New Years Resolutions?

Hey guys! So to follow up on my post about the no sugar challenge I thought it'd be cool for everyone to hear about any plans you might have for 2014 in regards to health and fitness (or any other resolutions for that matter!) :smile: I'm planning to do the no sugar challenge and if you'd like to read about that I posted a topic about it. I'm looking forward to hearing from everyone! :happy:


  • GKSTcoach
    GKSTcoach Posts: 81 Member
    Nine steps to a healthier me...(my 2014 goals/resolutions)
    1. continue swimming 3 times a week
    2. add light weights/arm reps in mornings 3 times a week
    3. ride expresso bike/eliptical at least twice a week
    4. continue logging in mfp
    5. continue South Beach plan (no sugar, low artificial sugar, no potatoes *cries*, and no junk food/fast food)
    6. get at least 8 hours of sleep (can't lose if not sleeping)
    8. return to dietician in April to check if resting metabolic rate is same or if caloric intake needs to be changed
    9. stay on the trail! Even if I plateau again, I need to keep pushing and not lose faith or I lose the ground I've already covered and will have further to go to get to the end!
  • 27karateerin
    27karateerin Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks for sharing -- these are all really great goals! I can especially relate to the 8 hours of sleep one. :P I find it really difficult to get more than 6 hours of sleep due to my busy schedule but I think it would be much easier to lose weight if I could just make time for a few extra hours. :smile: I also think #9 is something that most people struggle with -- another great new years resolution!
  • GKSTcoach
    GKSTcoach Posts: 81 Member
    Love your goals, especially the last comfortable in clothes, be happy with how I look, and keep improving health and fitness...awesome!:happy:
  • bunnylion
    bunnylion Posts: 265 Member
    My health/fitness motto for 2014: Strong is the new skinny!
    - Complete TurboFire 12 weeks program (which is mainly based on cardio) while eating around 1500 kcals a day
    - Diet break for 2-3 weeks eating my full maintenance calories.
    - Complete Jillian Michaels Body Revolution 12 weeks program (which has a lot higher emphasis on strength building) while eating around 1500 kcals a day
    --> Become strong and stay strong
    - Oh, and of course lose at least 20 pounds.

    Other goals:
    - Get a better idea of how I want to develop in my work life
    - Learn some new skills (I haven't decided what, tough. Juggling? Learn Italian? Kung Fu? There are so many things to try...)
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    1. Stay away from soda as much as possible. Never really drank alot of it but was on vacation past week or so. Had a little here and there
    2. Continue drinking more water
    3. Dont really have a set goal on how much to lose this year but continue going and if I have set backs dont let it get me down
    4. Spring time will mean more moving around
    5. Be happy no matter what weight I am