Introduce yourself!

kinzieplatt Posts: 81 Member
Hi my names Kinzie and I'm an army wife to a very loving and handsome soldier! I'm 24 and living in Fort Riley, Kansas. I've lost 62lbs since I started working out and eating right. My ultimate goal is to look awesome in a bikini in 2014! Currently, my husband is my support network, but in his line of work, unfortunately he is often away and not around. I hope this group helps others have a constant support group when you military spouses are out saving the world! :)


  • Hi, Kinzie! I'm Jessica and also an Army wife, we're stationed at Fort Stewart in Georgia. My husband returned from a deployment recently and when I saw pictures of us together I realized how terrible I look and how desperately I want to change that! Today is my first day of my weightloss journey. I have a great, small group of friends who strength train almost daily so I plan on actively participating with them and doing my own workouts at home, and changing my eating habits! I'm excited to also have found this and maybe have some great support here as well! :)

    I am 27 and a stay-at-home mother to three (age 5, 3, and 17 months). I'm also a full-time student and will be graduating with my A.A. in Psychology in May and then transferring to the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs to complete my B.A. in Sociology.
  • kinzieplatt
    kinzieplatt Posts: 81 Member
    jessica those are some awesome goals!! You sound like you're off to an amazing start!! and I figured a military support group would be great since often times we're on our own! :)
  • Hi! I'm Amy, I'm an Air Force wife and we are currently in Columbus MS. I have 2 boys (ages almost 5 & 2). I FINALLY lost my baby weight, hopefully for good. I enjoy running (can't believe I'm saying that!). Hubby and I have finally put our health and fitness first, which is a great way to inspire our kids and his military "kids"! We just signed up to run the AF marathon in Sep (well, he's running the full marathon and I'm running the half). The downside is that we'll be training separately because he's deploying soon. It'll be our first deployment since having kids, so a new kind of struggle. I work full time now but will shift to SAHM when he leaves since the kiddos are so little.

    Thanks for creating this group!
  • coburngirl2
    coburngirl2 Posts: 87 Member
    Hi Kinzie. I'm an Army wife here at Fort Bragg, NC. I'm also a full-time working, thyroid cancer surviving 41 y/o :) I've finally been moving my body again steadily since December. I have utilized the Army Wellness Center which is great, and also one of our friends downrange is studying to be a physical trainer and using me as a guinea pig. My biggest focus right now is 45 lb weight loss by June 1 for my daughter's high school graduation.
  • kinzieplatt
    kinzieplatt Posts: 81 Member
    you guys are all so amazing!!! I really hope everyone has fun in this group and helps, supports, and motivates eachother! :)
  • Jenene88
    Jenene88 Posts: 281 Member
    Hello I'm an army wife. I'm 25 no kids and currently stationed at fort Polk, Louisiana. So far I have lost 13lbs and have 8lbs to go to get to my first goal than any other 5-10lbs after that depending on how I feel about the way I look. I carb cycle Whig seems to be the only that has worked for me. I workout 5 days a week, weight lifting 3 days a week along with an work, cardio every day and yoga twice a week. Right now I'm 143 and my goal is to be 135 but my mail goal is to get to 125lb to 130lbs. I want to be lean so if I don't see the 120s I'll be happy knowing that I have mostly muscle. I use to hate running and now I love it. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like
  • MallieRose91
    MallieRose91 Posts: 159 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Mallie! Feel free to add me! I am an army spouse. I am 22 years old, married to my high school sweetheart (this year will be 4 years), and we have a 3 and a half year old son. This makes 4 years my husband has been in and we are stationed at Fort Drum, NY. Love it here, minus the winters. I have so far lost 55 pounds! I started my journey August 28th, 2013. I am determined to get to my goal and this is my new life. I will never be going back. I am a stay-at-home mom and also a college student. I do online since I am the main care giver if our son as my husband is almost always gone or working. I am in my second year and am enjoying this break. Lol any questions or anything you want to know just ask! :)
  • kinzieplatt
    kinzieplatt Posts: 81 Member
    welcome Mallie <3
  • MallieRose91
    MallieRose91 Posts: 159 Member
    welcome Mallie <3

