Introduce yourself!



  • Hi, my name is Emily! I've been engaged since February and we're getting married on May 24, 2014. I've been trying to lose the same 30 pounds pretty much for my entire life, and I just haven't ever been able to get it done for good. I'll lose a bit here or there, but it always comes back. My fiance is very into fitness (and a total least IMHO! :) ) so I need to get my game up on his level! And, we're planning on trying to start a family soon after we get married - so I need to get in great shape before pregnancy comes to wreak havoc!

    Right now I weight about 200 and my goal weight, for now at least, is 170 (I'm 5'9" and 28 years old). For the past 6 months, I've done a really great job at working out - I work out (primarily strength training) almost every single day at 6am before work, and I've found it is such a wonderful way to start the day. I can feel myself getting stronger and putting on muscle, but, unfortunately I've barely lost any fat. So, I'm here to get my diet on track so I can be honeymoon ready in 9 months!

    Add me if you want a friend - I'm new to MFP and I don't really have any friends yet :)
  • mwichi
    mwichi Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all!

    Very new to the health and fitness regime here so be gentle! I'm getting married 5 July 2014 and got my dream dress from eBay and am determined to have minimal alterations to make it fit!
    I steadily put on about a stone and a half in the last year and hoping to reverse that in the next year. I'm 5'4" and am about 167 pounds, hoping to go down to around 140.

    Unfortunately my job is very much a desk one with regular 12hr days so snacking comes easy! Maybe keeping track on here and seeing all of your successes will motivate me!
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    Hi, I'm Sarah I'm 25 years old and my wedding is June 21 2014. I've been with my fiance for four and a half years now, we've been friends since I was a freshman in high school so I've known him for about 13 years. Our wedding is going to be at a butterfly conservatory, we're trying to keep it to 75 people... which is proving difficult but I think it can be done. Just purchased my wedding dress this week!! Right now I'm training for my first half marathon so I'm maintaining my weight at this point. Once that race is over (October) then I will be switching gears to try and get down to my goal weight of 145lbs, those last 10 lbs are the hardest!!
  • pugsleyjean
    pugsleyjean Posts: 135 Member
    Hi ladies! My name is Hallie and I'm finally getting married October 11th, 2014. My fiancé and I have been together for 12 years so now is the time we decide to do this. lol.
    Ive never really worked out or had to watch what I ate but March 2013 I had a wakeup call. My heaviest was at 163lbs and then I knew I needed to do something different. I started to watch what I ate and cut a lot of alcohol out of my daily activity. It's amazing the difference a little change can bring. I still don't exercise but am fairly active with running a waterpark hotel. Im always moving and on a slow day walk 2 miles.
    Trying to get down to around 120lbs and currently at 136lbs. Love to look more toned and just the beautiful bride every girl dreams of. Feel free to add me ladies we can do this together! Congrats :drinker:
  • NikkiThePixie
    NikkiThePixie Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all!

    My name is Monique and I'm getting married on the 4th of January 2014. We got engaged in December 2012 and then moved to Hong Kong for my fiancé's work. I have picked up a bit of weight in Hong Kong with what trying out all the different types of food here and would like to lose a few pounds before the wedding. I currently weigh about 59kg (130lbs) (I don't have a scale at the moment so I am just going on what I weighed the last time I weighed myself which wasn't too long ago). I am hoping to get back down to 54kg (119lbs). I am trying to get healthy and exercise at least 4 times a week. I have tried so many times and just keep giving up, so I really need your support! We can help each other :) congrats to all of you! We can do this! Please add me :)
  • Suuvarok
    Suuvarok Posts: 8 Member
    Hey everyone!

