Looking for some buddies!

I'm looking for some people that can help motivate and encourage me and vice versa. It is so much easier to stay on track when you have a good support group, and people who are willing to stand up and say, "Hey, you shouldn't have eaten all those M&Ms today". It would be a plus if you are active in posting on your wall and with replies to other posts, but I understand that it can be hard with a busy schedule if you can't get on too much (I work full time and have a 2.5 year old so I understand busy). Looking forward to getting to know some of you more as we help each other down the road of better living! :)


  • sorrymrsjaxn
    sorrymrsjaxn Posts: 6 Member
    Hi!! I am looking for the same!!! :)
  • hi you can add me if you like I am not on much but I should try to go on more. I know how hard it is as I am struggling with my weight and have been for years so if anyone wants to add me I am available, so please do. Thanks
  • gingabebe
    gingabebe Posts: 165 Member
    I sent a FR- I post my food everyday. I do not however tell people they shouldn't eat something, but if you really want me to....
    I know what you are saying though. I slide sometimes and think what would someone looking at my diary think?
  • Would love to! I log on daily and comment loads on friends i do have already! Love being involved and motivating others so when i need it they can help me out! I've come along way in 9months with my 40kg loss so i'd love to be able to help others and have people keep me motivated to keep going!
  • I added you : )
  • Sending you a request :)
  • Crystallee145
    Crystallee145 Posts: 147 Member
    I'm in search of some motivating friends also! I have sent some requests :)
  • I want in on this too. lol. I need the same thing. I am 27 with 2 kids, a 5 year old and a 6 month old. I just started being good today, but I am definitely in it for the long haul.
  • AD0624
    AD0624 Posts: 2
    Feel free to add me. Haven't been on here in quite some time but starting yet again.
  • mmstone13
    mmstone13 Posts: 60 Member
    Add me too! I could use a little extra motivation as well.....per the Dr. request and my own personal goal, I need to lose another 20 pounds by December!
  • TheAmyHead
    TheAmyHead Posts: 5 Member
    Me too! I'd love to make some new friends and have the accountability to stay on track.
  • amadden2012
    amadden2012 Posts: 4 Member
    I would love to have more friends on here and see how they're doing! I log in daily and post in my food dairy and exercise! I'll send you a request, and anyone else looking for more friends is more than welcome to send me one as well!
  • Add me!
  • missa3428
    missa3428 Posts: 114
    I am on every day for the most part. I am usually on in the evening after work, during breaks, and in the morning before I come to work. Add me if you need some motivation!!! :)
  • I'm also looking for some fellow PCOS friends who understand our struggles. Please feel free to add me :)
  • Queezarwoe
    Queezarwoe Posts: 2 Member
    Hey All, Please feel free to add me as well! I am definitely in the same boat and looking for motivation! We can do it together!
  • I just joined MFP today from encouragement from a gym friend. Friday I met my 75 pound mark and still need encouragement! I have 153 pounds to goal to make my overall goal! I joined for help and encouragement!!!!:wink: I have been diagnosed with PCOS for almost 2 years now!
  • motivatedx10
    motivatedx10 Posts: 7 Member
    add me! i was diagnosed a little over a year ago. working hard to get rid of the weight (hopefully pcos too!)
  • lequirk
    lequirk Posts: 4 Member
    I am just getting into the swing of things and would absolutely love some friends as well!
  • jennifers101875
    jennifers101875 Posts: 14 Member
    Looking for some gals that have the same struggles with PCOS.....feel free to add me

    Happy 2014!