    Thank you for having me!
  • FindMyInnerAthlete
    FindMyInnerAthlete Posts: 61 Member
    Hey yawl! I'm Amber. I'm an Army spouse and I'm a soldier as well. We are stationed at Fort Campbell. He's active duty and I'm in the reserves. We have a blended family of six kids and a dog. I was doing amazing at my weight loss journey and then I went to a hard military school (at least it felt that way for me) and once I graduated I just let myself go. I was eating and eating and I completely stopped working out. Now I'm trying to get back on this horse of weight loss and get the ball rolling again. I work on post as a civilian along with being in the reserves. We have a busy life of kids and sports and I try to fit in a workout during the busy schedule along with eating right. It can be so hard to do but I'm trying. Feel free to add me and don't hesitate to ask anything. :)
  • kelseyjsnyder
    kelseyjsnyder Posts: 219 Member
    Hey everyone! Im Kelsey *everyone in unison Hi Kelsey* and im obese. Im 22 years old (23 in April) I Have been with my husband 5 years married 2. We have a 4 year old daughter. I work as a corrections officer in a maximum security correctional center (prison). My husband works in a minimum security correctional center and is Army National Guard. We have a cat a Pomeranian and a Dalmatian. I started at 222.5 pounds on 12/25/2013. My goal weight is 140 pounds. I have completely changed my diet (I feel so much better after just a week) and now exercise (I NEVER exercised before) on my (brand new) stationary bike 20+ minutes a day. I am also taking Plexus Slim +accelerator.
  • Lbetty11
    Lbetty11 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, Air Force wife here! My name is Lisa and I'm in Colorado. I started losing last year, but completely derailed during the holidays and gained 7 pounds back! I'm still down 22 though. I've used the logging part of MFP, but not the social part. I figured it's a great time to start! I am currently at 165. My next goal is 154, which would put me at a normal BMI. Looking forward to being a part of this group!
  • kinzieplatt
    kinzieplatt Posts: 81 Member
    Hello, Air Force wife here! My name is Lisa and I'm in Colorado. I started losing last year, but completely derailed during the holidays and gained 7 pounds back! I'm still down 22 though. I've used the logging part of MFP, but not the social part. I figured it's a great time to start! I am currently at 165. My next goal is 154, which would put me at a normal BMI. Looking forward to being a part of this group!

    Those are awesome goals Lisa!
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    Hello! My name is Lindsay and I'm a Navy wife. We are stationed at Naval Base San Diego right now and hubby is getting ready to fly out to meet his ship for deployment. This will be our 7th deployment together. I started losing weight on his last deployment, about 2 years ago now and lost close to 25 pounds. I kept the majority of that off but gained a few for the holidays and from a vacation. I'm getting back on track now and trying to lose the last 10 to 15 pounds and hope to reach that goal before he comes home. I am also planning on starting to train for a half marathon. Thanks for adding me to the group!
  • osteral
    osteral Posts: 41
    Hi everyone. I'm Amy. I'm and Army wife and we are stationed at Fort Riley Kansas. I'm 33 with 2 kids (and 4 fur kids). Since I went back to work the end of last year my weight has been steadily going up again. I would like to loose about 40 pounds and get my BMI back in "normal" range. I'm really struggling with finding an exercise plan I can stick with since I work random shifts at work all the time. And since my hubby is a junk food addict there is always junk in the house and my willpower is limited...
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    Hey All.
    I'm Charlise I'm almost 26 years old. I'm a Marine wife stationed in Great Lakes IL. My husband has been an Active Duty Marine for 9.5 years and signed on for another 4 years back in Oct. We have been together 6 years...and married 5. We have 1 gorgeous daughter who is 5. She is literally a beauty queen, she competes and wins natural pageants.

    Outside my "military wife" role- I have a A.A degree, a B.A degree in Health Care Admin. and a Grad. Certificate in Human Resources. I work full time as a Client Service Coordinator for a company in-home health care for seniors. I work in office and have a 24/7 oncall phone that I must answer.

    I was always on the "thicker" side but toned. I got pregnant, my husband deployed to Iraq while I was preggo- I gave birth with him on the phone, he came home asked me to marry him, I lost a lot of weight then BAM it all came back.

    Then I lost is all plus a ton... it was amazing. Then it slowly came back. I used to love working out but it wasn't working. I got really sick in June, no one knows what its from and its still happening now-- I've lost 28 lbs because I really cant eat more than 1000 calories a day without throwing up or getting sick. So I'm trying to get my health back on track...and soon.
    I'm not allowed some food such as dairy or sub sugars. But I'm a sucker for brownies with ice cream, cookies, and cheese (which has stopped lol)

    My husband is off and around mostly so I play supermom the best I can. :)
  • emegburg
    emegburg Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, my name is Elisebet, and I'm 30 (*sob*). I'm a Navy wife and former Army reservist (I'm in the IRR now, actually, if you know what that is). My son and I are in Virginia Beach, but my husband is in Pensacola for a few months. We're not sure where we're going next yet.

