Anyone still play WoW?

Muldactus Posts: 6,972 Member
I recently re-upped my WoW subscription because I miss playing. Sadly, I can't find much enthusiasm for grinding on my lvl 90s again. I'd like to re-roll on a new server and just have fun levelling up a lowbie. Would be nice to have someone - or someones - to chat with while I level up.

So does anyone still play Wow fairly regularly and want to share what server they're on and the name of the character they're usually on?


  • gtdattitude
    gtdattitude Posts: 216 Member
    I wish I had time to play. I have kept my subscription current but when I logged on last week there were so many changes it overwhelmed me. The trailer for the next expantion looks cool though. I have toons on garona and azuremyst, I'll msg you if I log on
  • txmomma0889
    txmomma0889 Posts: 179 Member
    I play wow daily on borean tundra. I am alliance. :p if ya want. My charcter name just message me :)., I am in the biggest allow guild on the server and I can get ya an invite if ya like it on there:p
  • plumwd
    plumwd Posts: 161 Member
    I play Horde on Bleeding Hollow. It's a nice, very active service. Lots of pugs and world pvp. Send a message to Jadedot in game for an invite, or shoot me a real id request plumwd#1834.
  • Area 52, Farstriders both Horde and Alliance.
    I havent played since the 2nd year of Cataclysm, it lost its luster with all the massive casuals out there.
    I know I sound Hipster but I played almost religiously since Late-Vanilla (i mean really late (2 months before BC came out)).
    Still.... I miss it sometimes... then i look at my stack of 360/DS/Wii games.
    Also my Laptop cant hack WoW since WotLK and im broke a lot. :D
  • brraanndi
    brraanndi Posts: 325 Member
    I play Horde on RP servers, Ally on Stormrage, send me a msg XD
  • FieryVixsin
    FieryVixsin Posts: 102 Member
    For the Horde! I play on Tichondrious and love to raid.
  • cccoursey
    cccoursey Posts: 116 Member
    Haven't played in a while and looking at going back soon with the upcoming expansion. It would be great to find a family of MFP folks and enjoy the community and support both in game and out.
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    I just took my first break a couple months ago. Been playing since before BC but needed a break, both mentally and financially. But will go back at least by the new xpac if not before. I have a huge family guild on alli exodar that's being watched by a good friend of mine right now. but we have mostly husbands and wives or parents and kids who play together, so laid back and relaxed. We do raid some but its very non-stress. I'm not sure how those that love to hardcore raid dont burn out fast.

    there is an MFP guild in wow, id have to look back at either the forums or where my toons are to tell you where it is. there is both a horde and an alliance one
  • Muldactus
    Muldactus Posts: 6,972 Member
    Actually, I was the one that started the Alliance guild. When I got back into the game, there was no one there. Seems like everyone wandered off.
  • darkon
    darkon Posts: 5,342 MFP Moderator
    Playing since the release ;)
    EU - Darksorrow (Alliance)
  • Muldactus
    Muldactus Posts: 6,972 Member
    Playing since the release ;)
    EU - Darksorrow (Alliance)

    Yeah, but you're EU. Kinda makes it difficult.

    And geeze, Dark - are you stalking me HERE too??? ;)
  • BobGoodin
    BobGoodin Posts: 7 Member
    I play Horde on Bleeding Hollow. It's a nice, very active service. Lots of pugs and world pvp. Send a message to Jadedot in game for an invite, or shoot me a real id request plumwd#1834.

    I'm horde on the bleeding hollow as well. I'll try to remember to add you!
    My name is Chanaynay
  • hersheythecat
    hersheythecat Posts: 117 Member
    I was playing, quit, tried to come back yesterday but for some reason wow and my computer are not getting along. It's constantly shutting down. I'm trying to figure out why but not having much luck. :( I wanted to start a new character and just have fun running around.
  • Kasya007
    Kasya007 Posts: 165 Member
    I play my DK almost daily on Kel'Thuzad, and by play I mean to say that I constantly facepalm & nerdrage at the screen because ally are soooooo bad at PvP (...and yet I won't faction change. lol.) :smile:
  • pocketmole
    pocketmole Posts: 614 Member
    I still play. I don't have a big social guild or anything (we're a small casual-hardcore raiding guild but we have quite a few non raiders and casuals in the guild) - I just wanted to chime in! Most of my game time is spent in the raids though. Occasionally I hop on an alt for an hour or two, but otherwise I'm there on my warlock working on heroics twice a week.
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    Im horde on blackrock. I mainly pvp
  • BattleTaxi
    BattleTaxi Posts: 752 Member
    I -could- resub.. >.>

