Counting calories

Why is so hard to stay at 1200 calories a day?
You eat 2 pieces of pizza from Papa Johns and you can kiss 1000 calories away in one meal.

I am switching from Sugar in the Raw to Stevia for my coffee cause I don't want to sacrifice the calories.

Other than egg whites, turkey sausage, and yogurt what are some other things you eat or snack on that are low in calories but not low in taste?


  • AndyRogan
    AndyRogan Posts: 195 Member
    Its easy to stick to 1200 calories, and often I find myself coming in under 1200 and that means a treat to use a few more.

    Over here in the UK, we have Fridge Raiders.
    Chicken bites, low in calories, high in protein.
  • We have frigerators here too in the US. Sorry couldn't resist. ;)
  • fluffychick73
    fluffychick73 Posts: 19 Member
    Some days it is extremely hard to stay under the 1200 calories, others it's easy. I think mine has a lot to do with my stress level. I am a major stress eater!

    I try to snack on a lot of fresh fruits. Apples, Clementines, grapes, pineapple, kiwi, bananas. I also like dill pickles or string cheese (just not together!) :) It's been a while, but I used to have a few Triscuits (the roasted garlic ones) with a wedge of Laughing Cow cheese.
  • We do have frigerators, Especially in the South!
  • Karriealex
    Karriealex Posts: 6 Member
    I just got quite the giggle. I was looking for free books for my Kindle. I get a lot of recipe books from this particular site. Well what do I come across. "Weight Loss with Okra the Miracle Food" Well that would work for me because I HATE okra and would probably starve to death if that is what I could eat. Wouldn't have to worry about counting calories either. LOL
  • fnash4
    fnash4 Posts: 8 Member
    The real trick is getting in a workout that gets you under 1200 calories. You can eat more than 1200, but you have to be willing to work them back off. Weights do little to burn calories unless you are doing low weight and high reps with little to no break between exorcises. The elliptical machine give you a good burn.
  • actually that is what I am doing now. I used to powerlift but now I am doing low weights with super sets. 20/15/10/5 till I am exhausted.
  • fluffychick73
    fluffychick73 Posts: 19 Member
    Everyone needs to be sure that they hit their 1200 (or whatever your calorie count may be) calories per day, before exercise! I found out the hard way several years ago that you do have a minimum that you have to have or your body starts holding on to everything and you gain weight.

    I was one of those who thought, if I eat under my calories I'll lose faster. That is so wrong!! If your don't get your minimum amount of calories per day, your body goes into starvation mode and will hang on to everything you put in it, thus you will gain weight!

    Hit your 1200 (or what ever) calories a day and then work them off with exercise! If you exercise more, you can eat more!!