    My name is Katy and I am getting married May 2nd 2014. My fiance and I have been dating for about two and a half years and in that time I managed to gain about 20lbs! Yikes! I am hoping to get back down to at least 125lbs but I would love to get anywhere in the 110s so I set myself a high goal. I am currently at the heaviest I have ever been floating around a plateau of 145-150lbs so I have to stay motivated. I am excited to get to know all of you and as we support each other in our endeavor! I am currently going to my school gym every week day and doing 30 minutes on the crossramp, weights, and then 30 more minutes on the crossramp. I don't know what to do with the weights but I try my best so if anyone has advice I would love the input! :D I am excited to get to know everyone and would love it if any of you added me! :) Good luck everyone and I will see you around! :)
  • Hello All! I'm Amy and I am getting married 6/21/2014. I cannot wait and I am super excited! Since meeting my fiance I have not really gained any weight, but I also have not really lost any. :ohwell: My fiance and I have both decided that we want to shed some pounds and get healthier before the wedding. I'm excited to tackle the challenges of both planning a wedding and getting healthier.
  • Hello beauties! I am getting married 6/07/14 . I am a holistic health coach, so eating healthy is my gig...but I actually HATE exercise! I don't have much to lose, I mostly just need to tone up and lose some belly flub that I have let accumulate due to stress and not eating as well as I could. Even though I don't have a lot to lose, I have always been very small boned, small an additional 20 lbs on me is not what I want to keep! Even as a health coach, I constantly waver back and forth between knowing whether or not a low carb vegetarian diet is most useful for weight loss or low carb, high animal protein is easiest. I would be the person that would love to know if you have had more success on one versus the other. Right now, I am going to start off with 2 weeks of high fat, high animal protein and low carb and compare that to veggie, low carb, high fat. So, this is going to be an interesting endeavor!
  • jdi123
    jdi123 Posts: 1
    Hi All!
    I am getting married 9/6/2014! My fiancé and I have been together for 10 years, finally the time has come haha!
    I am 5'2 and although I've always been 'chubby' I've never been this heavy. I'm currently 187 and am hoping to loose about 60 lbs before my wedding! Aside from looking good in my wedding dress, i am looking to become a new, happier, healthier me! Being this weight has really brought me down, i feel depressed, lethargic, and unhealthy :(.

    I lost around 30 lbs last summer and felt so great, i really regret gaining all of the weight, and more, back. I have a lot of changes to make but the hardest part for me is the eating. Getting started is a huge challenge and i am in dire need of a 'kick in the you-know what' :)

    Looking forward to meeting some 'virtual diet/workout buddies' and talking weddings together too!
  • cneshe
    cneshe Posts: 3
    Congratulations to all us brides! I'm happy to share this adventure with you all! :drinker:

    My name is Claudine, I'm 34, and I'm getting married in northwest Ontario on July 5, 2014. My first dress shopping appointment will be on November 30, 2013, and I'm very nervous. The physique I have now could use work! I'm on a doctor-approved low-carb plan, and I'm also working with a trainer. I'm doing a 30-day November challenge to lose 8-10 lbs by the first dress shopping day. Please add me as a friend - I could use support and will provide the same back too! :smile:

    The plan my trainer set is rigorous, but we will adjust as time goes by, and I'm checking in with my doctor at various milestones. My daily intake plan is 20% carb, 35% protein, 35% fat for my macros. I'll admit it's a big struggle to strike this balance and not derail my progress. I'm trying to train myself to think that I need to get healthier, and feel confident and great on The Big Day! I joke around with my trainer that my stomach is like a temperamental toddler that wants everything NOW! lol

    Anyhow, I know we are all beautiful in our own way, and I am happy to share this fitness and nutrition adventure with you all! And oh -- WEDDING DETAILS of course!!!

    Group hug! :heart:
  • Selena451
    Selena451 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everyone!

    My name is Heather. I've been engaged since April 2013...Wedding is June 21st. ATTEMPTING to lose about 15-20 pounds...But if nothing else I need to tone up so I guess we'll see how that goes!

    Congratulations to all! And good luck on reaching your goals!
  • Hello Everyone.

    My name is Nikki and I have a little less than 6 months to my big day. Glad to see others here also striving to look their best on their big day, because as you know those pictures hang around a LLLLLOOOONNNGGG time. Anyway glad to meet you all.
  • AS0508
    AS0508 Posts: 1
    Hi Ladies!

    My fiancé and I got engaged in February on a diving trip. We've been best friends since 2004, and dating since 2011. So happy we're getting married! Our wedding is 10.11.14

    My current weight is 146 (Already lost 4 lbs with MFP)
    Goal Weight is 130.

