Not Thrilled with my OB Office... *Rant*

qhiggins86 Posts: 113 Member
So I've kinda been stewing since my last appointment on Christmas Eve... everything about my appointment rubbed me the wrong way. I know I've got crazy lady moments, but I'd like to think I'm still relatively level-headed :tongue:

I showed up for my anatomy scan xmas eve, excited about knowing if it was a boy or girl so I could share the news on Christmas day. The ultrasound technician came in, lubed up my tummy and within 5 seconds of looking baby decided that she wasn't going to get any good shots because of the way the baby was positioned. I wish she would have stopped then and rescheduled me, but she proceeded to waste the next 30 minutes of my day complaining about how she couldn't do her job thanks to "bubba", which she oh-so-affectionately kept addressing my baby.

I asked repeatedly if she wanted me to get up, move around... maybe eat or drink something sweet really quick to see if we could get baby to move and she kept brushing me off. Need I mention she talked during the whole anatomy scan, but to herself?

Finally we got to see the doctor and I was trying to fight back tears. NOTE: When I'm really upset, I cry instead of yell. She said the baby didn't cooperate, and I asked her if it's normal practice to do what the tech did. She defended the tech and proceeded to move on and reschedule me for 2 weeks. She did answer my questions that I had and all, but turned me down when I asked her if she would be willing to take a peek herself.

I get that the scans only go as well as the baby is willing to cooperate, but I don't feel like they were that invested. It was xmas eve, and I'm sure people just wanted to leave ASAP... maybe I was their last patient before their holiday, I don't know. One of my friend's techs had her doing different things to get the baby to move in order to have a successful anatomy scan, so I was hoping they'd be willing to do the same.

I know this is a long rant, and there is more that I'm not happy about with this particular office... Maybe I should start looking elsewhere since I'm only going to be 19 weeks along tomorrow. The next appointment is next Thursday... I will be 20 weeks and hopefully we'll have a better look. I see that appointment as the last straw for this doctor's office! :brokenheart:

I hope you ladies are doing well and I wish you all a happy new year!!! :drinker:


  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    So, I think that wasn't very professional and I'm not sure the tone of voice she had when she said it since I can't read in to that, but with us hormonal women, that isn't a smart thing to do!

    My question is why in the world was the nurse doing it instead of the dr.??? Ours, the Dr. ALWAYS does it....personally, if it isn't the Dr. doing it, I would find a new Dr. That just doesn't rub with me right.

    Lastly, I'm currently 23 weeks, have a gender reveal on January 11th. I went December 19th to find out gender and mine was rolling around like CRAZY! They did try for a few minutes, but no good angles. I was upset, too, and I go back January 9th; if it doesn't cooperate, I have a house full of people for gender party where I don't know the gender! HAA!! Thankfully, Dr. said he is about 95% sure of what it is based on what they could see, but it wasn't a confirmation so couldn't write it down until I come back.

    Also, keep in mind that it was Christmas Eve; a holiday for most. Maybe they were just upset about working on the holiday and stressed with their own personal obligations to get home to that their attitudes just rubbed off the wrong way towards your situation. Regardless, if it isn't the Dr. doing it, I would get a new Dr. personally. Hang in there. I know how much it SUUUUCKS to not know if you are going to know! I figured I would be safe this far along!!! :sad:
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    So I've kinda been stewing since my last appointment on Christmas Eve... everything about my appointment rubbed me the wrong way. I know I've got crazy lady moments, but I'd like to think I'm still relatively level-headed :tongue:

    I showed up for my anatomy scan xmas eve, excited about knowing if it was a boy or girl so I could share the news on Christmas day. The ultrasound technician came in, lubed up my tummy and within 5 seconds of looking baby decided that she wasn't going to get any good shots because of the way the baby was positioned. I wish she would have stopped then and rescheduled me, but she proceeded to waste the next 30 minutes of my day complaining about how she couldn't do her job thanks to "bubba", which she oh-so-affectionately kept addressing my baby.

    I asked repeatedly if she wanted me to get up, move around... maybe eat or drink something sweet really quick to see if we could get baby to move and she kept brushing me off. Need I mention she talked during the whole anatomy scan, but to herself?

    Finally we got to see the doctor and I was trying to fight back tears. NOTE: When I'm really upset, I cry instead of yell. She said the baby didn't cooperate, and I asked her if it's normal practice to do what the tech did. She defended the tech and proceeded to move on and reschedule me for 2 weeks. She did answer my questions that I had and all, but turned me down when I asked her if she would be willing to take a peek herself.

    I get that the scans only go as well as the baby is willing to cooperate, but I don't feel like they were that invested. It was xmas eve, and I'm sure people just wanted to leave ASAP... maybe I was their last patient before their holiday, I don't know. One of my friend's techs had her doing different things to get the baby to move in order to have a successful anatomy scan, so I was hoping they'd be willing to do the same.

    I know this is a long rant, and there is more that I'm not happy about with this particular office... Maybe I should start looking elsewhere since I'm only going to be 19 weeks along tomorrow. The next appointment is next Thursday... I will be 20 weeks and hopefully we'll have a better look. I see that appointment as the last straw for this doctor's office! :brokenheart:

    I hope you ladies are doing well and I wish you all a happy new year!!! :drinker:

    That is totally unacceptable and I would be SO annoyed. I see a perinatologist so I have a tech who looks and does the detailed scan but then the doctor also looks. The last time I was there, the tech had me moving around and changing positions because she was trying to measure certain Down Syndrome indicators (which thankfully I don't have). That's just rude for someone to sit there and blabber on when you're there to see your baby and not try ANYTHING to get baby to move. I always eat a piece of candy or something before my appts now because this baby is so much more chill than my son was in the womb and is apt to not show us much.

    I'm interested to see how your next appt goes, keep us posted!
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Did you end up moving offices? Seen a couple posts from you now complaining about the doctor - (I have created a thread myself ranting about doctor), did it improve when you moved offices? Or did you not end up doing that?