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Jan 2 P90X3

Post how it went here!


  • Butrovich
    Butrovich Posts: 410 Member
    My plan was simple, but ended up getting complicated, or at least that is what my OCD was screaming at me. Yesterday was supposed the be a 5-mile Tempo run, which means I run at a slow pace for one mile, then run at a much faster than normal pace for three miles, then at a slow pace for my cooldown mile. Today is supposed to be the Challenge and Ab Ripper X, and tomorrow is supposed to be CVX. However, there was fresh snow on the ground and I was worried more about traction than I was about temperatures, so I decided to do the Challenge and Ab Ripper X yesterday and the run today. Simple, right?

    I took my gym bag with me to work and went to the base gym to run on the treadmill. Holy cow, I forgot this was January 2nd, which means everyone and their brother was working hard at their New Year's Resolution! I had to wait to get on a treadmill, but it only took 10 minutes or so before I hopped on one. (That inconvenience will end by February, I am sure) I managed to run my warmup mile followed by 1 1/2 miles at my fast pace, but then the heat of the room hit me. I hate running in warm weather, and that includes warm rooms, so I literally wilted away. I finished 3 miles before I had to call it a run. I was not happy, but I couldn't force myself to do anything more.

    Once I got home I looked at my workout calendar on the fridge and saw tomorrow is CVX... what if.......

    I put my indoor workout shoes on and knocked out CVX using an 8-lbs medicine ball. Burned 575 calories and got my heart rate up into the 160s. This means I can take my cold weather gear and attempt my 5-mile run again tomorrow...outdoors. So all is not lost.

    On a side note, my FitBit came very close to estimating my 3-mile treadmill run precisely. I was impressed! So tonight I will sit and watch a little television while I use the foam roller on my hamstrings to prevent any muscle soreness before it can cripple me like a geriatric zombie.

    Keep pressing play!

  • azbutterfly1324
    azbutterfly1324 Posts: 74 Member
    Yoga for us today. It felt awesome but hubby is blaming his bad golf day on doing yoga beforehand :) I think if anything, it probably helped!!! I am already able to stretch further and feeling stronger in the (many) vinyasas! I'm NOT a traditional yoga fan, but I love p90x yoga.

    Taking a rest from running today because my feet are screaming at me. Not sure I will hit my 10k steps today though and I really want to....maybe a walk with the dogs will take care of it. I thought all my shopping today would surely do it, but I guess I didn't shop long enough!
  • HeatherZousel
    HeatherZousel Posts: 62 Member
    I had the Challenge. I was dreading this workout but it wasn't too bad. Towards the end of the workout I was at failure on pushups, the pull ups were a struggle throughout, but I expected that. The Warrior next...