Hi everyone!

I'm new to MFP and I'm hoping to connect with some others in a similar situation. I'm a FTM to an (almost) 8 month old baby boy and I'm finally getting serious about losing the baby weight. I'm still on mat. leave so I find it difficult to eat actual meals and not just snack on whatever I can grab when I have a minute, and finding time for exercise is hard! Even just getting out for walks with the stroller is tough at this time of year when the sidewalks are covered in ice, snow, and salt.

So basically I'm looking forward to seeing how all you moms make it work and reach your weight loss and fitness goals. It's really important to me to get back down to my fighting weight and to teach my son healthy habits from the start. I guess that's all I have to say for now! Hope you're all having a great evening :)


  • lk27
    lk27 Posts: 267 Member
    Hi. My daughter is going to be 6 months next week. Where does the time go?!? I've just decided that enough is enough and it's time to get back in shape. I've made a promise to myself to wake up early, at 5:30 am, to go to the gym while my little one is still asleep and to get back home before my husband needs to leave for work. I'm also working out on the weekends while my husband is home so that he can watch the baby while I make a trip to the gym. I'm working full time, trying to get back in shape and pretty much be super mom. It's not easy, but I'm just trying to make fitness part of my everyday life. I always like to have friends with similar goals, so feel free to add me. We can motivate each other!
  • amayaasn
    amayaasn Posts: 28 Member
    You ladies can achieve anything you set your mind to. It will just take consistency and hard work. Im a mom to a three yr old and a 16 month old. I decided last december that I was tired of how I looked and felt about myself. So I made a change in my lifestyle. I learned to eat better and not starve myself and I also made exercise a part of my routine. I couldnt manage with my two girls to get out to the gym so I bought an at home program and dug in. It was hard, I cried more days than I didnt the first few weeks, and I was very sore. Making the change in all aspects is going to get you the results you need. I'm definitely struggling right now with not seeing the progresss like I had in the beginning. Would love to friend you...and anyone else can friend me that sees this post. Im setting a goal to log everyday. I just got a fit bit too! Ive been using it a month and looking forward to really pushing it with my steps too!
  • RowanJ13
    Added you both :) I think support is really important. I'll be back to work full time in the spring and it just seems so hard!
    For now, I'm making a goal of logging my food and exercise daily except for maybe on Fridays, which are my "cheat" (within reason) day.
  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    Welcome to the group! I think we have all struggled with the time constraints and stresses that come w/ motherhood, so this is a great forum for advice or just a good place to vent! My babies aren't babies anymore:cry: , but I still struggle with keeping myself motivated to work out and eat right. I'm a full time working mother with a 9 year old stepson, and 4 year old and an 18 month old (and a 37 year old child ;)) I was 200 lbs 9monts after I had Max (my 4 year old) and I'm only 5'5". I joined MFP and lost 68 lbs. I'm just now back to my pre preggo weight w/ Nora (those stubborn 5 lbs!), but I only gained 30 lbs and worked out and logged (lightly) all during my pregnancy. I was actually 10lbs lighter when I gave birth to my daughter than I was when I got pregnant with my first!
    One main way I've been able to maintain at all is by making my workout time a non-negotiable 5 days a week. I'm lucky that I have a gym walking distance from my house and I work in a large building so if I miss my morning workout, I can walk and do stairs indoors. The second most important thing is allowing for slip ups... some days (or weeks) I don't eat that well and I miss more workouts than I'd like, but that's not the end of it all. I watch the scale and make sure I don't go over my "high weight" which I've set at 145. I used to have a bad habit of giving up if I messes up... but I realized that I may put on a few pounds here and there but I can lose them and it's most important to be healthy!
  • lj3jones
    lj3jones Posts: 94 Member
    I'm guessing from your post that you are canadian (the 12 month mat leave and winter wonderland). We have a very hyper Golden Retriever so not walking daily is not an option. (I'm fairly certain that he would accidentally jump on baby J if he didn't get his excersize. we walk on the road during the day when traffic is lighter. I live in a subdivision so it is fairly easy to walk on the road instead of the sidewalk. I don't go at: 1 morning commute, 2 school start time, 3 lunch, 4 school end time and 5 commute home time, outside if these times there is less traffic.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Welcome! My younger son is 7 months old, and I'm home with him until next August. My older son is almost 3 years old and goes to preschool during the week. My husband and I own our own law firm, so he's working full-time, and I do some work here and there from home. (E.g., management type stuff, like I drafted a rental agreement for part of our office that we're renting out, and today I drafted some letters in response to a complaining client - it happens from time to time)

    Point being, like many moms, I'm incredibly busy! I live in Charleston, SC, so it's quite warm here compared to a lot of places in North America, but then I have the opposite problem as you in that our summers are unbearably hot and humid! Not that it doesn't get hot by you, but our summers run fromMarch/April to October/November. Yesterday's high temperature was 75... So if it's too hot for me to be walking around, it's definitely not something I want to (or probably should) subject a baby to! My baby was born in late May, and I didn't take any walks with him until late September. Even then it was spotty because we still had hot days.

    Some moms do indoor workouts, and that's great. I've never been that into working at home. One thing I've been doing is the Couch to 5K program after the kids are asleep. With my older son, I did the program early in the morning, but if he woke up in the middle of the night, I'd always be too tired to get out. This time my baby still wakes up very early, so I'd have to wake up mega early (like 5AM) to run. Additionally I don't want my workout to be ruled by whether or not he wakes up in the middle of the night, and because I BF my boobs are really full in the morning. So evenings work best for me. If a teething baby ruins it (like he did all week last week), then so be it.

    Otherwise after my first I got really into Spinning and would go to classes whenever my husband was available to be home with our son. This time I've found that harder due to BFing (my first was FF), but I'm going to try to get back to my first class this coming Saturday. My husband is very supportive, which is simply priceless.

    My rule of thumb is not to use your kids as an excuse not to work out or eat well, but don't beat yourself up if you miss workouts. It happens, and your kids are important. It's all about finding a balance that works for your family!

    Edited for typo
  • emrsster13
    Hi, my baby is almost 4 months old. I really thought I'd be more active at home with her than I'd been -- postpartum recovery was harder than I thought it'd be. I actually lost my pregnancy weight pretty quickly, but I wasn't in good shape when I got pregnant so would like to lose that weight now.

    I return to work this week, which will actually give me more exercise as I'll be walking to the train, and I'll walk during lunch. I'm also starting a Mommy and Me yoga class next weekend.

    I want to be healthy for her, and I want to look good for myself, but I also want to be positive about this and not teach her to to doubt herself or think negatively about her body. Thoughts on this?

    Feel free to friend/add me!