22 year old looking for some friends and motivation

I've recently been diagnosed with IBS (ew and tmi right off the bat I know) and a lactose intolerance... I need to loose about 50-60 pounds to be at a healthy and happy weight. Not only is it hard to do alone but finding out half my diet is now restricted has really bummed me out.

Anyway, between working full time and starting school back counting calories and finding gym time is tough, I'm looking for some mfp's to help me out. :) vise versa of course!


  • I'm also 22 years old and looking to lose around 60lbs. I'm a full time college student, I work part time, and I still make time to spend 2 hours at the gym five days a week! Well.. sometimes three days. But I get there! I've lost around 20lbs already, but I've still got plenty to go! Anybody feel free to add me.
  • janebegins
    janebegins Posts: 25 Member
    I'm 21 trying to lose 46 lbs. Let's all be friends.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • I'm 22 and am just getting back into my fitness pal. Had previously just used to to track my calories so it will be nice to have some friends on here :)
  • 22, just started here. :) I'd be glad to offer my support to you!
  • allico920
    allico920 Posts: 1 Member
    my roommate is also lactose and gluten free to try and help her IBS as well. Try cutting gluten if you still experience irritability.

    The trick is to find some things you love to eat and then play with it, My roommate loves mexican so she makes a lot of bean and chicken dishes and mixes it up with different vegetables or over rice, in a wrap or on a salad.

    she also loves kind bars for on the go and amy's organic company for soups and prepackaged meals
  • Feel free to add me!
  • racheltwoshoes
    racheltwoshoes Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 24 and looking to lose 80 lbs more (20 lbs down so far). Let's be friends :) haha
  • I am 20, married, work full time, and looking to lose close to 30 pounds.
  • Bharrell414
    Bharrell414 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 24 and also lactose intolerant. I will fully admit that sometimes I cheat and have cheese. It's too delicious to completely resist. But there are many ways to stay healthy while avoiding dairy, especially with alternatives in the stores now.

    I have lost 70 of my 80 pounds needed. It's completely possible to lose weight with dietary restrictions!
  • jberk4
    jberk4 Posts: 40 Member
    I became lactose intolerant when I was 17 which is the WORST because cheese was my favorite. I don't avoid it as much as I should now though :(
  • mschaummann
    mschaummann Posts: 4 Member

    My name is Madelyn. I am 22 years old. Starting January 1st, 2014 I need to change my lifestyle. I am looking for something to talk to about workouts, recipes, grocery shopping and staying positive. My goal is to lose 50 lbs in 2014. If you are interested, please let me know!
  • andreaosorioj
    andreaosorioj Posts: 1 Member
    Im 25, recently married and left my country Colombia to be with my husband in the United States. I have been a year and I was in shock to see how much weight I have gained since I got here :( I am a freelance graphic designer that works from home since its been really hard to find a job and at the beginning I didn't even have a job permit and I just became so lazy with horrible eating habits thx to my husband :/. My goal is to lose 33lbs and hopefully take my life back in control specially since I am a cancer survivor and have to keep myself healthy. If anyone has tips on how to motivate yourself to get off the couch and start working out I would really appreciate it!
  • rachaee
    rachaee Posts: 46 Member
    Hey! Hope you all had a fab Christmas! I'm rach, 23 from the uk with 30 to lose...and I'm going to add all of you! Haha hope that's okay :p xx
  • lindz1890
    lindz1890 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Lindsay. 23 and looking to make an entire lifestyle overhaul, but I'm going to need to support and motivation to keep me on track. I'm looking for a weightloss buddy who I can be completely honest with and who is honest enough to call me out if I start slacking...

    I love to cook and bake, but I'm used to making comfort food. It'd be great to plan out healthy meals & grocery lists as well as swap healthy recipes with someone! I've also just joined a gym so any workout advice or even just someone to keep me motivated to go would be a huge help!

    Everything is easier with a friend. Let me know if you are looking for someone to share your frustrations and victories with!
  • Hey! I'm Aimly, and I'm 21. Looking to lose 20 pounds right now for my first goal. Let's be friends!
  • I'm 26 and looking to lose 60 lbs by the summer, and over 100 pounds total. I'm also looking for friends and support. Feel free to all add me. Thanks! :)
  • kampshm
    kampshm Posts: 93 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm Heather, 27, and have been using the Myfitnesspal forums since July. Just joined this group as I'm looking to get some friends for support and to motivate me! I took a break over the holidays and was able to maintain my weight but now its time to get back to losing! I started my journey at 240 and currently I weigh 221. My ultimate goal is 165 (I'm 5'9) so I'm in it for the long haul! So far I have found success in logging and not depriving myself of the foods I like to eat! Just keeping them within my calorie goals! I also work out, have a personal trainer that I see once a week and then I usually try to go to the gym another 2-3 times per week.

    Please add me and we can help each other meet our goals! Lets be the healthiest versions of ourselves in 2014!
  • Hi! I'm 23 and in law school. After a crazy hectic 8 months, I'm starting over again. Feel free to add me!
  • What are your dietary restrictions that you need to follow which will be most difficult for you?
    What's everyone' s plan or method of madness to lose weight?