    I gained too much weight while pregnant, and it took a year for me to take it off and another 6 months after that before I really started to like my body again. At this point, I'd like to lose a few more inches off my waist and build more muscle tone. If I lose a few more pounds, that's cool...but I'm more concerned with swapping the flab with muscle. :)

    I'm also training for my first half-marathon in April, so if there are any runners in here, I'd love to hear from you!
  • emegburg
    emegburg Posts: 13 Member
    I'm training for a half too! This will be my first one, and it's in April. -Okay, clearly I don't know how to use these forums yet. This response was meant for Lindsay!
  • Hello all! I'm Kyleigh and I've been with my Marine for 6 years.

    I've always been on the "thicker" side, but happy with my weight and appearance. In 2011 I had my very first and very intense migraine. I was put on medication and gained 50 pounds. I have since transitioned from medication to supplements to nothing. I've since started using more natural remedies to ease any migraine pain.

    Even though I'm no longer taking medications, the weight is still there. Unfortunately, haha.

    I've struggled to lose the weight over the past few years because of poor eating habits. I worked in a very stressful environment, and I'm the type of person to eat when stressed. Not an excuse, just the story behind my weight..

    I have since gotten a different job, and I am much happier. Since then my hubs has re-enlisted and there have been a lot of changes. Ergo, stress eating.

    I'm working to change my habits and I'm hoping this site will help. I'm looking to drop the pounds to become a happier, healthier me.

    As far as working out, I don't hate it. We have a treadmill and rowing machine at home and I use them frequently. I have found that I tend to work harder if I'm around other people. I've tried zumba and regular aerobics, and they were fun, but I never felt like I was getting much out of it. If ya'll have any suggestions for working out or a goal to work towards, I would appreciate it!

    Many thanks!
  • SexY_ret1REE57
    SexY_ret1REE57 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi Kyleigh. Are your exercise equipment iFit compatible? My treadmill has an iFit wireless module that fits into my machine and I can pull up the exercise route on my tablet. This makes running much more interesting. When you enroll on the webpage, there is a community like this one that has a lot of encouraging fitness fanatics to help you stay motivated. I want to encourage you to stay active and find a hobby to engage in for those stressful situations to replace stress eating. You have made the first step in being the person you want to be...that is to recognize the issue, and start an erercise regime to bring you back to your satisfied self. Go for it, you are not alone.
  • ashleigh315
    ashleigh315 Posts: 87 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm Ashleigh and I'm a Navy wife. We're currently at NWS in Goose Creek, SC until my husband finishes the nuclear pipeline training. We are originally from Michigan, but I have to say I love this warmer weather! I was always very active in high school and college until I tore my ACL and MCL in my last year of college and had surgery to repair the damage. Instead of figuring out different ways to workout and continue to be healthy I gained weight and have had a hard time losing it ever since. I've lost 5 pounds now and hope to lose another 40!

    I've discovered I do much better at maintaining my fitness goals when in a group and since I'm so far from most of my friends and family I hope the My Fitness Pal community can help with that! :)
  • lorettabernhardt
    lorettabernhardt Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone, please add me! I need support! My name is Loretta. I am 28 years old. My husband is active duty Air Force and we are currently at Shaw AFB, SC. We have been married for 12 years and have 2 children (Jacob 9, Layla 6). I have never been so overweight in my life, not even during my pregnancies! I weigh 15lbs more today than I did with my heaviest pregnancy :( I have spent the last few years doing online school and recently began homeschooling my son. Staying at home full-time has been my excuse for being lazy. I feel mentally drained most days and very unmotivated to be active. My eating has also been less than stellar enjoying starbucks and fast food several times a week. I have recently went on a clean food plan limiting my take-out and starbucks to 1 time a week and eating mostly unprocessed whole foods. I have also recently joined the YMCA. I am hoping since they have a inside pool, and I love to swim this will be the fresh start to fitness that I have needed! I wish that my friends and family were more supportive of my lifestyle changes. I guess for now I am on my own, but maybe once they see this is not a temporary solution they will get on board....Anyways, I hope to hear from everyone! I would also love to help support and motivate everyone on this journey with me. Feel free to vent or share your successes with me! I am very happy to "meet" other military spouses on here :)