Welcome all you Disney Addicts

With a love of Disney in our hearts and armed with our My Fitness Pal apps on our phones we venture off to lose some weight and get in shape to live longer, healthier lives.


  • WickedLady16
    WickedLady16 Posts: 1 Member
    So Looking forward to 2014. My friend and I are starting Ferrells body shaping Jan 11. 1st Challenge - committing to 10 weeks of getting up at 5:30 am. :smile:
  • nlgwilson
    nlgwilson Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Nicki and I am from Pennsylvania. I am a 32 year old mother of 3 (4 if you count my hubby). I am excited to start this challenge with fellow DAs! I have started MyFitnessPal before when it was recommended by my doctor that uses it daily. I really did enjoy using it but I really need the motivation to stick with it. Hoping for a Great start to the New Year 2014!
  • I was same way. I tried this months ago but just got too busy to enter my food diary. Gonna stick with is this time!
  • AndyRogan
    AndyRogan Posts: 195 Member
    Greetings fellow Disnerds :)

    Happy to receive any and all FRs.

    My wife and I have been to WDW 8 times in 12 years and Paris once, it's not the same.

    We will be back in WDW on May 6th with our 2yr old daughter for her first visit
  • Karriealex
    Karriealex Posts: 6 Member
    I am looking forward to going through this journey with all of you. The accountability to each other will be wonderful and a great motivator to keep us on track. I am looking forward to being thinner in 2014!
  • Hello all! I am excited to join you all. I am a Disney lover and we have gone three times in the past 3 years. I am heading down to the world next week for marathon weekend. It's my first solo trip as we felt that taking the kids out of school right when it started back wasn't a good idea. And since I am heading down for multiple races, my park time is quite limited. But I would love to hear any tips about traveling solo!
  • nfewell
    nfewell Posts: 1 Member
    HI all. I appreciate all the support that can be gain from fellow DAs. I've tried before,but I really want it this time and with your support I KNOW I can accomplish anything.
  • Thank-you Chipmaster Flex for creating this group! It will be great to help boost everyone's confidence! Good luck with your goals digital people!
  • Karriealex
    Karriealex Posts: 6 Member
    I am trying to add everyone but I am now getting confused because I am going from two lists. I am unsure who I have messaged and who I have not. If I have not messaged you please message me. My username is karriealex. Thanks!
  • pbass1
    pbass1 Posts: 9
    Hi. Happy New Year. My hubby and I love Disney! We're headed there in May or maybe a surprise trip before that. I need to lose a few more lbs....before hand.
  • Karriealex
    Karriealex Posts: 6 Member
    I need some suggestions. I am looking for some high protein low calorie ideas for breakfast. I am diabetic so protein would be best for me. My only problem is I am not crazy about plain eggs. I also cannot do a cheese egg combo. Just the thought of that gives me the willies. I like cheese but just not with eggs. Anyone have any low calorie ideas how I can dress the eggs up so that they aren't just plain eggs with that eggie taste?
  • AndyRogan
    AndyRogan Posts: 195 Member
    Is anyone on Tumblr?
    I have a Disney blog and would love more followers
  • I like Egg whites and turkey sausage for breakfast
    Chicken Salad for lunch and I might be a little weird I love cereal for dinner. (frosted mini wheats)
  • Karriealex
    Karriealex Posts: 6 Member
    You are not weird. We eat breakfast for dinner on occasion here also. It breaks up the rut of eating the same things all the time. :happy:
  • I was diagnosed with diabetes type II , a1c of 7.00, this summer. Recently had a1c checked again and it was 5.62, so not taking meds yet. Stopped drinking soda and started exercising. Sometimes for breakfast, I eat two rice cakes with 28 almonds or two slices of Sara Lee 45 calorie bread with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter. Not an egg lover either.
  • fnash4
    fnash4 Posts: 8 Member
    I have decided to do the Tower of Terror 10-mile run in October. Not only will I be working to drop some pound, and by some I mean a lot, but I have to get my heart and lungs ready for a 10 mile run! I'm hoping to do my first 5k run in April or May. Should be "fun".
  • fnash4
    fnash4 Posts: 8 Member
    I need some suggestions. I am looking for some high protein low calorie ideas for breakfast. I am diabetic so protein would be best for me. My only problem is I am not crazy about plain eggs. I also cannot do a cheese egg combo. Just the thought of that gives me the willies. I like cheese but just not with eggs. Anyone have any low calorie ideas how I can dress the eggs up so that they aren't just plain eggs with that eggie taste?

    I stick with the egg whites. I add salsa (homemade is best) and turkey sausage. Very low cal. and high in protein.
  • watsdd
    watsdd Posts: 21
    You will love it. I did several Disney races and did the marathon there last year and it was amazing because they do such a good job. I have a half marathon there in feb and then the 10 miler TOT as well before the Dopey next year
    1CEUPONA7IME Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everyone! I just wanted to jump in and introduce myself!

    My name is Shannon, I am 29, and live near Buffalo, NY. I have two children, a son who is 3 and a daughter who just turned 5 at WDW! They have both been to Disney World 4 times. My husband and I have been married since October 11, 2012, but we have been together since August 2003! I was able to lose 30 pounds for our wedding and then gained about 45 pounds after our wedding. :mad:

    My weight issue started AFTER I had our daughter and became a stay at home mom. I am not nearly as active as I used to be. So one of the biggest things that I need to change is my activity level. Also, I need to cut out soda and start drinking more water.

    Some things that are motivating me to change:
    My kids! I need to be healthy for them! I need to be here to watch them grow up and have children of their own! I need to be a good example for them!

    My Father In Law. He recently passed away due to a major heart attack at the age of 58. It was shocking and terrifying because I know if I don't change my ways, I will be headed down that same path.

    DISNEY! We are planning another Disney cruise in October and I don't want to be fat and uncomfortable. We went on the Dream in May and I just knew I would have enjoyed it so much more if I was comfortable in my own body. So next cruise IS going to be different!!

    Some of my goals:

    To improve my overall health
    Stop hiding from the camera and actually be in some of our vacation photos
    To participate in a RunDisney event. (Hopefully starting with a Castaway 5k in October!)
    As far as a number on the scale, I think losing 80 pounds would put me back in my comfort zone. Yikes! That's a lot! :noway:

    I am looking forward to joining you all on this journey! Maybe we could all do a RunDisney event together someday!! I wish you all the best of luck!!!
  • Hi! My name is Vicki. I live in North Carolina. I am 55 yrs old. I have 1 son and 2 grandchildren.

    I started walking in May of 2013. I had gotten up to 8 miles a day and was beginning to use the "Couch to 5k" app to train to run a 5k. On July 7th, while out doing my daily walked, I was attacked by 2 bulldogs. I spent 3.5 hrs in surgery. 5 days in the hospital & missed 7 weeks of work. I have 80 staples in my legs, arms and head and 75 stitches in my face. 3 months after the attack, I got infection in one of the wounds and had to have the area lanced 5 times.

    Please, please, please be careful if you walk or run. If you can, get a partner. Be aware of the area where you are walking/running. I had walked past these dogs for 3 months. I have no idea why they attacked me. I was ignorant to what a dog could do to a adult. A few minutes more and I would have been dead. Thanks be to God, someone came by and saved me. I have not been able to walk outside yet, ( More dogs in my neighborhood) but I have started walking in the warehouse where I work and have joined a gym. I refuse to let this stop me. I will run a 5k!!!