Bechdel Test

So! I'm hoping everyone had a wonderful Holiday season! Since everyone has a bit of time now and if not it's a break away why dont you list your favorite movies that fit..........the Bechdel test. Also, if you don't know the test I have given the credentials below.
I would love to watch some good awesome movies with the GF let me know!

1. It has to have at least two women in it
2. who talk to each other
3. about something besides a man

I found this list and I love it.


  • wendyapple
    wendyapple Posts: 323 Member
    i was just thinking of the bechdel test yesterday as i binge watched season 4 of Dexter, which completely fails the bechdel test. the women on the show all oscillate between wimpy and strong, but when they talk to each other it's typically about a man, or how to deal with their feelings about a man. so dexter does not make the cut.

    there is a database though, have a peeksie:
  • Alex729
    Alex729 Posts: 103 Member
    Never ever heard of this- but I will mos def check this out!
  • drift
    drift Posts: 143 Member
    In one of the Scandinavian countries they rates films nationally according to the scale - I think it's Sweden...