 teenagers - Duncan 18.5, Parker 16.5, and Terra 13. With every kid I gained more weight and since I was breastfeeding them I couldn't start any real weight loss programs without jeopardizing my milk supply or the quality of it. Since I've been raising the kids alone since they were an infant, 4, & 6 years old, my world has been all about them - no time for me; and when I had to go back to work when my daughter was 5, it became all about them and work. I was never good at balancing time for me with anything.

    Now that they can mostly care for themselves and drive themselves and each other around, my life is starting to become my own again for the first time in 19 years. I'd like to eventually find a partner ("husband" not so sure about, LOL) to share fun times with during the rest of my life and I don't feel at all good about embarking on that in the shape I'm in. I also recently started working from home so my already sedentary life became even more sedentary and the weight has started creeping on slowly. When I was 50 I bought myself a brand new hip ON Valentine's Day, 5 days before my 50th Birthday! I started to get in good shape after that with all the PT and then I continued it with a personal trainer for a few months - then life got busy and I let it all slide. Now I'm back to not wanting to move - it's just soooo much effort.

    The universe is kicking me in the *kitten* at every turn telling me it's time to take care of myself and I feel like an immature rebellious teenager stomping my feet saying 'I don't want to'. So I am embarking on this journey knowing it has to happen and not at all wanting to be on it. But sometimes that is what life is about - just having to do something you don't want to. So my mission is to find ways to make this as painless as possible, and hopefully even fun so I don't mind keeping it up. I'm also going to try to be kinder and gentler to myself on this journey than I have been in the past; and I'm not going to beat myself up over a 'lapse' and give up like I've done before. I'm going to accept that I will have good days/weeks and bad ones - and it's all okay.

    My sister who loves me gave me a Fitbit Flex for Christmas! I have had it up and running all of 20 hours and it has brought me to tears - of relief and hope. For the first time in my entire life I feel in control of my body. I can see that right now I have 'lost' .3 lb. That means if I do nothing (don't eat or be active) OR balance my eating/activity for the remainder of the day - I will realize that loss. That is POWERFUL! For the first time writing down what I eat gives me valuable information, exercising gives me valuable information, even sleeping gives me valuable information. I can see exactly what the impact is - and make an informed decision on what to do next. That doesn't mean I'll always make good ones, LOL. But it means they'll be informed. Before I'd track calories - so what I was always under and kept getting the lovely MFP message "if you continue this you'll gain weight'. Well that wasn't helpful. And I'd put in exercise, but that 'did not compute' with me - so it was offset by calories - didn't tell me what that meant in weight loss. So I never really knew what the impact was, never realized any weight loss out of all the tracking, never knew what would help me lose for sure - felt it was all a waste of time so why bother. I felt hopeless. Now I don't feel helpless anymore and I'm ready to start making permanent long term changes in my life to lose 80 pounds and get healthy. I was recently diagnosed with Skin Lupus, which is an autoimmune disease. The doctor told me there was nothing I could do except take a pill 2x a day for the rest of my life. WRONG. We all know a healthy body impacts your immune and autoimmune systems. I may never get rid of SL since it's not something you can 'cure', but if I get healthy enough I may not have to take drugs all the time to control it.

    I just want to feel healthy, sexy, and lively again so I feel comfortable in my own skin to go out and be around adults (now that I have time again) without feeling self conscious (and hopefully avoid getting my other hip replaced, LOL). So I'm hopeful that this group will be another tool to help me stay focused this year. Wishing everyone a year of many successes! :wink:
  • fitag
    fitag Posts: 75 Member
    Hi I'm Ag, I'm a mum and happily married. And I'm looking forward to getting back into health and exercise. I've been "hibernating" well maybe not hibernating but only half committing to my health goals. I'd like to improve my fitness and drop (never to be picked up again) about 5-7kgs. I've just started indoor rock climbing as a new sport and it would help greatly if I was lighter.

    I rolled my ankle pretty badly about 3 weeks ago(during traversing) and haven't really exercised since, so now I'm starting to move better again. That's why I'm back here.

    Although I eat rather healthily I have a very weak spot for sweets (chocolate in particular).

    I'm going to be on holidays overseas for 2 weeks but I can commit to the Jumping January Challenge (I'll just do them in the hotel room:) . Not sure how the internet will be but I'll definitely be conscious and mindful of keeping healthy and fit.

    I'm so glad I found this group before you actually started. It helps me to prepare mentally! :)

    Nice to meet you all !! :)
  • KatieTee83
    KatieTee83 Posts: 196 Member
    Hello, ladies!
    My name is Katie, I'm 30 years old, one daughter who is almost 3, and a fiance who I will be married to in April 2014. It's taken me two and a half years but I have finally lost all the weight I put on while I was pregnant. However, I'm back to where I was before pregnancy, trying to lose an additional 15lbs to get me to my goal of 150lbs. It feels good to have accomplished one goal, and now I'm ready to power through to my final goal. Of course, having a wedding on the horizon helps, too!

