goals for 2014

veggiekatie Posts: 10 Member
Hey Everyone!
What are some of your goals for 2014?!


  • pandoraslawson
    I am planning to go from the couch to a Sprint Triathlon in June 2014! I am excited and looking forward to getting into shape! I just got a Fitbit and plan to start tracking food and activity. Hopefully others will join the group and give pointers to help acheive success! :smile:
  • ianellery
    I have been competing in triathlons for 16 years. I have done all distances including 12 70.3 Ironmans and 6 full Ironmans. So far this year I have entered 70.3 Mallorca , Ely monster middle distance and Amsterdam marathon. I am aiming to try to get close to 5 hours for a half ironman.
  • darcyrees
    darcyrees Posts: 34 Member
    My focus this year is to improve my cycling and I'll also have a hiking emphasis. However, I did a 1/2 in 2012 and if I hit my goals this year, I should be ready to attempt a full in 2015. So, even though I may not do a tri in 2014, I'll still be doing some running, swimming and lots of cycling.
  • mdotcda13
    Would like to drop 50 and do a couple Olympic distance tri' s this year. After completing a full in 2008 my training stopped as my priorities shifted. Good luck to all and stay focused.
  • kimrich60
    kimrich60 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm new to triathlons. I recently learned to swim and starting out small this winter with three indoor TRIs. I plan to continue working on my swimming so I can do an Olympic distance in August. Weight loss is a huge priority for me over the next nine months because I want to run the Chicago marathon this October.
  • rmhmartin
    rmhmartin Posts: 46 Member
    I'm doing my first 70.3 in May!
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    For me I'm just building up to do my first half in 2015. This year I'm working on dropping more time on my Olympic Tri times, and also to do a half marathon in under 2:15.
    I also want to drop the last of my weight (25 lbs) by March.
  • veggiekatie
    veggiekatie Posts: 10 Member
    I am so excited for my half ironman and half marathons that are planned for 2014. My other goal is to lose weight to help improve my times!
  • mdotcda13
    Helpful hint on cycling, try to keep your RPM' s (cadence) in the 90's. Don't worry about speed, it will come as your your endurance increases.
  • FTIM2015
    FTIM2015 Posts: 460 Member
    I'm aiming for Ironman Wales 2015, so this year will be building my fitness up to the level that I can complete it and then working on getting my speeds up.

    Really enjoying training again, and loving having the drive to train like this which I've never had!
  • FTIM2015
    FTIM2015 Posts: 460 Member
    Oh and I'm also entered for the Great Birmingham Run in Oct (1/2 marathon)
  • rmhmartin
    rmhmartin Posts: 46 Member
    I'm doing the Busselton 70.3 and plan to do IM Texas in 2015 assuming we move back to Texas in time for that. :) (I'll have to choose a different one otherwise, I suppose! We live in Singapore now & I typically don't like to have to travel for a race but I will!) All of my kids will be in school full-time starting this fall so I'll finally have time to train for a full then! :) I did two marathons last year (among other races) and determined that I do better injury-wise when I'm training for triathlon... so 2014 is tri-focused for me. :)
  • sydneybeachgirl
    my goal is to improve my running so that I can do longer triathlons
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Amy but most on here call me 'Bru'. I started MFP in 2010, lost 50lbs, maintained for a year, got pregnant and I've been trying to find my way back to fitness while being a new mom.

    My goals this year are to work on endurance and run a mile without walking or stopping again, then I want to get back to doing the same with a 5k, and I plan to train for my first tri starting in May and do my first tri (sprint) Aug 10th.

    I also would like to run/walk 1,000 miles for the year.
  • SeeKateRun82
    SeeKateRun82 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Kate and I've been doing triathlons for two seasons. I train with a team of over 400 triathletes from all shapes and sizes and diff abilities in the Washington, DC area. My big goal for 2014 is to complete Ironman Cozumel in November. So far this year I am registered for 2 full marathons, 1 half marathon, 2 half iron distance races and IMCZ! Looks like it's gonna be a fun year! Best of luck in everyone's training!
  • joelwilliamprice
    joelwilliamprice Posts: 3 Member
    March: La Marathon (First marathon)
    May: Ironman St. George 70.3 (First Half Ironman)
    July: Vineman 70.3 (Second Half Ironman)
    September: Malibu Sprint - Podium (there's 5 on the podium so it's a little more possible than just three :))
    September: Silverman 70.3 (Third Half Ironman)
    November: Ironman Arizona (First and probably only full distance Ironman)!

    Those are my goals in a large nutshell.
  • joelwilliamprice
    joelwilliamprice Posts: 3 Member
    :bigsmile: Slow and steady wins the race they say
  • SeeKateRun82
    SeeKateRun82 Posts: 4 Member
    Impressive Joel!
  • darcyrees
    darcyrees Posts: 34 Member
    March: La Marathon (First marathon)
    May: Ironman St. George 70.3 (First Half Ironman)
    July: Vineman 70.3 (Second Half Ironman)
    September: Malibu Sprint - Podium (there's 5 on the podium so it's a little more possible than just three :))
    September: Silverman 70.3 (Third Half Ironman)
    November: Ironman Arizona (First and probably only full distance Ironman)!

    Those are my goals in a large nutshell.

    Good luck on all of your MAJOR races. When you've finished, I'd be interested the pros and cons of Vineman vs IM Arizona. I'm thinking of doing my first IM next year. I was thinking about trying to get into IM AZ, but now I'm wondering if Vineman would be better. I did Barb's race (which is part of the Vineman series) in 2012. I can tell you that Vineman should be easier than St George. I haven't done St George, but I'm from Northern Utah and I've biked some of the coarse during winter get-a-ways to St George.
  • joelwilliamprice
    joelwilliamprice Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks! I'll report back as they happen and then in summary at the end of the year. That should make it a little more fun for me and this group hopefully :)