Needing some new friends for motivation!

Hello! I'm Aimly. I just started trying to lose weight, and I'd really like to add some new friends to my account! I'm currently going to university in Southern California, and I'm double-majoring in Literature and Political Science. I'd like to be a teacher one day, so after this year (I'm a senior), I'd like to go to graduate school and get my credential and my Masters in Education to teach English. I started at 210 and my first goal is to lose 20 pounds. My ultimate goal is to lose far more than that, but I'm trying to take small steps.

Anyway, feel free to introduce yourself and add me so we can support each other!


  • Hi Aimly!
    Congrats on your decision to strive towards a healthier you!
    What's your current exercise and diet regimen like?

  • Hi Aimly, lovely to meet you!
    I'm Lucy, I actually just graduated with a Bachelor of Education in the spring (I have A BA In Anthropology and Spanish, too). I'm on my way to losing 20-25 lbs by next July, and then maintain maintain maintain the lifestyle change. I basically have small steps mapped out in terms of an exercise regime and hopeful weight targets being met. I'd love to be friends on here, I definitely do much better when I have others to work through it with.
    I'll add you :)
  • hi Aimly - Great choice to join up here to work towards your goal ! I recently signed up here myself . I think it would be great to add someone to my account as well . Extra motivation is the way to go!
  • brittk2013
    brittk2013 Posts: 141 Member
    Hi Aimly! I just sent you a friend request. I just jumped back on the fitness bandwagon and love seeing friends in my news feed as motivation!
  • hubn8147
    hubn8147 Posts: 110 Member
    Hi Aimly! I am also new, so I would love to be your friend! I'll send you a friend request. Congrats on the first step to the new you! This app is absolutely fantastic, you will love it.