Is CrossFit 'Destroying the World?'

ascrit Posts: 770 Member

This is a great article and a must read for anyone who is thinking about starting CF or even for those who have been doing it for a while.

The gist of it is that personal responsibility is key to your safety and success


  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    A great article, indeed!!

    So many of the "CrossFit is evil" articles fail to recognize that personal responsibility doesn't magically disappear because there are a few coaches guiding you through the workout. Drives me insane.

    Additionally, I find it impossible to believe that the rate of injury among CFers is any greater than that of any other sport, so to see an article acknowledge that more CFers will mean more CF injuries and not necessarily a higher injury rate is refreshing.
  • jordymils
    jordymils Posts: 230 Member
    Thanks for posting!!

    I'm so sick of hearing all the trash-talk that Crossfit gets, and it's almost always from people who have never set foot in a box, let alone tried to do a WOD or even taken a look at the programming.
    I mentioned something about crossfit to a friend a few weeks ago and the first thing she said was "isn't it like a cult?". She then went on to ask what crossfit actually is. I just wanted to yell at her "if you don't know, then don't judge!!"

    Truth be told, even if it is a 'cult', I'm a hell of a lot happier being on the inside than the outside!!!
  • SAR4Life
    SAR4Life Posts: 153 Member
    I find some of those articles (not this one) funny; I'm not a Crossfitter but still understand personal responsibility for what you do in a workout, i.e. correct form to not injure yourself. I jacked up my hamstring and couldn't do anything for 3 months..and that was running fast..something people do all the time and (guess what) STILL jack themselves up anyway! More power to the Crossfit cult AKA clan AKA box! Do it it often.. get fit..end of story!!
  • MUALaurenClark
    MUALaurenClark Posts: 296 Member
    yep...way more injuries in soccer, running, football, etc
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    Do it it often.. get fit..end of story!!

    Short, sweet, and right on the money.