    I play dr00d deeps and tankkkkkkk
  • cccoursey
    cccoursey Posts: 116 Member
    A few friends just transferred to Khadgar and are reviving a Horde guild called Requiescence. It is basically a bunch of Horde and Alliance raiders and irl friends looking to coalesce into a casual, fun, family WITH raiding as a mainstay. If you guys somehow find your way to the Tatooine of WoW servers known as Khadgar. Feel free to hit us up or drop me a message here.

    Have fun in WoW and with all your exercise goals.
  • qpmomma1
    qpmomma1 Posts: 220 Member
    I play on Misha (Alliance) and Blade's Edge (Horde). :)
  • I play on Tuyrlon, sarraphinaso, FOR THE HORDE .

  • tayloryay
    tayloryay Posts: 378 Member
    I play on Windrunner/Darrowmere, Alliance side. Been bored out of my mind lately, and would really like to find a nice raiding group (even if it's just flex, I'm a little undergeared still). My battle tag is Tiru#1166. My main is a DPS DK, and I've got a resto druid too but I don't play him much these days.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    i do! subscription till my birthday (early feb) then i plan on quitting again.

    i play on hellscream, horde side. OG!

    oh and i tinker between hunter (liant), priest (syln), monk (meina) and shaman (masuka)

    playing on timeless isle, they throw loot at you. see a dusty treasure chest on the ground? oh hello there, 496ilvl helm.

    i just want to make some engineering mounts/toys then i'm out.
  • I do I do I do!!
  • tayloryay
    tayloryay Posts: 378 Member

    playing on timeless isle, they throw loot at you. see a dusty treasure chest on the ground? oh hello there, 496ilvl helm.

    Indeed. Unfortunately I'm at 527 and gaining slowly. Everyone wants 540 min. for normals, which is reasonable. Just difficult to get there when I don't even have a reliable flex group. :-\

    I also have terrible luck when it comes to loot, haha. I had blue bracers (450 ilvl) for months, despite opening every TI chest on 4 toons, spending 40k on Kukuru chests, and doing LFR and a little flex when I could. Finally some 483s cropped up on the AH and that's what I'm wearing now! I've still never seen plate timeless bracers. I'm cursed!
  • parias1126
    parias1126 Posts: 64 Member
    I quit about a year ago and haven't seen a reason to re-up. I probably will with the new xpac.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Just realized that I haven't logged in months and probably missed "Long, Strange Trip" yet again. Every year I manage to miss the same couple of holidays. Stupid mounts.

    Anyhow, Horde/Duskwood. I play every class, most are to 90 now. About half are raiding LFR at least. I do mostly retro stuff tho; solo BT for a shot at glaives for my rogue who is mogged as a demon hunter and grind obscure rep on my main, or farm recipes in Karazahn, etc.
  • gtdattitude
    gtdattitude Posts: 216 Member
    I logged in today after a long hiatus and I feel very lost and left behind, and the guild I'm in Fell apart while I was gone...

    I didn't check my horde toons yet
  • strongestgirl10
    strongestgirl10 Posts: 26 Member
    Yep, playing all clothies (ranged FTW) on both Kilrogg (Alli) and Perenolde (Horde). Both servers have a robust economy where I farm mats and make a killing on the AH to buys toys, mounts and battle pets. I <3 carebears.
  • Adrasteis
    Adrasteis Posts: 110 Member
    Yup! 15 toons,9 90's and 1 horrible journey later to get stupid Legendary Cloak....and still going strong. Horde and Ally on Arthas =)
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,087 Member
    i plan on playing tonight new years eve, havent played in a month or so. i have 5 paladins, and a few others, on silvermoon, all alliance. i'm almost to 90 on one of them. i like to play by myself, mostly doing gathering and quests. i'm a boring player, but i like it. i dont raid, i tried once and everyone got mad at me. i have no idea what i'm doing.

    i like to start new toons, so if anyone wants to start up on a new server, i'm game. i could step out of my little cocoon and play with other people. (just dont get mad at me if i make mistakes lol)