    I too have also purchased my dress. I am absolutely in love with it, but it's a tad bit too snug. (Too many parties and celebrations!)

    I have a weakness for food. Love to eat! And I travel a minimum of one week a month for work, so I am worried it will be hard to keep up when I'm on the road.

    Feel free to add me!
  • inamarada
    inamarada Posts: 8 Member
    HI all!! I am 39--next month--and getting married for the FIRST time!!!!! My fiancé is a wonderful man and he has literally swept me off my feet. It has been a FABULOUS 3 years, a proposal that EVERY girl dreams of, and a dream engagement. I am so excited to get married!!!!!!!!!!

    My BIG day is 05-25-14. We went with an all inclusive place and got pretty much everything done up front. We have just about 6 months left and the time is flying by. Just have rings, invites, and hotel left :)

    I went to over 8 bridal shops looking for my dress. I loved the look of lace, but once I got them on….I looked more like my grandmothers bedspread…LOL!!!!! I managed to narrow my choices down to 4 dresses and then had my bridesmaids and mom help me decide on "the dress". I ordered my dress yesterday…a "true" 16 I am told….hoping to loose a little more before the big day. I am going to need alterations from the beginning, so why not pull in that waist line a little more I say :)

    I have 6 months… goal is 20 pounds……so here I am: 5'7", CW 170, GW 150. I would love to have someone to talk with and encourage each other in our weigh loss goals, just send me a line.

    CONGRATS to everyone and I wish you all the best on your special day :)
  • Hi everyone!

    My fiancé and I have been engaged about a month and we are in a whirl of planning now, probably setting July 26, 2014 as our date very soon! I'm 37 and live in Maine. I'd like to lose about 25-30 pounds between now and the big day. The wedding is an important goal, but we'd also like to start a family soon, so I know I need to shape up for that, too!

    I'm planning to run a 10 mile race in February and might try to do a half marathon next summer. My vice is my diet and I'm looking forward to some buddies to help keep me accountable. I'm hoping to lose about 6 lbs a month.
  • Hey Ya'll!

    I'm 21 and live in North Carolina. My fiancé and I are planning a September wedding in 2014. Right now I am 185lbs and 5'7 and I would like to be 145-135 by the wedding. I have never been successful with losing weight, I have tried over the years, but for a long time I have just been in the 180's. The lowest I remember being was 150 and that was about 6 years ago, so it is definitely time for a change.

    My first goal is to change from a size 14 to a 12/10 by the beginning of February which is when I plan to look for wedding dresses. I am trying out Jillian Michael's 30 day shred and hoping to lose some inches through that and eating healthy.

    If any one else would like to add me, please do and if you have tried the 30 day shred I would love to know about your experience/results.
  • Tolstoy26
    Tolstoy26 Posts: 134 Member
    Hey everyone! My fiance and I just got engaged a couple of weeks ago and are trying to plan a wedding for October/November 2014...right now stressing over venues because a lot of them are already booked! I started trying to lose weight in May and am down 23 lbs so far and hope to lose a total of 50 lbs before the big day. I'm sure it will be tough, but as everyone else has already said those pictures are going to be around forever and I want to love the way I look in my dress!!
  • GingerJ22
    GingerJ22 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! My name is Jackie and I am getting married in June 2014.
  • I am Kelly and I got engaged one month ago today :) I have been with Dan for 6 years and we will be getting married in 2014. I don't have a date yet, but agree with all the other future brides that I want to find a dress I love not one to hide my tummy. Feel free to add me as a friend.

    CW: 150
    GW: 125, would be happy with 130
  • NattieV214
    NattieV214 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello and congrats to all the beautiful brides!!

    I'm Natalie and I've been engaged to my wonderful fiance, Steve since August 1, 2013! We are getting married on 12/13/14! I've tried on a few dresses, but I'm not ready to commit to one until I feel/look better in one! I have about 50 pounds to lose in 49 weeks... totally doable if I am consistently mindful of what I eat and how frequently I exercise!

    CW: 231
    GW: 180