    I'm 5'9'' so I'm technically within the BMI range for my height, but I'm at the high end of the range, and I'd like to slim down and tone up so I can really feel confident again. I go in waves of motivation, especially when it comes to eating right. I work at a desk full time, and while I mostly hit the gym on my lunch break, there are definitely days when stress and exhaustion win out and I skip it.

    So I really want to focus on getting fit in 2014, not just skinny. I want to tone up and increase my running mileage, and just all around live a healthier lifestyle, and finally finally finally see that glorious 150 on the scale!!
  • browsingchiklet
    browsingchiklet Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everybody, Happy Boxing Day!!!
    My name is Judy, I am 49, married for almost 11 kids, just 2 cats, who only love me for my thumbs :(
    I am hoping to lose 50 pounds by my 50th birthday which is in October 2014. I have a very hard time staying on track, but have recently been told my blood pressure is high, and am going to work desperately to try to get it back down there.
  • Samphires
    Samphires Posts: 31 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Sophie, I'm 24, single and a medical student. I'm excellent at losing weight once I start, but my problem is actually kick starting the healthy eating and then keeping the weight off. This time last year I was 150lbs and now I'm 232lbs!

    I want to get back to a healthy weight so I can be more comfortable in myself and be an example to my future patients. 2014 is the year I lose weight and keep the weight off.

    Nice to meet you all!
  • Hi everyone, I'm excited to have a group to join and compete with. I'm a working mom who sits all day at work, one wonderful 10 yr old daughter, a husband, a dog and a cat. My long term goal is to lose about 50 lbs. Weight has always been a challenge, but I was not technically overweight until I had my daugther. I gained about 60 lbs when I was pregnant, but lost almost all of it by the time she was 3 months old. But from there, I slowly crept back up, and I couldn't blame it on the baby. More fast, comfort food for our busy lives, and zero exercise as I dedicated every minute of myself to her when I wasn't working.. And as my daughter got older, I didn't have to pick her up anymore or chase her around - the weight has come on faster. I'm definitely at a cross roads, I'm done with this.

    I really want to look better and have more clothes options (I'm really hating everything about plus sizes), but at 42 I'm also starting to think more about my long term health. So no matter what, I want to drop enough to not be technically overweight (about -35 lbs), and find a way to work enough activity into my life to meet health guidelines. Luckily I'm healthy now, but want to stay that way!

    My passions in addition to my family are hiking and reading. As I've gotten out of shape, the hiking has unfortunately become a lot more hard, and I don't like that! My ultimate fitness goal is to walk a half marathon. Just need to find the time to train, hoping this group will help me figure it out!
  • blen85
    blen85 Posts: 77 Member
    My name is Brooke. (Feel Free to Add me as a Friend)

    I'm 28 years old. I work as a Secretary to an Chief Administrative Law Judge. I've been together with Jacob for almost 7 years. We purchased a home together on April 1, 2013. We got married on November 12, 2013 (Yep, I'm one of those couples that got married on 11.12.13 haha). We don't have children yet, but we do have two fur (cat) babies. I've already lost about 30 pounds so far and I hope to lose an additional 50 pounds by the end of 2014. (:
  • sassy15241
    sassy15241 Posts: 46 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    My name is Sharon and I am 26 years old. I work at a child care center as an assistant director. I have already lost about 23 pounds and I am looking to lose at least 40 more to get to my goal weight. I have highs and lows in terms of weight loss and sticking to a program. My resolution for 2014 is to stick with it so I can be 40 pounds lighter by September of 2014!

    Please feel free to add me as a friend if anyone would like to!

    I am also open to motivational partners viz email if anyone is interested! Feel free to email me at

    Good luck everyone! We can do this. Let's make 2014 our year!

  • GardenOfSongs
    GardenOfSongs Posts: 37 Member
    My name's Cat and I've been getting serious about logging/regular exercise about a month ago, having gained 2 stone within a 6 month period! I'm 20 years old and a student in Brighton which is great, although my parents have just moved to Dorset to a tiny village with around 125 inhabitants which makes me trepidant to visit - though I guess it's a great excuse to start doing long country walks! :tongue:

    I'm at 164 pounds at the moment, down from 176 - hoping to get down to 135-140 by summer 2013 and actually be able to show a little skin without worrying what people might think of me :tongue:

    I think this is a great group and very in keeping with the ethos of MFP - losing weight is so much easier when you have people to encourage and support you on your journey.

    Feel free to add me as a friend :smile:
  • kimkay1985
    kimkay1985 Posts: 73 Member
    Hello my name is Kim and I have been on MFP for a couple of months. I am 46, single and have two teenagers at home. I have lost this weight before but something in my life causes me stress and I turn to food for comfort.

    The support I receive from my MFP friends helps me stay accountable and moving towards my weight loss goals. I have another 54 lbs to lose.